Sunday, 22 August 2010


FLATLANDS - a book about the different dimensions and how the FIRST DIMENSION is potentially deadly....the occupants are like 'needles' which can you through upon an invisible point...


a spinning gold coin.... fell down flat.

TODDY's 'city of gold' - 2D world.

The demonic influences come from the SECOND DIMENSION.

The 'DEVIL' if it can be called that - comes from the FIRST DIMENSION.

The more you travel up the dimensions...the more you get away from this terrible energy.

What is 2D world?

PHOTOGRAPHY and fILM...the early photographers sensed that about the reproductionof let in 'bad energy' and termed it SATANISM...ISLAM and JUDAISM have always warned against 'graven images' and 'idols' in Holy Places...but will the Catholic Church listen?

I am not saying that having a camera or taking photos is demonic...far from it...but the effects of the reproduction of images within this world...can be very damaging indeed...better to experience the world live it fully.

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