Sunday 29 August 2010

In essence, MARK R, TODDY and AMADEUS had wanted a PINK RABBIT battery DURACELL put into the heat alarm...the position was a very high one at MI6...TOMLINSON had been 'god on a cloud' for example...I didn't buy one - I bought an equally good battery from MORRISONS but it only lasted a day or two...for a fraction of the cost i.e. £1.99 opposed to £3.99 from HUGHES electrical...

STARS21.COM was TOMLINSON's translation company
STORE21 was run by MARK R
ELECTRICAL COMPANY 21 as mentioned by PHELAN who were supposed to come and replace the entire HEAT ALARM but haven't contacted me at all...they were supposed to turn up according to PHELAN because they had been contracted to but didn't show their faces last week...the HEAT ALARM means the top ill/ very symbolic...

Anyway, that is why I turned the SMOKE ALARM into P2 alarm...and turned it on and off a few times for good measure...

Now that I am quite sure that those who should have been dealt with, have been dealt with...I shall get a PINK RABBIT battery to put in...just for a laugh. Let's see if it works now...

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