Tuesday 31 August 2010

IF I RAN THE ZOO: my father knew that it would all be all right...and since my childhood - he had shown me this book and told me that I would be the 'new' zookeeper...well, sort of...

The book title reads


...as in if THE CITY OF BAM ran the human zoo....but it got blown up - end of story.

palooski - putin
seersucker - embuller
sleeping lion- prince william
bad animal/bustard - mcdonald
iota - gill
mulligatawry - myself
deer - sonia
flustard - aunt collette and relations and so on...

Little Gerald = human zoo keeper of human zoo...MARK R astride the 10 footed lion = IO BULL CULT of binary programming.


a LONDON ZOO warning...as in the book...MARK R had planned on letting all of the wild and dangerous animals out of the zoo...you have been warned.

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