Tuesday 31 August 2010

The TOP ILL chose to signify themselves as LEMONS...sliced lemons in a jar to be exact...SAINSBURYS programming objects that I found the other day...including WINE BOTTLE equipment such as bottle stops...all linked to my brother's joke about GILL:

"Are you sure that you want to marry him? He opened so many wine bottles that he got HERPES (her peas)"

ILL CULT abortionists/rapists...even ROZ used to rape girl children with a dildo...

....ORANGE DIA told me today that ROZ had turned into a mad bull - like TOMLINSON and they had to take her out in the end...the BULL CULT...IO BULL cult...enraged and insane child alters...ROZ tried to blackmail gill for money - she had spent everything...ROZ, RIMINGTON and GILL had had to sell their mansion...and ROZ made him split MARTINE's money three ways...then she spent the lot...

ROZ and TOMLINSON had been passing off my saving of the 'gold children' as their own good deeds whilst recruiting for the islamic nwo e.g. my sister, AMANDA PRICE, ZOEY BALL...and ensuring that they were able to have children...THE PRINCE OF MONACO was in fact the saviour of those who needed operations to repair their damaged wombs/internal organs...and I supplied him names...to help turn this whole horror around...

Those evil politicians who make the sign of the bull - they mean the brute force of enraged and insane child alters...the PRINCES used to pretend to be MATADORS whilst stabbing these people as 'bulls'...IO BULL CULT...the 'mad bulls' are to be pitied...they had no chance at all...pure evil...you can admire their strength but that is all...

TOMLINSON tried to pass off my good work...my remote-viewing abilities...my contacts...as his own...in his FATI/PUPPYDOG alter...when he found that he could no longer do so...he tried to murder me and yesterday I remembered another time:

I visited the public toilets (see the various tile designs left by the ill) on the promenade by the sea and to the left of the pier...TOMLINSON tried to throttle me in the ladies' loos saying that I would never survive this game and that it would be a kindness - ROZ was backing him up...GILL tried to stop him...GILL nearly died - he survived in hospital...that was when I finally hardened against the pair of them...

GREEN TOWER was a hellhole of weak, evil personalities...the 'angels' were the ALLO ALLO TEAM - my FRENCH connection...also the MOSSAD for their technology and BI where they could be trusted which wasn't often...

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