Sunday, 1 August 2010

Last night I saw a ‘stage-show’ of something that had happened in the bottom far left flat of TRAVELODGE.

TOMLINSON, GILL and LISA were there…maybe MCDONALD was too…I have a feeling that he was but not for long…

I had been heavily drugged and I could hardly move around…I had been told to sit down and not to say a word…I had been threatened by TOMLINSON upon pain of death, to do so.

LISA was in charge of me - telling me what to do…I watched her walk to the mirror and spend some time preening herself, in front of a window - it was night-time and the net curtain didn’t protect her ID from those watching from BELLE COURT…to my other side- TOMLINLSON was packing things into an overnight bag - drugs and a gun, as far as I am aware. GILL went for a shower…so did somebody else…I think that it was MCDONALD - those in BELLE COURT could see them as they passed by LISA and into the bathroom.

TOMLINSON came to the doorway to tell them to hurry up - they had to leave fast. He then noticed that they were all visible to those is BELLE COURT…the net curtain was no protection. He then went into the next room with the darkened window…opened it a fraction…and as far as I know - took a potshot at a figure in THIS flat - flat 2 BELLE COURT - he hit somebody…I am not sure who but possibly the police.

In my drugged out state - I still had ‘all channels going’…and I could ‘see’ every element, in the situation. It seems that the more dangerous the situation - the more I could ‘see’ everything - be in every room…watch what was going on.


The next thing that I remembered was SCARLETT…he and his people were walking with me and MARTINE…he was explaining that he was using us as ‘bait’ to catch whoever it was…we were walking down an empty deserted street in LONDON at the time…lined with parked cars…suddenly two men got out of a car - they walked towards us…I tranced out…literally meaning: I fell over backwards in a dead faint…into some dog’s poo I might add which I was very annoyed about afterwards…and I rapidly scanned the two approaching men and found them to be SOUL-TRAPPERS as in complete and utter dead-heads - BLACK SHELLS - so I then told them to shoot each other - which they did. SCARLETT then went to find out their ID…he knew them…they appeared to be ‘his men’…he was upset about it…

The odd thing about it was that all I could see of their faces - whilst OBEing was AFRICAN MASKS…yet underneath I read ‘ASHKENAZIM’ - so maybe this was the mob that TOMLINSON had contacted in CHINGFORD…the mafia boss who had African artefacts all over the shop…perhaps they were projecting AFRICAN MASKS or perhaps they were really wearing them…as far as I know - they were really wearing them…horrifying upon a dimly lit street.

The odd thing about the above is that my ‘powers’ had improved somewhat - whilst OBEing - I found that I didn’t even need to go into one of the heads of the assassins…for that is what they were…I do not think that it was a kidnapping attempt…I ‘read’ SOUL-TRAPPING…a fate worse than death…anyway, I didn’t need to go into their heads (which I really didn‘t want to - because they were horrifying BLACK SHELLS)…I could just ‘occupy the area in and around their heads’ with one thought “shoot each other” and they did…like robots.


I am assuming that the TRAVELODGE horror - had been a successful kidnapping attempt by TOMLINSON - because I was being held prisoner there.


Whilst sitting on a chair with MARTINE…we had been in MRS BROOKS’ living room…and so we would have been about 8/9 years old…even though we had been put into TODDLER alters. TODDY used to give the children ICE-CREAM laced with LSD…as far as MARTINE was concerned…she was GILL’s youngest alter and she could eat sugary things because she was pre-acetone poisoning horror/trauma…

Anyway, once LSD drugged and upon the chair - it was like this - your ‘mind’ was a cosmos - like a MILKY WAY…and we were told to become one - so the two MILKY WAYS merged into one…we simply moved into each other’s space in the middle…and became ‘one mind’ which could focus - the feeling was of intense strength, peace and power…no wonder we both got addicted to that feeling…

I can now remember that TODDY and RIMINGTON used the BROOKS family home a lot for programming - whilst she and the children were out, during the day…I do not know why but her house was ideally suited to the pair of them.

MCDONALD based his ‘wooo…wooo’ RABBITS having eaten magic mushrooms and being hypnotised by the STOAT dancing YOUTUBE video…upon a programming session held at the BROOKS house for all the BROOKS brothers…as well as myself…we had all become hypnotised rabbits, in very young child alters.

I can also remember TODDY and RIMINGTON leaving MARTINE and I alone for the afternoon at the BROOKS house because they had to rush off somewhere else unexpectedly…MARTINE and I walked into the kitchen….I noticed the alcohol upon the table and told MARTINE ‘let’s have some’…he drank a bit of spirits and I drank a bit of wine…he then collapsed upon the floor and I immediately called an ambulance…we were both taken to hospital and we were both fine afterwards…he hadn’t drunk that much…and then MRS BROOKS got into a massive amount of trouble because the authorities wanted to press charges against her for CHILD-KIDNAPPING because nobody had any idea of why MARTIN and I had been in her house at the time - alone. My mother questioned me thoroughly - she told me that she believed MRS BROOKS wasn’t lying…that it was somebody else, who was responsible…but I had no idea…I couldn’t remember anything.


Yesterday - I noted a blue painted wooden chest of drawers in one of the CAGES in the basement…on the righthand side…I had never seen one like it before…and then suddenly I remembered…I had seen one - precisely the same one, before (but never seen another one like it in terms of colour/design - it looks modern, today but it isn‘t - at least 30 years old)…it had been MARTIN GILL’s in his bedroom in SOLIHULL. I then remembered RIMINGTON pointing it out…it is apparently full of his old things…like a magpie, she must have stored up all of his old things and throughout his life…like myself.

She had also taken a middle DRAWER out of it (taken it away) - and pointed that one out, as significant - so that he would never wake up and remember everything. She had also pulled out the top righthand drawer…to signify the release of his demonic left-brain alter, I suppose.

Anyway, I can now decode the above…the missing drawer was to deter MARTINE (the bottom drawer) from ever making contact with his ‘other self’…it was supposed to be an impossible chasm within his mind…so that he could never pull the two sides of his mind, back together again…you see, the drawers represent different levels of consciousness.


I can now remember more about what happened in NYC after MARTINE had had a chat with DAVID BOWIE who even called her ‘beautiful lady’ as she began to cry in front of him…about HENRY…and BOWIE then said that they would sort HENRY out for her…he knew that my child alter was called HENRY…so a posse of GREEN TOWER men came down to the CIA LAB to ‘get HENRY’…I ran over to ROZ’ side of the room…tranced out and slumped down the wall to put thoughts in their heads NOT to rape me etc etc…whilst ATTILA THE HUN kept them all at bay, until they had calmed down…MARTINE and I then ‘sat on our chair’ together…whilst ROZ quickly remote-viewed what had happened to us, in relation to the chair….why we had fallen out so badly etc etc.

The basic upshot of it was this: once I had got over the shock of ‘not being a little boy’ - I had then revised my basic belief structure to this one: GIRLS are in fact, better than BOYS…I am a GIRL and you are a BOY and I hate LITTLE BOYS…

Yes, nobody was going to get one over me and break my spirit by calling me a little girl. So I recovered quite quickly from this ‘gender divison’ and HENRY integrated into my mainframe personality…although it had damaging results…as I went through puberty, I figured that I was a ‘man in my head’ and dressing like a girl/woman made me feel like a ‘man in drag’…I didn’t mind it but I hated the bother…

MARTINE had a much harder time…she envied my new lifestyle…she had been cut off from MARTIN’s mainframe personality, for most of his life until he got to GREEN TOWER. She ‘watched’ everything from behind…seething…but still loving HENRY…as he loved her. She wanted that ‘oneness’ back…she wanted to sit on the chair with HENRY…he had represented her greatest protection in the East End…she wanted that power back…that connection with HENRY. HENRY used to cuddle her on the chair - to be invariably told to stop doing that, by TODDY.

GILL had a deeply buried subconscious alter who wanted to express her femininity…he ‘knew’ about her and sometimes let her out - at GREEN TOWER…but she was a big secret - apart from the other 3 MONKEYS…as MARTINE was to tell DAVID BOWIE…she told him about CLEOPATRA and GRETA…

Anyway, I can now remember another time in GILL’s flat in GREEN TOWER. It was night-time and MARTINE had asked for me to stay…I was scanning GILL upon the bed, the whole time…MARTINE, happy that I was going to stick around for the night - ‘went to sleep’ like a little child.

MARTIN - who was an entirely split-personality by this point - was still awake. He then told me that I should go back to ROZ’s - I told him that MARTINE wanted me to stay - she liked me around for protection…it is bizarre but I could ‘see’ her asleep - a young toddler - in his mind - what is more, he could ‘see’ her too.

MARTIN then told me that he hated me - he had always hated me. This was his teenage gay alter talking…he then told me that he wanted a gay relationship with his father and to make it up with his sister. He was trying to draw his ‘happy’ dysfunctional family back together again. I told him that he would have to find a man just like his father - he couldn’t have a gay relationship with his father. I told him that his sister hated him and that he would have to find a way to unravel and ‘unscrew’ her in terms of having screwed her up so much…it all looked a bit impossible to me…but one can now see why, what happened next…happened…as in the brother/sister relationship.

MARTIN then ran through everybody in his life, during his teenage years - he had hated everybody and without exception…he listed every person’s faults…after my own…he added that he had hated having that intense sexual attraction to me…he had hated everything about those years and he still did.

So that was the basic split in his personality - a very young ‘girl’ alter and a demonic ‘I hate everybody’ teenager alter…except his father and his sister - whom he wanted to pull back to himself, in order to form his ‘family’ around him, again.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that after MARTINE had told DAVID BOWIE so much…he then took her upstairs to his office…and upon a version of SKYPE…he had got MARTINE to talk to SCARLETT about it…I wonder if the appearance of MARTINE had surprised SCARLETT or had he known about her all along…I know that he had…because he knew about LISA’S BIRTHDAY PARTY…but maybe he had ‘forgotten’ - who knows?

Anyway, the upshot of the above was…that we all had to get to grips with our opposite gender child alter…so that became an intense project…

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