Tuesday, 3 August 2010

In point of fact, ALEX JONES talks about the concept of a STRAW MAN...and that is why ROZ wanted me to watch the above video...

This is what happened -we had both contacted Oxford bioethics professor Julian Savulescu about the whole issue of 'drugs in the water' with the idea of using positive drugs which we knew were not harmful to populations in order to get them to wake up faster to ill cult programming...the guy was very nervous...he didn't want to lose his job but agreed to do it.

MCDONALD got wind of what ROZ and I had done and turned the entire 'internet conspiracy theorist' networks upon JULIAN SAVULESCU in an attempt to shut him up - to terrorise him.

It is all about 'reverse psychology' you see - you stick your neck out - the very people that you are trying to support and save - turn around and attack you - you get furious and retract as fast as a tortoie into its shell...

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