Monday, 2 August 2010

I have been browsing this article upon PROFESSOR JULIAN SAVULESCU and something was making me 'sense' that the 'info wars' brigade who tend to talk about illuminati conspiracies...hadn't reported his words accurately...but I can find no OXFORD COLLEGE website which tells you what he actually said...

You see - if he is AGAINST FLUORIDE which he might be...but has realised that you could add a CIA DRUG to the water in order to make people wake up to their illuminati programming fast...'light up the brain' and let us use our full mental that wouldn't be a bad thing, would it?

I remember MCDONALD being behind this bit of news...and he told me that SAVULESCU was definitely a bad guy...and for fluoride in the water...but I need to check it out, all the same:

Oxford Professor Calls for Mass Drugging Population Through Water Supply
Monday, 02 August 2010 07:54

'In a 2008 paper titled, “Fluoride and the Future: Population Level Cognitive Enhancement,” Oxford bioethics professor Julian Savulescu claims that water fluoridation may be key to the “future of humanity.” He argues that “fluoridation may not merely be about tooth decay… [but] the drive to be better.”

Drugging the population’s water supply, Savulescu claims, is a form of “enhancement” that can pave the way to a future where mental abilities and other functions could be improved with drugs. Savulescu writes:'

Read more: Oxford Professor Calls for Mass Drugging Population Through Water Supply

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