Monday, 2 August 2010

How had I engineered the 'getting of NPOWER'?

It was quite simple really - I had 'watched' MARK R undetected.

I had seen how the ROTHSCHILDS had the backdoor keys to his mind - a certain frequency - and when they wanted to know an elaborate scam - in order to extort money out of people/customers - they would ask him to figure out how and he would come up with the most brilliant but evil 'ruses'.

I therefore figured - if I use the frequency and the codes - pose as a ROTHSCHILD - I can make him do the same.

He told me the answer to my future 'problem' with NPOWER (he was in a very young child alter) - he told me how to act in relation to NPOWER - the whole plot- pretend to read the wrong meter etc etc...

I then wiped his memory of the above after learning 'how to do it' in order to win the game.

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