More ill SPAM this morning:
Unread Mr koko kebe FROM MR KOKO KEBE. Mon, 30/8/10 4KB
Unread TOYOTA AWARD Your Email ID has been awarded £750,000.00 in the British Toyota Promo. send your Mon, 30/8/10 5KB
Unread Tina David Stevens Dearest, Mon, 30/8/10 14KB
Unread Mr Ousmane Diallo Urgent Assistance Mon, 30/8/10 6KB
Unread jean Mr.ahmed jean Mon, 30/8/10 7KB
Unread Yahoo-account-Service Yahoo!!! Account!!! Alert!!! Mon, 30/8/10 11KB
Unread Abu Joseph Hello!!! Sun, 29/8/10 21KB
Unread jean Mr.ahmed jeanjean Sun, 29/8/10 8KB
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
GILL took me to a fly-fishing club in NY.
I met a man there with a small stuffed bird sewn onto the shoulder of his jacket...this man was amnesiac and highly aggressive/violent...I kept quiet as he told me about how much he loved this bird etc...etc...all of this club were strange,violent men...MARK R had harmed them all...
This man was apparently the husband of the grandmother next door...he had offended MARK R and SCARLETT...MARK R had killed his favourite bird and then the pair of them had stuffed him into the back of a white van - never to be seen by the family again...they couldn't keep up with the house insurance...then RIMINGTON burnt their house down - which is why the family then ended up in BELLE COURT...
I contacted the PRINCE OF MONACO about them and he saved the husband...who is alive and well...
The grandmother was programmed to be a kleptomaniac (rather like the ROYALS/ARISTOCRACY) every time she hears a fire alarm/fire one hopes that she can break this programming now - no more 'panic stations'. Apparently the husband was high up in PHELAN at some point...SCOTTIE knew of him...ex-army.
I met a man there with a small stuffed bird sewn onto the shoulder of his jacket...this man was amnesiac and highly aggressive/violent...I kept quiet as he told me about how much he loved this bird etc...etc...all of this club were strange,violent men...MARK R had harmed them all...
This man was apparently the husband of the grandmother next door...he had offended MARK R and SCARLETT...MARK R had killed his favourite bird and then the pair of them had stuffed him into the back of a white van - never to be seen by the family again...they couldn't keep up with the house insurance...then RIMINGTON burnt their house down - which is why the family then ended up in BELLE COURT...
I contacted the PRINCE OF MONACO about them and he saved the husband...who is alive and well...
The grandmother was programmed to be a kleptomaniac (rather like the ROYALS/ARISTOCRACY) every time she hears a fire alarm/fire one hopes that she can break this programming now - no more 'panic stations'. Apparently the husband was high up in PHELAN at some point...SCOTTIE knew of him...ex-army.
BULL-FIGHTING...the worst of it...bull's testicles cut off after the fight...a symbol of victory (see notes on TOMLINSON)...they are a delicacy in some cultures...the corollary for women was 'breast surgery'...chopping the udders off the get the picture...if they were allowed breasts afterwards - the nipples had no feeling at all...
How to get out of CAR programming?
Look at a road map of the UK and imagine yourself to be a tank which can go anywhere...over pavements, through houses...down one-way streets...over private land...disregarding all road see this opens up the brainwave pathways again of 'deadened no go areas'...the ill cult used to use the HIGHWAY CODE as images to control CAR slaves...they would send an image to the direct the CAR body...
Look at a road map of the UK and imagine yourself to be a tank which can go anywhere...over pavements, through houses...down one-way streets...over private land...disregarding all road see this opens up the brainwave pathways again of 'deadened no go areas'...the ill cult used to use the HIGHWAY CODE as images to control CAR slaves...they would send an image to the direct the CAR body...
GILL had been programmed as a MAD HATTER just like a possible replacement for TODDY as JOHN DEE.
other notes:
The PRIORY at SAINT OSYTH 'O' SCYTHE "you were born there and you will die there" a grim reaper reference.
The PRIORY in TOTNES - halfhouse for schizophrenics - most of whom were on LITHIUM...why...because it stopped them 'flying' according to the tenants...remote-viewers who had been grounded...what relation is BATTERY FLUID LITHIUM to this drug?
TODDY told me to look at 'methane' from dead bodies underground...intermixing with methane/fart gas...yes, a lot of this has been about rotting corpses in ill cult underground bases...and the resultant biochemistry...
other notes:
The PRIORY at SAINT OSYTH 'O' SCYTHE "you were born there and you will die there" a grim reaper reference.
The PRIORY in TOTNES - halfhouse for schizophrenics - most of whom were on LITHIUM...why...because it stopped them 'flying' according to the tenants...remote-viewers who had been grounded...what relation is BATTERY FLUID LITHIUM to this drug?
TODDY told me to look at 'methane' from dead bodies underground...intermixing with methane/fart gas...yes, a lot of this has been about rotting corpses in ill cult underground bases...and the resultant biochemistry...
THE PELI, THE GIRAFFE AND ME...represented the 'regiment' for some reason...
i forgot to mention that a wired object rather like HANNIBAL's mask in prison had been left in those public toilets...TOMLNSON saw it as the 'mask of zorro' - his own heroic mask...not really...and also three small yellow balls...representitive of the TRINITY I the gutter of the men's toilets...
AMADEUS' tile was the blue/grey one in the women's toilets...along with the GREEN KEY tile arrangement...and TOMLINSONs '!'...
MCDONALD had his dog tile arrangement by the black bin in there...
i forgot to mention that a wired object rather like HANNIBAL's mask in prison had been left in those public toilets...TOMLNSON saw it as the 'mask of zorro' - his own heroic mask...not really...and also three small yellow balls...representitive of the TRINITY I the gutter of the men's toilets...
AMADEUS' tile was the blue/grey one in the women's toilets...along with the GREEN KEY tile arrangement...and TOMLINSONs '!'...
MCDONALD had his dog tile arrangement by the black bin in there...
THE HAPPY PRINCE book left out...lifeless light green statue under the gold...PRINCE WILLIAM...dead red/white/black bird who sang to him was supposed to be me...the broken heart...probably a reference to gill...who knows?
MARK R programmed himself in as KING OF THE MOUNTAINS OF THE MOON
CHOPPER BIKES...remember those? CHOP ER programming by satanic islamics.
i went back to LANGLEY JUNIORS/SENIORS the other day and realised how the whole system of education had become topsy turvy...on the other side of the mirror, AMANDA PRICE and my sister were great friends as 'gold children' true blondes of a certain family...PRICE was extremely intelligent - she also managed to remember just about everything...but she kept low...played dumb...the ill hated the beautiful and brainy...far too dangerous...they only trusted the plain and stupid...hence JOY RICH and SUE WALKER in 4U...IAN RICHARDSON in remedial class because he had refused to read and write but one of the highest IQs of the school...TODDY took the remedial class...RIMINGTON and him used to try to persuade these children to join the ill cult...because they represented such a threat...
i also remembered being back at MI6 and talking to R CIPOLLA about gill - how he had gone mad - the whole jooish ashkenazim/sephardim thing - higher knowledge...I then wrote a cached file in his mind (so he wouldn't have to memorise it) of a backdoor key to the whole program then triggered the catch of the door to open at an under the radar moment in the CIA LAB...he hacked in...
MARK R programmed himself in as KING OF THE MOUNTAINS OF THE MOON
CHOPPER BIKES...remember those? CHOP ER programming by satanic islamics.
i went back to LANGLEY JUNIORS/SENIORS the other day and realised how the whole system of education had become topsy turvy...on the other side of the mirror, AMANDA PRICE and my sister were great friends as 'gold children' true blondes of a certain family...PRICE was extremely intelligent - she also managed to remember just about everything...but she kept low...played dumb...the ill hated the beautiful and brainy...far too dangerous...they only trusted the plain and stupid...hence JOY RICH and SUE WALKER in 4U...IAN RICHARDSON in remedial class because he had refused to read and write but one of the highest IQs of the school...TODDY took the remedial class...RIMINGTON and him used to try to persuade these children to join the ill cult...because they represented such a threat...
i also remembered being back at MI6 and talking to R CIPOLLA about gill - how he had gone mad - the whole jooish ashkenazim/sephardim thing - higher knowledge...I then wrote a cached file in his mind (so he wouldn't have to memorise it) of a backdoor key to the whole program then triggered the catch of the door to open at an under the radar moment in the CIA LAB...he hacked in...
I was supposed to have my purse/wallet stolen at the ROARING DONKEY (DONG-KEY) and/or the OAKWOOD pub in CLACTON...but I avoided this stage in the ill cult game, the other day...I saw the KINGSWAY ROAD by PRESTON PUB...and the human dung/shit upon the RED/WHITE ROSES (environmental services needs to check that one out immediately - the smell is horrific - the work of RIMINGTON's slaves)...the basic idea was this:
Whilst elite TADCO families ruled from behind.
OAKWOOD will be the druid top ill - jooish SITH military.
mayor = gill
finn and friend = taschmanns
Basic gist of this programming book - they don't get paid to be DIDDYMEN programmers.
I also remembered telling COLLIE about TODDY's idea of 'exploding time in 2012':
TEMPUS FUGIT - time flies
Whilst elite TADCO families ruled from behind.
OAKWOOD will be the druid top ill - jooish SITH military.
mayor = gill
finn and friend = taschmanns
Basic gist of this programming book - they don't get paid to be DIDDYMEN programmers.
I also remembered telling COLLIE about TODDY's idea of 'exploding time in 2012':
TEMPUS FUGIT - time flies
The TOP ILL chose to signify themselves as LEMONS...sliced lemons in a jar to be exact...SAINSBURYS programming objects that I found the other day...including WINE BOTTLE equipment such as bottle stops...all linked to my brother's joke about GILL:
"Are you sure that you want to marry him? He opened so many wine bottles that he got HERPES (her peas)"
ILL CULT abortionists/rapists...even ROZ used to rape girl children with a dildo...
....ORANGE DIA told me today that ROZ had turned into a mad bull - like TOMLINSON and they had to take her out in the end...the BULL CULT...IO BULL cult...enraged and insane child alters...ROZ tried to blackmail gill for money - she had spent everything...ROZ, RIMINGTON and GILL had had to sell their mansion...and ROZ made him split MARTINE's money three ways...then she spent the lot...
ROZ and TOMLINSON had been passing off my saving of the 'gold children' as their own good deeds whilst recruiting for the islamic nwo e.g. my sister, AMANDA PRICE, ZOEY BALL...and ensuring that they were able to have children...THE PRINCE OF MONACO was in fact the saviour of those who needed operations to repair their damaged wombs/internal organs...and I supplied him help turn this whole horror around...
Those evil politicians who make the sign of the bull - they mean the brute force of enraged and insane child alters...the PRINCES used to pretend to be MATADORS whilst stabbing these people as 'bulls'...IO BULL CULT...the 'mad bulls' are to be pitied...they had no chance at all...pure can admire their strength but that is all...
TOMLINSON tried to pass off my good remote-viewing his his FATI/PUPPYDOG alter...when he found that he could no longer do so...he tried to murder me and yesterday I remembered another time:
I visited the public toilets (see the various tile designs left by the ill) on the promenade by the sea and to the left of the pier...TOMLINSON tried to throttle me in the ladies' loos saying that I would never survive this game and that it would be a kindness - ROZ was backing him up...GILL tried to stop him...GILL nearly died - he survived in hospital...that was when I finally hardened against the pair of them...
GREEN TOWER was a hellhole of weak, evil personalities...the 'angels' were the ALLO ALLO TEAM - my FRENCH connection...also the MOSSAD for their technology and BI where they could be trusted which wasn't often...
"Are you sure that you want to marry him? He opened so many wine bottles that he got HERPES (her peas)"
ILL CULT abortionists/rapists...even ROZ used to rape girl children with a dildo...
....ORANGE DIA told me today that ROZ had turned into a mad bull - like TOMLINSON and they had to take her out in the end...the BULL CULT...IO BULL cult...enraged and insane child alters...ROZ tried to blackmail gill for money - she had spent everything...ROZ, RIMINGTON and GILL had had to sell their mansion...and ROZ made him split MARTINE's money three ways...then she spent the lot...
ROZ and TOMLINSON had been passing off my saving of the 'gold children' as their own good deeds whilst recruiting for the islamic nwo e.g. my sister, AMANDA PRICE, ZOEY BALL...and ensuring that they were able to have children...THE PRINCE OF MONACO was in fact the saviour of those who needed operations to repair their damaged wombs/internal organs...and I supplied him help turn this whole horror around...
Those evil politicians who make the sign of the bull - they mean the brute force of enraged and insane child alters...the PRINCES used to pretend to be MATADORS whilst stabbing these people as 'bulls'...IO BULL CULT...the 'mad bulls' are to be pitied...they had no chance at all...pure can admire their strength but that is all...
TOMLINSON tried to pass off my good remote-viewing his his FATI/PUPPYDOG alter...when he found that he could no longer do so...he tried to murder me and yesterday I remembered another time:
I visited the public toilets (see the various tile designs left by the ill) on the promenade by the sea and to the left of the pier...TOMLINSON tried to throttle me in the ladies' loos saying that I would never survive this game and that it would be a kindness - ROZ was backing him up...GILL tried to stop him...GILL nearly died - he survived in hospital...that was when I finally hardened against the pair of them...
GREEN TOWER was a hellhole of weak, evil personalities...the 'angels' were the ALLO ALLO TEAM - my FRENCH connection...also the MOSSAD for their technology and BI where they could be trusted which wasn't often...
That 'PROJECTS 21' company is an ill one - a note to PHELAN...circa 2003...they were supposed to not do the work at BELLE COURT...check the contract carefully - they had written in a 6 month clause in which to do the work...only take them to court after the time period stated...
PHELAN came in today and fixed the fourth door...they said that PRJECTS 21 guy had been in...and they would get him to fix the alarm system.
ASAH - the name of a satanic islamic princess who had thought the whole lot up - this ill cult stage.
i labelled this 'alarm period' panic stations...MI6 were aware that they could be blown up by a lithium bomb explosion...the Army then took out a MARK R infestation beneath them with MOSSAD MI6 out of the woods yet?
What lies beneath LONDON and GREENWICH (above all places) has to be targetted and dealt with as quickly as possible...and MI6 have jurisdiction over the MOD (the elite are run by the ROYALS and so proved troublesome at first...)...
PHELAN came in today and fixed the fourth door...they said that PRJECTS 21 guy had been in...and they would get him to fix the alarm system.
ASAH - the name of a satanic islamic princess who had thought the whole lot up - this ill cult stage.
i labelled this 'alarm period' panic stations...MI6 were aware that they could be blown up by a lithium bomb explosion...the Army then took out a MARK R infestation beneath them with MOSSAD MI6 out of the woods yet?
What lies beneath LONDON and GREENWICH (above all places) has to be targetted and dealt with as quickly as possible...and MI6 have jurisdiction over the MOD (the elite are run by the ROYALS and so proved troublesome at first...)...
IF I RAN THE ZOO: my father knew that it would all be all right...and since my childhood - he had shown me this book and told me that I would be the 'new' zookeeper...well, sort of...
The book title reads
IF IRAN THE ZOO in if THE CITY OF BAM ran the human zoo....but it got blown up - end of story.
palooski - putin
seersucker - embuller
sleeping lion- prince william
bad animal/bustard - mcdonald
iota - gill
mulligatawry - myself
deer - sonia
flustard - aunt collette and relations and so on...
Little Gerald = human zoo keeper of human zoo...MARK R astride the 10 footed lion = IO BULL CULT of binary programming.
a LONDON ZOO in the book...MARK R had planned on letting all of the wild and dangerous animals out of the have been warned.
The book title reads
IF IRAN THE ZOO in if THE CITY OF BAM ran the human zoo....but it got blown up - end of story.
palooski - putin
seersucker - embuller
sleeping lion- prince william
bad animal/bustard - mcdonald
iota - gill
mulligatawry - myself
deer - sonia
flustard - aunt collette and relations and so on...
Little Gerald = human zoo keeper of human zoo...MARK R astride the 10 footed lion = IO BULL CULT of binary programming.
a LONDON ZOO in the book...MARK R had planned on letting all of the wild and dangerous animals out of the have been warned.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
A 3 MONKEYS collection of dubious characters...I know that HULBRUSCH took the EMILY HYDE photo and not for 'good' reasons...
A 3 MONKEYS collection of dubious characters...I know that HULBRUSCH took the EMILY HYDE photo and not for 'good' reasons...
Look at the ill SPAM I received this morning - all 16 emails:
Unread favienne kone Attachments Dearest Beloved One, 14:25 24KB
Unread Dr Ibrahim Shorowa ASSALAMU’ALAYKUM!!!!! 13:40 31KB
Unread TOYOTA Your Email ID has been awarded £750,000.00 in the British Toyota Promo. send your 1:31 5KB
Unread Diya Musa BUSSINESS PROPOSAL. Sun, 29/8/10 47KB
Unread Abu Joseph Hello!! Sat, 28/8/10 18KB
Unread mr.davi Confidential Respond, Sat, 28/8/10 5KB
Unread Paul We are pleased to inform you that you have been Awarded the sum of 750,000.00 GBP in the Toyota 2010 Program, PROVIDE INFO Sat, 28/8/10 5KB
Unread Konkobo I NEED YOUR HELP WITH TRUST, Sat, 28/8/10 12KB
Unread Konkobo I NEED YOUR HELP WITH TRUST, Sat, 28/8/10 15KB
Unread Mrs.Elizabeth James "Congratulations Winner" Sat, 28/8/10 4KB
Unread Godfery Milner Hello My Good Friend Sat, 28/8/10 5KB
Unread Anita Kipkalya I am well pleased to know you! Sat, 28/8/10 13KB
Unread Grace Ace Enquiry: Ref.: (CAP/FI/EU/346/08) Sat, 28/8/10 12KB
Unread Mr Mahmuod Sahidi READ AND GET BACK TO ME. Sat, 28/8/10 13KB
Unread NHS Jobs Vacancy Service NHS Jobs Jobs-by-Email Alert Sat, 28/8/10 12KB
Unread favienne kone Attachments Dearest Beloved One, 14:25 24KB
Unread Dr Ibrahim Shorowa ASSALAMU’ALAYKUM!!!!! 13:40 31KB
Unread TOYOTA Your Email ID has been awarded £750,000.00 in the British Toyota Promo. send your 1:31 5KB
Unread Diya Musa BUSSINESS PROPOSAL. Sun, 29/8/10 47KB
Unread Abu Joseph Hello!! Sat, 28/8/10 18KB
Unread mr.davi Confidential Respond, Sat, 28/8/10 5KB
Unread Paul We are pleased to inform you that you have been Awarded the sum of 750,000.00 GBP in the Toyota 2010 Program, PROVIDE INFO Sat, 28/8/10 5KB
Unread Konkobo I NEED YOUR HELP WITH TRUST, Sat, 28/8/10 12KB
Unread Konkobo I NEED YOUR HELP WITH TRUST, Sat, 28/8/10 15KB
Unread Mrs.Elizabeth James "Congratulations Winner" Sat, 28/8/10 4KB
Unread Godfery Milner Hello My Good Friend Sat, 28/8/10 5KB
Unread Anita Kipkalya I am well pleased to know you! Sat, 28/8/10 13KB
Unread Grace Ace Enquiry: Ref.: (CAP/FI/EU/346/08) Sat, 28/8/10 12KB
Unread Mr Mahmuod Sahidi READ AND GET BACK TO ME. Sat, 28/8/10 13KB
Unread NHS Jobs Vacancy Service NHS Jobs Jobs-by-Email Alert Sat, 28/8/10 12KB
Some books I flicked through this morning:
"Time to write another BATEMAN novel" MARK R would say to GILL and I...we could do it so most a few days...normally about 3...they were all about our dysfunctional relationship...we put our heads together...and funnily enough we didn't gender divide the writing...I wrote his role in as much as he wrote mine...
I wrote the beginning...I remember it idea who else might have been in on this one but I cannot be bothered to read the whole thing...
Again - I had some input into this one and so did one helluva lot of people at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...too various to mention, really...
"Time to write another BATEMAN novel" MARK R would say to GILL and I...we could do it so most a few days...normally about 3...they were all about our dysfunctional relationship...we put our heads together...and funnily enough we didn't gender divide the writing...I wrote his role in as much as he wrote mine...
I wrote the beginning...I remember it idea who else might have been in on this one but I cannot be bothered to read the whole thing...
Again - I had some input into this one and so did one helluva lot of people at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...too various to mention, really...
In essence, MARK R, TODDY and AMADEUS had wanted a PINK RABBIT battery DURACELL put into the heat alarm...the position was a very high one at MI6...TOMLINSON had been 'god on a cloud' for example...I didn't buy one - I bought an equally good battery from MORRISONS but it only lasted a day or two...for a fraction of the cost i.e. £1.99 opposed to £3.99 from HUGHES electrical...
STARS21.COM was TOMLINSON's translation company
STORE21 was run by MARK R
ELECTRICAL COMPANY 21 as mentioned by PHELAN who were supposed to come and replace the entire HEAT ALARM but haven't contacted me at all...they were supposed to turn up according to PHELAN because they had been contracted to but didn't show their faces last week...the HEAT ALARM means the top ill/ very symbolic...
Anyway, that is why I turned the SMOKE ALARM into P2 alarm...and turned it on and off a few times for good measure...
Now that I am quite sure that those who should have been dealt with, have been dealt with...I shall get a PINK RABBIT battery to put in...just for a laugh. Let's see if it works now...
STARS21.COM was TOMLINSON's translation company
STORE21 was run by MARK R
ELECTRICAL COMPANY 21 as mentioned by PHELAN who were supposed to come and replace the entire HEAT ALARM but haven't contacted me at all...they were supposed to turn up according to PHELAN because they had been contracted to but didn't show their faces last week...the HEAT ALARM means the top ill/ very symbolic...
Anyway, that is why I turned the SMOKE ALARM into P2 alarm...and turned it on and off a few times for good measure...
Now that I am quite sure that those who should have been dealt with, have been dealt with...I shall get a PINK RABBIT battery to put in...just for a laugh. Let's see if it works now...
TARZAN O GRAM - TOMLINSON's programming after the TEMPLAR CASTLE...both ROZ and GILL privately believed that he was in love with them...he wasn't...MARTI got luckier than ROZ...he got a bunch of cheap flowers shoved at him/her...a violent kiss and then a handjob as if he were pressing the button of a gearstick roughly...and then TOMLINSON would leave without looking at him...ROZ didn't even get the flowers...they were low down on this program...ROWLING got the expensive meal at the restaurant and flowers...TOMLINSON was PRINCE PHILIP's PC and commanded to keep a large slave base 'sweet' with varying degrees of 'romantic behaviour'. In truth, TOMLINSON wasn't capable of loving anybody...too far gone...only RIMINGTON when she was 'maternal' as in buying him socks and shoes...supplying him with heroin...and projecting anybody that he wanted to have sex with during sexual intercourse, yes he was that damaged by the ill cult.
On Saturday, I did another 7 swims - this takes me up to 66 swims of the season...out of the computer 64 bit category and OZ 'when I'm 64' is all symbolic...I won the battle many years ago now but this is all being replayed for an 'audience' of sorts...
Last night symbolised the end of P2 as run by MARK R and AMADEUS...the SMOKE ALARM and HEAT ALARM went off again...they went off as in 'failed battery' even though PHELAN put a new one in a couple of days ago...every time I walked under them...a 3 MONKEY joke about how I was the SMOKE MONSTER that they were detecting...I replied by taking the SMOKE ALARM label off the fusebox but leaving the P2 " sign and then turning it OFF...every bleep that sounded after that one was another of their cult laugh on them.
i had developed my own maths, codes and computer encoding...something that even the MOSSAD hadn't been able to break...on top of that, TOMLINSON had made a copy of the entire ill cult program and left it 'for safety' cached in my brain...I had then memory dumped him and changed the MASTER taking candy off a baby.
CAN-DEE is MARTINE's programming - canned by DEE.
There was a small earth tremor last woke me up and I 'knew' what had happened but I will not write about it as yet...
On top of that I remembered the advise from the ALLO ALLO team after studying ill cult and NATURAL meridians of the body...they told me to program in heart attacks for every ill cult slave who continued to think wicked thoughts (not 'naughty ones' but evil ones)...I did so...CAROLINE and JACQUI CARROLL explained that even though I had had to work as a team with ROZ and GILL...they were worthless, weak characters in many ways and that the above would help them...they both suffered horribly as a result...of thinking up new ways to harm me and others...the rewritten program was a way of reprogramming these PAVLOVIAN DOGS...if they couldn't be retrained...their hearts gave out in the end...SCARLETT had to have a triple bypass...which tells you something...
Last night symbolised the end of P2 as run by MARK R and AMADEUS...the SMOKE ALARM and HEAT ALARM went off again...they went off as in 'failed battery' even though PHELAN put a new one in a couple of days ago...every time I walked under them...a 3 MONKEY joke about how I was the SMOKE MONSTER that they were detecting...I replied by taking the SMOKE ALARM label off the fusebox but leaving the P2 " sign and then turning it OFF...every bleep that sounded after that one was another of their cult laugh on them.
i had developed my own maths, codes and computer encoding...something that even the MOSSAD hadn't been able to break...on top of that, TOMLINSON had made a copy of the entire ill cult program and left it 'for safety' cached in my brain...I had then memory dumped him and changed the MASTER taking candy off a baby.
CAN-DEE is MARTINE's programming - canned by DEE.
There was a small earth tremor last woke me up and I 'knew' what had happened but I will not write about it as yet...
On top of that I remembered the advise from the ALLO ALLO team after studying ill cult and NATURAL meridians of the body...they told me to program in heart attacks for every ill cult slave who continued to think wicked thoughts (not 'naughty ones' but evil ones)...I did so...CAROLINE and JACQUI CARROLL explained that even though I had had to work as a team with ROZ and GILL...they were worthless, weak characters in many ways and that the above would help them...they both suffered horribly as a result...of thinking up new ways to harm me and others...the rewritten program was a way of reprogramming these PAVLOVIAN DOGS...if they couldn't be retrained...their hearts gave out in the end...SCARLETT had to have a triple bypass...which tells you something...
Today has been a laugh...all deja vu in the library...I got onto MARK R's computer which tried to book him on or his stand-in after I had booked it...but somehow I 'knew' that guy was never going to turn up again and so I was then allowed to rebook it...ha, ha.
Secondly the books were all out for a new 'takeover' of the ill cult ZOO as planned by MARK R:
Two books dropped behind the 1980 course's children's programming book section in young the right and bottom row at the end by the window...these books are selected in a row for no other purpose than for being used for a specific group of mind control slaves...the REGIMENT for example. Here are the two books:
On the display stands of that general section I also saw 'the lion, pelly and me' as well as THE HAPPY PRINCE (used on PRINCE WILLIAM)...
Secondly the books were all out for a new 'takeover' of the ill cult ZOO as planned by MARK R:
Two books dropped behind the 1980 course's children's programming book section in young the right and bottom row at the end by the window...these books are selected in a row for no other purpose than for being used for a specific group of mind control slaves...the REGIMENT for example. Here are the two books:
On the display stands of that general section I also saw 'the lion, pelly and me' as well as THE HAPPY PRINCE (used on PRINCE WILLIAM)...
Saturday, 28 August 2010
fig vi was by DENISE HOYLE...bluprint/blubeam/chromakey (now changed to light green for MARK R)...the BLUE BRAIN which cannot access the 4th dimension...and break through the illusions of the matrix...hopefully this will only be temporary until they have all been 'dealt with' and are only a distant memory...
PINIONS - wings/Royal demons
ONIONS...the ONIONS of long wave radio circa 1980...the ONIONS of ISLAMIC TOWERS...and of RUSSIA...the ill cult were primarily based in RUSSIA and ISLAMIC countries...
GILL couldn't use MW on his people-controller 'witch's broom' for a reason...the ill didn't want MW in operation in the UK...just shortwave and nobody would pick up what they were doing...getting MW at MANCHESTER was a real breakthrough...
ONIONS...the ONIONS of long wave radio circa 1980...the ONIONS of ISLAMIC TOWERS...and of RUSSIA...the ill cult were primarily based in RUSSIA and ISLAMIC countries...
GILL couldn't use MW on his people-controller 'witch's broom' for a reason...the ill didn't want MW in operation in the UK...just shortwave and nobody would pick up what they were doing...getting MW at MANCHESTER was a real breakthrough...
p349 BINARY and TRINARY programming:
ROZ suggested 'use -1'
You cannot take a square root of minus 1 and so no ROUTE into creating a SQUARE-EYES ROBOT (see FOUCAULT notes at WARWICK - linguists often cannot understand the concept of -1 at all)...we then rewrote the binary maze of the matrix to enable us to use -1 and finish what we had started so to over-ride any MARK R/frequency desk orders...
ROZ suggested 'use -1'
You cannot take a square root of minus 1 and so no ROUTE into creating a SQUARE-EYES ROBOT (see FOUCAULT notes at WARWICK - linguists often cannot understand the concept of -1 at all)...we then rewrote the binary maze of the matrix to enable us to use -1 and finish what we had started so to over-ride any MARK R/frequency desk orders...
p345 it was very hard for us to find somebody who hadn't been tampered with by the ill cult...but eventually a Chinese man was found who could be used as a subject to show NATURAL body meridians and as MR ICKE puts it: a natural 'motherboard' of the human body.
Note the PIECE OF TOAST shape in the head...that was the PINK shape that the ill had daubed upon my cage wall...which I then painted over...anyway, in 1980 we were all termed TOAST...and I can now see why...
Note the PIECE OF TOAST shape in the head...that was the PINK shape that the ill had daubed upon my cage wall...which I then painted over...anyway, in 1980 we were all termed TOAST...and I can now see why...
xviii illustration - was done by TOMLINSON...his brain was the hub root of the microchipped slave system. xix illustrations were by GILL as his slave.
TOMLINSON was PRINCE PHILIPs personal computer - he used this hub root to control the ill cult database slaves.
DALDRY and CO then changed that to PRINCE WILLIAM being the 'hub root' and they are now using him as their PC.
SAMCAM has been given two years to live - as DEBBIE GILLAM once was...and then it is INTERSECTION dates or times...CAMERON had access to this print-out room and was horrified to learn quite a few things 'set in stone' in the future...and last night...many NPOWER plants were blown Russia as far as I could see...the whole company will now go down...unless you change your mind of course, was CAMERON's own company, you see...given to him by his ASTOR/STAR ill cult 'mannish' wife...
TOMLINSON was PRINCE PHILIPs personal computer - he used this hub root to control the ill cult database slaves.
DALDRY and CO then changed that to PRINCE WILLIAM being the 'hub root' and they are now using him as their PC.
SAMCAM has been given two years to live - as DEBBIE GILLAM once was...and then it is INTERSECTION dates or times...CAMERON had access to this print-out room and was horrified to learn quite a few things 'set in stone' in the future...and last night...many NPOWER plants were blown Russia as far as I could see...the whole company will now go down...unless you change your mind of course, was CAMERON's own company, you see...given to him by his ASTOR/STAR ill cult 'mannish' wife...
The new 10 pin bowling arena that is being constructed to the left of the pier:
PRINCE WILLIAM had hoped that the whole of CLACTON would be so under mind control by this point that he could stage ill cult rite sacrifices in this arena at night and that selected onlookers could view through the 'spy holes' in the boards surrounding it.
Not going to happen.
I can use the above to explain a different metaphor...relating to souls...when MARTINE looked through my was as a soul shifting her position as a point of light in a shattered cosmos of a mind behind the boards - looking at 3D reality through those spyholes in the boards...(a human soul is normally just 'one big light' and not a shattered cosmos of pin pricks of light - those are different 'alters') view through another person's eyes...that is how it works...she then shifted back to view through MARTIN's eyes.
PRINCE WILLIAM had hoped that the whole of CLACTON would be so under mind control by this point that he could stage ill cult rite sacrifices in this arena at night and that selected onlookers could view through the 'spy holes' in the boards surrounding it.
Not going to happen.
I can use the above to explain a different metaphor...relating to souls...when MARTINE looked through my was as a soul shifting her position as a point of light in a shattered cosmos of a mind behind the boards - looking at 3D reality through those spyholes in the boards...(a human soul is normally just 'one big light' and not a shattered cosmos of pin pricks of light - those are different 'alters') view through another person's eyes...that is how it works...she then shifted back to view through MARTIN's eyes.
p342-3 you can see the DNA snakes intertwined and the CADUCEUS symbol.
Put simply - MARTINE and HENRY had been divorced from the other half of their pituitary gland...MARTIN AND HENRY were then stuck together - twinned as 'one gland/brain' MARTINE went back to MARTIN this morning...a strange experience...and HENRY had always been with no problems there.
COLLIE was right...if you had been given the choice early on...MARTINE and HENRY/EMILY and GILL might have hated each it is after the end of the is pointless to think that there is anything but a 'shared history' 'ties' in the present.
Put simply - MARTINE and HENRY had been divorced from the other half of their pituitary gland...MARTIN AND HENRY were then stuck together - twinned as 'one gland/brain' MARTINE went back to MARTIN this morning...a strange experience...and HENRY had always been with no problems there.
COLLIE was right...if you had been given the choice early on...MARTINE and HENRY/EMILY and GILL might have hated each it is after the end of the is pointless to think that there is anything but a 'shared history' 'ties' in the present.
How about replacing the SPIKE with a WHITE SATELLITE DISH?
it would symbolise FULL MOON and total memory the ill cult slaves around...despite provoking a few raised eyebrows...okay I jest but something needs to be done...
You have the WITCH'S HAT steeple - that was what RIMINGTON called it...this symbolises electronic equipment and activity...that sort of thing...
it would symbolise FULL MOON and total memory the ill cult slaves around...despite provoking a few raised eyebrows...okay I jest but something needs to be done...
You have the WITCH'S HAT steeple - that was what RIMINGTON called it...this symbolises electronic equipment and activity...that sort of thing...
David Icke's new book:
p434 - I got the two glands confused but I can now see that it was the PINEAL GLAND that got halved and not the one in between the eyes, according to ICKE which is the PITUITARY GLAND - apparently at the base of the brain - which is at the front of your deliberately confusing is that one?
Anyway, take a look at the church opposite to MAGNET HOUSE.
Firstly RIMINGTON and ROZ tied me up to an iron electricity conductor/aerial there - which comes out of the top of the spire...a policeman told me that it was an aerial but I think not...they tied me up there during a thunder storm with my forehead to the that it would electrocute me...
The rod is apparent at the top of the steeple as a SPIKE with a downward V upon it.
This symbolises the cutting in two of the PINEAL GLAND.
The ORANGE symbol upon the BODY of the church symbolises the PITUITARY GLAND.
The MAUVE drainage piping symbolises ZYGOTE SLAVERY for both sexes and DRAINING you of everything you've got.
p434 - I got the two glands confused but I can now see that it was the PINEAL GLAND that got halved and not the one in between the eyes, according to ICKE which is the PITUITARY GLAND - apparently at the base of the brain - which is at the front of your deliberately confusing is that one?
Anyway, take a look at the church opposite to MAGNET HOUSE.
Firstly RIMINGTON and ROZ tied me up to an iron electricity conductor/aerial there - which comes out of the top of the spire...a policeman told me that it was an aerial but I think not...they tied me up there during a thunder storm with my forehead to the that it would electrocute me...
The rod is apparent at the top of the steeple as a SPIKE with a downward V upon it.
This symbolises the cutting in two of the PINEAL GLAND.
The ORANGE symbol upon the BODY of the church symbolises the PITUITARY GLAND.
The MAUVE drainage piping symbolises ZYGOTE SLAVERY for both sexes and DRAINING you of everything you've got.
A new blog of note which ends in 'money that's all I want'...apparently RIMINGTON had decided that once I had got the money for GILL...that the rest of them would ditch me to my fate...they all agreed...she told them that she would shield them from me ever finding out...
So I now ceremoniously ditch the lot of them - gill, roz, rimington and tomlinson (although he is already dead).
Miliband was the only one who really came through for me...found out everything that I needed to know and aided me doing true 'partner' in this whole horror. The only one bright enough and quick enough to get things done 'properly' (real Chinese genes?)...we had agreed to 'fall out badly' earlier on, in order to create a smokescreen - apologies.
A new blog of note which ends in 'money that's all I want'...apparently RIMINGTON had decided that once I had got the money for GILL...that the rest of them would ditch me to my fate...they all agreed...she told them that she would shield them from me ever finding out...
So I now ceremoniously ditch the lot of them - gill, roz, rimington and tomlinson (although he is already dead).
Miliband was the only one who really came through for me...found out everything that I needed to know and aided me doing true 'partner' in this whole horror. The only one bright enough and quick enough to get things done 'properly' (real Chinese genes?)...we had agreed to 'fall out badly' earlier on, in order to create a smokescreen - apologies.
Yesterday was a nightmare - PC GREEN was supposed to arrest me again - this is why:
SONIA told me to buy clothes at store 21.
It was a set-up.
I went in there...found an old TEE-SHIRT (light green and white striped) that MARK R had placed there as an option in the game - if I bought it - then I could go to the third cubicle and pick up his symbolic money - a 20p and a 5p...he had also got a slave to leave his LIGHT GREEN rafia symbol of a fish in there...
If I chose the GREY trousers to try on...then I had to take the second cubicle...where somebody had affixed an ELECTRONIC TAG to the wall...I was to touch it...and then get arrested because my finger prints were on it (the tag related to some shop item)...GREEN would call round...i would get annoyed and say that the shop had a CCTV sign and that we should look at that...he would say that they didn't...the sign was just a deterrent and that he would arrest me upon the fingerprints upon it...
So yesterday - I touched it...remembered and then wiped my finger print off it and then left the shop.
I then remembered that this cubicle signified MARTIN GILL and the police electronically tagging track him throughout this period of time...but yesterday, his probation period had expired and that they would untag him. I kicked the 'metal chip' out of the cubicle.
Anyway, the first cubicle was about HULBRUSCH it had a black price tag with SIZE 10 upon it...something to do with anorexia and the 'black nobility'...I have no idea.
SONIA told me to buy clothes at store 21.
It was a set-up.
I went in there...found an old TEE-SHIRT (light green and white striped) that MARK R had placed there as an option in the game - if I bought it - then I could go to the third cubicle and pick up his symbolic money - a 20p and a 5p...he had also got a slave to leave his LIGHT GREEN rafia symbol of a fish in there...
If I chose the GREY trousers to try on...then I had to take the second cubicle...where somebody had affixed an ELECTRONIC TAG to the wall...I was to touch it...and then get arrested because my finger prints were on it (the tag related to some shop item)...GREEN would call round...i would get annoyed and say that the shop had a CCTV sign and that we should look at that...he would say that they didn't...the sign was just a deterrent and that he would arrest me upon the fingerprints upon it...
So yesterday - I touched it...remembered and then wiped my finger print off it and then left the shop.
I then remembered that this cubicle signified MARTIN GILL and the police electronically tagging track him throughout this period of time...but yesterday, his probation period had expired and that they would untag him. I kicked the 'metal chip' out of the cubicle.
Anyway, the first cubicle was about HULBRUSCH it had a black price tag with SIZE 10 upon it...something to do with anorexia and the 'black nobility'...I have no idea.
Yesterday was officially the last day of this ill cult game: 27th August 2010.
An assassin was supposed to come to my flat - if all else failed - this was because I was expecting PHELAN to call...but I wouldn't get PHELAN.
PHELAN didn't turn up - I rang in the afternoon to tell them that I would be out and to arrange another date. The 4TH DIMENSION door remained broken and unusable - this was all symbolically planned.
The reason is as follows:
DAVID MILIBAND had warned me that if I wanted to defeat the ill cult then I had to change the logarithm which opened the door to the 4th dimension within the main program of the ROTHSCHILD desk and also a 'print-out' basement room at MI6 which 'told the future' for want of a better word - of any of the database slaves all over the world.
That is why the MOSSAD hares were then put onto me...I had to get them off my trail...and I did...the main idea was this:
If I changed the future - the ill cult simply changed it back I had to change it (I employed a select group of advisors - COLLIE was one of them - to write the new future program) and I then implemented it - set it in stone (outside of time) and then made a run for it to close the gates by changing the logarithm...all of which was successful.
This would be hopefully a temporary measure until the ill cult were destroyed...then the doors would open again.
So that is basically what is playing out now.
An assassin was supposed to come to my flat - if all else failed - this was because I was expecting PHELAN to call...but I wouldn't get PHELAN.
PHELAN didn't turn up - I rang in the afternoon to tell them that I would be out and to arrange another date. The 4TH DIMENSION door remained broken and unusable - this was all symbolically planned.
The reason is as follows:
DAVID MILIBAND had warned me that if I wanted to defeat the ill cult then I had to change the logarithm which opened the door to the 4th dimension within the main program of the ROTHSCHILD desk and also a 'print-out' basement room at MI6 which 'told the future' for want of a better word - of any of the database slaves all over the world.
That is why the MOSSAD hares were then put onto me...I had to get them off my trail...and I did...the main idea was this:
If I changed the future - the ill cult simply changed it back I had to change it (I employed a select group of advisors - COLLIE was one of them - to write the new future program) and I then implemented it - set it in stone (outside of time) and then made a run for it to close the gates by changing the logarithm...all of which was successful.
This would be hopefully a temporary measure until the ill cult were destroyed...then the doors would open again.
So that is basically what is playing out now.
More ill SPAM this morning:
Unread Mr Isiaka Issama With Due Respect 9:06 24KB
Unread Precious Justin Beloved 9:02 11KB
Unread Dear Good Friend, 7:56 9KB
Unread Ahmed Bello I NEED YOUR URGENT ASSISTANCE! Fri, 27/8/10 6KB
Unread Yahoo! Mail Unused Account Removal Fri, 27/8/10 5KB
Unread mribrahimdewu From The Desk of mr ibrahim dewu Fri, 27/8/10 15KB
Unread Mr Isiaka Issama With Due Respect 9:06 24KB
Unread Precious Justin Beloved 9:02 11KB
Unread Dear Good Friend, 7:56 9KB
Unread Ahmed Bello I NEED YOUR URGENT ASSISTANCE! Fri, 27/8/10 6KB
Unread Yahoo! Mail Unused Account Removal Fri, 27/8/10 5KB
Unread mribrahimdewu From The Desk of mr ibrahim dewu Fri, 27/8/10 15KB
A new reply from NPOWER:
RE: URN 97621294-Miss GydeFriday, 27 August, 2010 15:17
From: ""Add sender to ContactsTo:
Dear Miss Gyde,
A hold will remain on your account whilst the final review is taking place. Once our final response letter is issued, the hold will remain for a further 14 days which will give you time to decide whether you wished to accept our final decision or for you to ask the Energy Ombudsman to mediate on your behalf.
Kind regards,
David Riseborough
Executive Complaints Team
Residential Operations
Tel :0845 0730861 (ext 1198353)
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm; Friday 9am-4.30pm
RE: URN 97621294-Miss GydeFriday, 27 August, 2010 15:17
From: ""
Dear Miss Gyde,
A hold will remain on your account whilst the final review is taking place. Once our final response letter is issued, the hold will remain for a further 14 days which will give you time to decide whether you wished to accept our final decision or for you to ask the Energy Ombudsman to mediate on your behalf.
Kind regards,
David Riseborough
Executive Complaints Team
Residential Operations
Tel :0845 0730861 (ext 1198353)
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm; Friday 9am-4.30pm
Friday, 27 August 2010
I have sent the following email to my Dad because my parents didn't include my old copy of WINDOWS when they left my old computer at my new CLACTON flat...and I figure that this might be the way to get that LAPTOP up and running see until I get a new windows platform...TOMLINSON's VISTA has now 'timed out'...illegally I might add...and is not recognised had reached its expiry date, so my laptop tells me, after so many hours and it is not usable anymore - so another version might do old version (I hope it wasn't VISTA but there you go) was WINDOWS XP as far as I can remember:
Dear Dad,
I haven't got my old copy of WINDOWS and would like to reinstall some components...could you possibly find it in the garage and send it a.s.a.p?
Kind regards
Dear Dad,
I haven't got my old copy of WINDOWS and would like to reinstall some components...could you possibly find it in the garage and send it a.s.a.p?
Kind regards
I remember...I told the PRINCE OF MONACO to save GILL in order to pick his brain for all of the biochemistry that he GILL was the first to have his 'gland' knitted back far as I can heal what I would call true schizophrenia...because that is what the ill cult had created and what TOMLINSON/FATI wanted to be healed from...
More ill SPAM today:
Unread Precious Justin Beloved 8:39 11KB
Unread REPLY ME IMMEDIATELY, Fri, 27/8/10 11KB
Unread hope kipkalya PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP. Thu, 26/8/10 14KB
Unread Precious Justin Beloved 8:39 11KB
Unread REPLY ME IMMEDIATELY, Fri, 27/8/10 11KB
Unread hope kipkalya PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP. Thu, 26/8/10 14KB
The latest reply from NPOWER:
RE: URN 97621294-Miss GydeThursday, 26 August, 2010 16:26
From: ""Add sender to ContactsTo: afternoon Miss Gyde,
As agreed, I will escalate your complaint to our Head of Customer Relations so that a final response (written) can be issued within 21 days.
Kind regards,
David Riseborough
Executive Complaints Team
Residential Operations
Tel :0845 0730861 (ext 1198353)
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm; Friday 9am-4.30pm
This is my reply:
Thank you Mr Riseborough,
Please ensure that my accounts are put on hold and that no threatening letters are sent by COLLECTIONS DIRECT in the meantime.
Kind regards
Emily Gyde
RE: URN 97621294-Miss GydeThursday, 26 August, 2010 16:26
From: ""
As agreed, I will escalate your complaint to our Head of Customer Relations so that a final response (written) can be issued within 21 days.
Kind regards,
David Riseborough
Executive Complaints Team
Residential Operations
Tel :0845 0730861 (ext 1198353)
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm; Friday 9am-4.30pm
This is my reply:
Thank you Mr Riseborough,
Please ensure that my accounts are put on hold and that no threatening letters are sent by COLLECTIONS DIRECT in the meantime.
Kind regards
Emily Gyde
I also had an odd vision of getting the MOSSAD remote-viewers off my trail...I had gone into the SHADOWLANDS of many corridors and doors (something that COLLETTE had taught me about)...closing them behind me...SONIA told me 'you changed the logarithm'...but I have as yet to remember what that was all about...I simply locked them out...
SHADOWLANDS...wasn't that film about C S LEWIS and NARNIA called SHADOWLANDS?
The criminal underworld...HADES...or perhaps under that NY underground base where those terrible SHADOWS of negative energy pools lurked...
SHADOWLANDS...wasn't that film about C S LEWIS and NARNIA called SHADOWLANDS?
The criminal underworld...HADES...or perhaps under that NY underground base where those terrible SHADOWS of negative energy pools lurked...
I then remembered MARK R telling the CIA LAB:
"i am BEELZEBUB and you are my FLIES"
...his normal voice was so soft and effeminate that I immediately looked at MCDONALD who had thought of the same image immediately:
TODDY, MARK R and that comedian used to do ZIPPER programming in a mansion somewhere...and last night the name HALFORDS came up and I was a place called HALFORD somewhere...and then I saw a massive ORANGE HALFORDS lorry pass the church and MAGNET HOUSE...
The trio used to put lots of zips together...attached to a hub of sorts...all of those 'flies' attached to a beelzebub...
I then thought about the button on top of the inverted exclamation mark...TOMLINSON's symbol...
I then remembered how I had comforted FATI once TOMLINSON had let me into that bedroom again...told him that we would find a solution...outside the 3 joos...GILL and the two American Brooklyners were prancing around with glee...I 'saw' BLACK IMPS in my mind and shut them out...
Anyway, I then remembered remote-viewing TODDY playing BLACK BETTY BAM-BA-LAMB to GILL's mother...she was supposed to be fact MANNINGHAM-BULLER had told me that she was BLACK didn't mean 'black woman' it meant top ill cult witch...ELIZA ELIZABETH...ELIZABETH II...BETH...BETHSEDA POOL...BETTY...
Anyway GILL and the BROOKS boy were in mad child alters (RUSSELL was there too)...going insane to 'DAMN THING GONE WILD'...and poor MRS GILL in her very Solihull way...a good mother and proper one...with her coiffured, dyed blonde hair had to watch those insane little boys and TODDY whilst her daughter...who had the 'sun in her head' watched and laughed at the incongruity of it all...her poor mother...but wasn't it funny?
"i am BEELZEBUB and you are my FLIES"
...his normal voice was so soft and effeminate that I immediately looked at MCDONALD who had thought of the same image immediately:
TODDY, MARK R and that comedian used to do ZIPPER programming in a mansion somewhere...and last night the name HALFORDS came up and I was a place called HALFORD somewhere...and then I saw a massive ORANGE HALFORDS lorry pass the church and MAGNET HOUSE...
The trio used to put lots of zips together...attached to a hub of sorts...all of those 'flies' attached to a beelzebub...
I then thought about the button on top of the inverted exclamation mark...TOMLINSON's symbol...
I then remembered how I had comforted FATI once TOMLINSON had let me into that bedroom again...told him that we would find a solution...outside the 3 joos...GILL and the two American Brooklyners were prancing around with glee...I 'saw' BLACK IMPS in my mind and shut them out...
Anyway, I then remembered remote-viewing TODDY playing BLACK BETTY BAM-BA-LAMB to GILL's mother...she was supposed to be fact MANNINGHAM-BULLER had told me that she was BLACK didn't mean 'black woman' it meant top ill cult witch...ELIZA ELIZABETH...ELIZABETH II...BETH...BETHSEDA POOL...BETTY...
Anyway GILL and the BROOKS boy were in mad child alters (RUSSELL was there too)...going insane to 'DAMN THING GONE WILD'...and poor MRS GILL in her very Solihull way...a good mother and proper one...with her coiffured, dyed blonde hair had to watch those insane little boys and TODDY whilst her daughter...who had the 'sun in her head' watched and laughed at the incongruity of it all...her poor mother...but wasn't it funny?
GILL then made my pineal gland light up...yes, he had learnt the chemistry to do it but then he had been CHEMIC ALI of the ill cult...hadn't he?
...I then saw the gland behind it and how the ill cult had created a partition between say MARTINE and MARTINE in the brains of their slaves...this gland behind...was it the pituitary gland...had been cut in half...but it could be knitted back together...a fully functioning pineal gland could do it...encourage re-growth...
Anyway, if you look at the new LOLA AND CHARLIE comic - you can see the encoded colours of this gland which is the 'orange star' at the top of the play-toy THEATRE...MRS FISHWICK had pointed it out to me...
THE ORANGE is that gland...and alternated with LIGHT GREEN.
The ORANGE represented emotions/love/caring...associated with the little girl alter such as FATI/MARTINE etc...
The LIGHT GREEN represented testosterone...the other side of the coin...and on its own it was deadly...behind the 'imp/devil' alters...that sort of thing...
...I then saw the gland behind it and how the ill cult had created a partition between say MARTINE and MARTINE in the brains of their slaves...this gland behind...was it the pituitary gland...had been cut in half...but it could be knitted back together...a fully functioning pineal gland could do it...encourage re-growth...
Anyway, if you look at the new LOLA AND CHARLIE comic - you can see the encoded colours of this gland which is the 'orange star' at the top of the play-toy THEATRE...MRS FISHWICK had pointed it out to me...
THE ORANGE is that gland...and alternated with LIGHT GREEN.
The ORANGE represented emotions/love/caring...associated with the little girl alter such as FATI/MARTINE etc...
The LIGHT GREEN represented testosterone...the other side of the coin...and on its own it was deadly...behind the 'imp/devil' alters...that sort of thing...
I had an odd dream last night of an ONION shaped building...and then an OBSERVATORY in SWITZERLAND and then THE 3 MONKEYS programming those who would replace them in the ill cult...those at the PINK HOUSE in CLACTON for example...and then suddenly a strong window blew that ONION TOWER off the top of the building and they all died...
How odd...I could 'do' the wind...and I know that I was behind it in some way...
I then woke up and GILL reminded me:
ONIONS...the towers in MOSCOW...they were satanic could anybody have missed that one...DR SEUSS towers - with an Arabic/Turkish feel to the architecture...the ROTHSCHILDS had owned them...they were all satanic islamics...babylonians...not jooish at of the biggest illusions of the ill cult...
How odd...I could 'do' the wind...and I know that I was behind it in some way...
I then woke up and GILL reminded me:
ONIONS...the towers in MOSCOW...they were satanic could anybody have missed that one...DR SEUSS towers - with an Arabic/Turkish feel to the architecture...the ROTHSCHILDS had owned them...they were all satanic islamics...babylonians...not jooish at of the biggest illusions of the ill cult...
The woman who lives upon the second floor with a stud in her tongue...was disobedient to the ill cult...TOMLINSON put a stud through her tongue without anaesthetic and then forced her to give him fellatio...naturally she passed out unconscious with the pain...she had been a 'good girl' before the ill cult got to her.
Upon that note - she was the one who got rid of the murder weapon for her friend after that stabbing in front of the church...and RIMINGTON tended to want to sacrifice victims in front of particular buildings...she wanted to draw my attention to that bookshop upon the other side of the church - which is opposite to MAGNET HOUSE...I still do not know why as yet...but shades of the RED BUS and the TAVISTOCK I suppose...
Upon that note - she was the one who got rid of the murder weapon for her friend after that stabbing in front of the church...and RIMINGTON tended to want to sacrifice victims in front of particular buildings...she wanted to draw my attention to that bookshop upon the other side of the church - which is opposite to MAGNET HOUSE...I still do not know why as yet...but shades of the RED BUS and the TAVISTOCK I suppose...
MARK R designed this work - but pretended that I had done it to GILL but then he would - wouldn't he?
It is a reminder of what I had found out about STUDS, DR WHO and the the 1930s - an S/M idiot who had a very short dick - yes, you've guessed it...he had studded it all a DALEK...he then invented the 'comic arch-villains' as in the DALEKS.
The early films of DR WHO were actually produced in the 1930s by the ill cult and used to program children then be released much later...I have no dates but I know it was much later...
TODDY took the above and made miniature daleks to fit over penises...the victim was then given viagra and shown pictures of naked can imagine the pain...that is why ISLAMIC DALEK alters view women with hatred, disgust and fear...
MARK R designed this work - but pretended that I had done it to GILL but then he would - wouldn't he?
It is a reminder of what I had found out about STUDS, DR WHO and the the 1930s - an S/M idiot who had a very short dick - yes, you've guessed it...he had studded it all a DALEK...he then invented the 'comic arch-villains' as in the DALEKS.
The early films of DR WHO were actually produced in the 1930s by the ill cult and used to program children then be released much later...I have no dates but I know it was much later...
TODDY took the above and made miniature daleks to fit over penises...the victim was then given viagra and shown pictures of naked can imagine the pain...that is why ISLAMIC DALEK alters view women with hatred, disgust and fear...
Anyway, NPOWER have sent me to COPY bills - apparently my 'amended' gas and electricity bill:
14 SEPTEMBER 2009-20 JULY 2010
GAS = £470.13
Anyway, I was playing with my laptop again this morning to reinstate hardware and it began to do 'memory dump' as in 00000000000000007E memory dump...the only memories that will be dumped are ill cult make them more vulnerable.
I then realised what I had done as a remote-viewer in the past - my little joke for today:
The ill cult had wanted to put themselves upon my laptop with ADMINISTRATOR rights...
NPOWER had better look out then...I have already destroyed their computer system for which they are paying out untold sums...but my main remote-viewing 'talent' was blowing up oil pipes and is a question of expectations...idiots like CAMERON would expect me to take them to court (because they think that they are hot-shot lawyers who control the legal profession)...I made it easy upon myself, HONEY...I have timed the lot to blow up...and even better...that 'ROYAL insurance' that you took out...they will never pay up and you know how the ill HATE anybody who loses them money...and NPOWER will go into ADMINISTRATION as a result...
You sickos wanted to be ADMINISTRATORS?
14 SEPTEMBER 2009-20 JULY 2010
GAS = £470.13
Anyway, I was playing with my laptop again this morning to reinstate hardware and it began to do 'memory dump' as in 00000000000000007E memory dump...the only memories that will be dumped are ill cult make them more vulnerable.
I then realised what I had done as a remote-viewer in the past - my little joke for today:
The ill cult had wanted to put themselves upon my laptop with ADMINISTRATOR rights...
NPOWER had better look out then...I have already destroyed their computer system for which they are paying out untold sums...but my main remote-viewing 'talent' was blowing up oil pipes and is a question of expectations...idiots like CAMERON would expect me to take them to court (because they think that they are hot-shot lawyers who control the legal profession)...I made it easy upon myself, HONEY...I have timed the lot to blow up...and even better...that 'ROYAL insurance' that you took out...they will never pay up and you know how the ill HATE anybody who loses them money...and NPOWER will go into ADMINISTRATION as a result...
You sickos wanted to be ADMINISTRATORS?
Yesterday MARK R had planned to be the most abusive of the ended up with me farting a lot - hence the new blog of note has cartoons about farting...and I managed to get it all out by 'little squirts' thinking of MARK R every time I had to visit the toilet...upon a scientific level - this was all about 'milk of magnesium' wallpaper AMARANTH (Aztec 'supergrain' but really CATTLE food from biona) combined with stomach acid and a prune based laxative...yes, the 3 MONKEYS were that petty when it came to getting their own back in relation to CAROLINE's 'fart joke' on the SATANIC HOUSEWIVES...
Anyway, I survived it all...and the hecklers upon the street whom RIMINGTON had told me were picked because they had the most negative energy of the lot...e.g. the guy in the groundfloor flat of that 'O' modern building by the bike shop coming up to me and shouting 'LOST YOUR BIKE? WAS IT STOLEN?' and laughing loudly in a demonic way - he didn't even see me buy that bike which was about 6 months after I had had one conversation with him briefly before being shown the flat see how the ill cult's plans have fallen through...they were hoping that I would strike up a friendship with that robotic creep...but I didn't...and they had assumed that my bike would have been nicked by now - it hasn't been. Also an extremely loud and abusive young woman with her partner in crime who was watching...she began to talk loudly about how the bleedin' council wouldn't even give her 99p for a bill...I simply ignored eye contact - into my 'sas alter' as it were...and she figured it better to go and ask somebody else...she and her criminal friend had been programmed by RIMINGTON to march me to a cashpoint (in my deluded OLANZAPINE state - half-crippled) and get as much money out of me as they could...
Anyway, I survived it all...and the hecklers upon the street whom RIMINGTON had told me were picked because they had the most negative energy of the lot...e.g. the guy in the groundfloor flat of that 'O' modern building by the bike shop coming up to me and shouting 'LOST YOUR BIKE? WAS IT STOLEN?' and laughing loudly in a demonic way - he didn't even see me buy that bike which was about 6 months after I had had one conversation with him briefly before being shown the flat see how the ill cult's plans have fallen through...they were hoping that I would strike up a friendship with that robotic creep...but I didn't...and they had assumed that my bike would have been nicked by now - it hasn't been. Also an extremely loud and abusive young woman with her partner in crime who was watching...she began to talk loudly about how the bleedin' council wouldn't even give her 99p for a bill...I simply ignored eye contact - into my 'sas alter' as it were...and she figured it better to go and ask somebody else...she and her criminal friend had been programmed by RIMINGTON to march me to a cashpoint (in my deluded OLANZAPINE state - half-crippled) and get as much money out of me as they could...
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Look at the ill SPAM this morning:
Unread Eve.Desmond HELLO 20:59 6KB
Unread Margaret Peterson CAN I CONFIDE IN YOUR TRUST!!!!! 12:15 7KB
Unread Mr Harry Adams Assalamu Alaikum,Happy Ramadan 11:00 19KB
Unread josephkabore Confidential Respond, 10:43 9KB
Unread Mr.Dugu Ibarahim Do contact me immediately for more details 3:25 5KB
Unread Egg Bank Alert CUSTOMER SERVICE: Verification of Your Account Profile Wed, 25/8/10 5KB
Unread Konkobo I NEED YOUR HELP WITH TRUST, Wed, 25/8/10 12KB
Unread Konkobo I NEED YOUR HELP WITH TRUST, Wed, 25/8/10 10KB
Unread zubaru zalani FOR YOUR PRIVACY URGENT Wed, 25/8/10 8KB
Unread josephkabore Confidential Respond, Wed, 25/8/10 9KB
Unread josephkabore Confidential Respond, Wed, 25/8/10 9KB
Unread Mr abubakar I NEED YOUR HELP WITH TRUST, Wed, 25/8/10 32KB
Unread Aziri Beko From the Desk of Mr Aziri Beko Wed, 25/8/10 8KB
Unread Remain Blessed From Mrs. Miami Al-Musallam. Wed, 25/8/10 11KB
Unread NHS Jobs Vacancy Service NHS Jobs Jobs-by-Email Alert Wed, 25/8/10 10KB
Unread Eve.Desmond HELLO 20:59 6KB
Unread Margaret Peterson CAN I CONFIDE IN YOUR TRUST!!!!! 12:15 7KB
Unread Mr Harry Adams Assalamu Alaikum,Happy Ramadan 11:00 19KB
Unread josephkabore Confidential Respond, 10:43 9KB
Unread Mr.Dugu Ibarahim Do contact me immediately for more details 3:25 5KB
Unread Egg Bank Alert CUSTOMER SERVICE: Verification of Your Account Profile Wed, 25/8/10 5KB
Unread Konkobo I NEED YOUR HELP WITH TRUST, Wed, 25/8/10 12KB
Unread Konkobo I NEED YOUR HELP WITH TRUST, Wed, 25/8/10 10KB
Unread zubaru zalani FOR YOUR PRIVACY URGENT Wed, 25/8/10 8KB
Unread josephkabore Confidential Respond, Wed, 25/8/10 9KB
Unread josephkabore Confidential Respond, Wed, 25/8/10 9KB
Unread Mr abubakar I NEED YOUR HELP WITH TRUST, Wed, 25/8/10 32KB
Unread Aziri Beko From the Desk of Mr Aziri Beko Wed, 25/8/10 8KB
Unread Remain Blessed From Mrs. Miami Al-Musallam. Wed, 25/8/10 11KB
Unread NHS Jobs Vacancy Service NHS Jobs Jobs-by-Email Alert Wed, 25/8/10 10KB
The latest email from NPOWER and my reply (which comes first):
Dear Mr Riseborough,
Instead of asking me to endlessly repeat myself and not appearing to read my emails yourself - please take the time to acquaint yourself with my actual complaints before replying to this email.
Also I would be very happy if you would escalate my complaint to the next level as you had previously promised to do.
Kind regards
Emily Gyde
--- On Thu, 26/8/10, wrote:
Subject: RE: URN 97621294-Miss Gyde
Date: Thursday, 26 August, 2010, 11:01
Dear Miss Gyde,
Thank you for your email.
If a consumer makes a request for an amendment in their charges, I take this request as face value in the context of how it was written. Therefore, I thought that your request was serious which is why my previous responses explained why we could not rebill you for £1.00 per week.
Please can you specify which bill you are referring to when you advise that 'you were charged the same amount of money for two different meter readings when one was nearly half of the usage of the other'. However, I must advise you the revised bills dated 30 July 2010 (I have requested another copy to be sent to you) replaced all charges on all previous bills which you were sent and shows all payments which you have made. All bills prior to 30 July 2010 and any incorrect charges were cancelled and superseded by the charges and information shown on the 30 July 2010.
I can confirm that your latest electricity bill dated 23 August 2010 has been produced. This will be received shortly and shows charges from 15 July 2010 to 3 August 2010. I appreciate that a bill was only produced on 30 July 2010 but this was an amendment to previous quarterly bills including a replacement of your last quarterly bill in May 2010 which is why we have now produced another bill. If the amended bill on 30 July 2010 had not produced then your new bill would have showed quarterly charges from May 2010 to August 2010 instead of a smaller time period from July 2010 to August 2010. The current electricity balance is £35.05.
As previously explained, we charge consumer for units of electricity which they use for each billing period based solely on the amount of units consumed and their tariff. If someone uses more electricity during that quarter and is on the same tariff as you then their charges will be greater. I appreciate that you may not want me to mention the word 'tariff; in my explanation but you requires the true facts.
We charge our consumers for gas used based on our tariffs, the amount of units used during that billing period and the time of year that the units of gas are used (ie we charge more kWh on higher gas rate during the winter period then a summer period). If your concerns are regarding the pricing of our charges then the Energy Ombudsman may not be able to assist as it is a business decision to how we charge our prices.
We feel that we have answered all your questions and have proved that the current charges are correct. However, in order to draw a line under this matter, I can offer that the current electricity balance of £35.05 (£26.21 shown on 30 July 2010 and £8.84 charges on new bill to be received shortly) is withdrawn as a goodwill gesture which will ofset the level of service that you feel that you have received. We can also offer you the option of more time to clear the current gas balance of £124.96 although your next gas bill is due to be produced shortly after 9 September 2010.
Therefore, I would appreciate if you could advise me whether you wished to accept these offers which will eraducate the need for your complaint to be escalated as I feel that the final decision which would be outlined is no different to the options which I have offered.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards,
David Riseborough
Executive Complaints Team
Residential Operations
Tel :0845 0730861 (ext 1198353)
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm; Friday 9am-4.30pm
Dear Mr Riseborough,
Instead of asking me to endlessly repeat myself and not appearing to read my emails yourself - please take the time to acquaint yourself with my actual complaints before replying to this email.
Also I would be very happy if you would escalate my complaint to the next level as you had previously promised to do.
Kind regards
Emily Gyde
--- On Thu, 26/8/10,
Subject: RE: URN 97621294-Miss Gyde
Date: Thursday, 26 August, 2010, 11:01
Dear Miss Gyde,
Thank you for your email.
If a consumer makes a request for an amendment in their charges, I take this request as face value in the context of how it was written. Therefore, I thought that your request was serious which is why my previous responses explained why we could not rebill you for £1.00 per week.
Please can you specify which bill you are referring to when you advise that 'you were charged the same amount of money for two different meter readings when one was nearly half of the usage of the other'. However, I must advise you the revised bills dated 30 July 2010 (I have requested another copy to be sent to you) replaced all charges on all previous bills which you were sent and shows all payments which you have made. All bills prior to 30 July 2010 and any incorrect charges were cancelled and superseded by the charges and information shown on the 30 July 2010.
I can confirm that your latest electricity bill dated 23 August 2010 has been produced. This will be received shortly and shows charges from 15 July 2010 to 3 August 2010. I appreciate that a bill was only produced on 30 July 2010 but this was an amendment to previous quarterly bills including a replacement of your last quarterly bill in May 2010 which is why we have now produced another bill. If the amended bill on 30 July 2010 had not produced then your new bill would have showed quarterly charges from May 2010 to August 2010 instead of a smaller time period from July 2010 to August 2010. The current electricity balance is £35.05.
As previously explained, we charge consumer for units of electricity which they use for each billing period based solely on the amount of units consumed and their tariff. If someone uses more electricity during that quarter and is on the same tariff as you then their charges will be greater. I appreciate that you may not want me to mention the word 'tariff; in my explanation but you requires the true facts.
We charge our consumers for gas used based on our tariffs, the amount of units used during that billing period and the time of year that the units of gas are used (ie we charge more kWh on higher gas rate during the winter period then a summer period). If your concerns are regarding the pricing of our charges then the Energy Ombudsman may not be able to assist as it is a business decision to how we charge our prices.
We feel that we have answered all your questions and have proved that the current charges are correct. However, in order to draw a line under this matter, I can offer that the current electricity balance of £35.05 (£26.21 shown on 30 July 2010 and £8.84 charges on new bill to be received shortly) is withdrawn as a goodwill gesture which will ofset the level of service that you feel that you have received. We can also offer you the option of more time to clear the current gas balance of £124.96 although your next gas bill is due to be produced shortly after 9 September 2010.
Therefore, I would appreciate if you could advise me whether you wished to accept these offers which will eraducate the need for your complaint to be escalated as I feel that the final decision which would be outlined is no different to the options which I have offered.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards,
David Riseborough
Executive Complaints Team
Residential Operations
Tel :0845 0730861 (ext 1198353)
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm; Friday 9am-4.30pm
The MUPPETS song - GILL and his sister used this to entertain their parents and also TODDY and RIMINGTON at a later date...their re-enactment of this song included stealing stun-guns, making the sign of the cross and getting their parents under their control...unfortunately the sign of the cross didn't work on TODDY and RIMINGTON...but the stun-guns did...a battle commenced but they had the advantage and eventually left the pair of them unconscious at the BROOKS HOUSE upon St Bernards Road and ran for it...
The MUPPETS song - GILL and his sister used this to entertain their parents and also TODDY and RIMINGTON at a later date...their re-enactment of this song included stealing stun-guns, making the sign of the cross and getting their parents under their control...unfortunately the sign of the cross didn't work on TODDY and RIMINGTON...but the stun-guns did...a battle commenced but they had the advantage and eventually left the pair of them unconscious at the BROOKS HOUSE upon St Bernards Road and ran for it...
SCARLETT's rebel group wanted me to investigate a 'witches' coven' in a disused and sold off English church in the countryside circa 2003...
I couldn't tell them at the time - what I know now:
The INCH ALLAHS of MARK R's satanic templars...had got hold of it...they used to take drugs, perform sacrifices and trance out to GARAGE MUSIC...I can remember walking through the door (in the early hours of the morning) and seeing GILL and HULBRUSCH to the left taking mechanical turns around the floor and shouting:
I just thought that they were off their heads on drugs...I hadn't a clue about ISLAMIC DALEK programming at that point in time.
RIMINGTON explained to me that they were celebrating the demise of ENGLISH CHRISTIAN CHURCHES...which had been taken back by the INCH ALLAHS...who would defend their mosques to the stupid of the Christians...didn't they get it...this is how territory was won...
I couldn't tell them at the time - what I know now:
The INCH ALLAHS of MARK R's satanic templars...had got hold of it...they used to take drugs, perform sacrifices and trance out to GARAGE MUSIC...I can remember walking through the door (in the early hours of the morning) and seeing GILL and HULBRUSCH to the left taking mechanical turns around the floor and shouting:
I just thought that they were off their heads on drugs...I hadn't a clue about ISLAMIC DALEK programming at that point in time.
RIMINGTON explained to me that they were celebrating the demise of ENGLISH CHRISTIAN CHURCHES...which had been taken back by the INCH ALLAHS...who would defend their mosques to the stupid of the Christians...didn't they get it...this is how territory was won...
My mother keeps warning me about INSECT INFESTATIONS...and last night I remembered why...after MARK R had programmed his top programmers in as exotic insects as well as common ones...ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER then organised a project to release lots of highly dangerous, poisonous species in the UK...
JONATHAN EVANS then got rid of her...out of MI5.
I went to that LONDON hospital for tropical diseases and medicines...and asked them what to do...the CIA lab had obtained a list of all the insects/bugs that she had released...they told me not to worry...most wouldn't be able to exist in this climate...not hot or humid enough...yes, but what if they mutated - that is what my mother wanted to know...
So be careful in the long grasses...cover up your mother thinks that little spiders are in fact, the worst...the ones that survived.
JONATHAN EVANS then got rid of her...out of MI5.
I went to that LONDON hospital for tropical diseases and medicines...and asked them what to do...the CIA lab had obtained a list of all the insects/bugs that she had released...they told me not to worry...most wouldn't be able to exist in this climate...not hot or humid enough...yes, but what if they mutated - that is what my mother wanted to know...
So be careful in the long grasses...cover up your mother thinks that little spiders are in fact, the worst...the ones that survived.
ISLAMIC WOMEN that we remote-viewed:
They were not allowed to discipline their young sons at all...who invariably kicked, punched and swore at them...gangs of little boys used to dare each other to lie to their father about their mother in order to get her beaten...and in some instances murdered - just because she had tried to discipline her son (even if she hadn't).
So the women got together...stole mind control manuals from MOSQUES as well as stun-guns from their husbands and began to get their young sons under control...the only way to protect themselves and their daughters.
i can now understand the 'context' of 'satanic islamic princesses' and their hardened attitude to men in general - much, much better.
They were not allowed to discipline their young sons at all...who invariably kicked, punched and swore at them...gangs of little boys used to dare each other to lie to their father about their mother in order to get her beaten...and in some instances murdered - just because she had tried to discipline her son (even if she hadn't).
So the women got together...stole mind control manuals from MOSQUES as well as stun-guns from their husbands and began to get their young sons under control...the only way to protect themselves and their daughters.
i can now understand the 'context' of 'satanic islamic princesses' and their hardened attitude to men in general - much, much better.
Whilst running TODDY from behind to do something very daring...I noted a REMOTE-CONTROLLER come online to try and stop him - I tracked and traced MR GREEN and eliminated him immediately...with the top ill, you have to do it in the present and move like lightning to remove the 'tracks' of people used as assassins in the area because they send out a 'warning frequency' and then an army of robots descends to help them....I sent them off in the opposite direction...let the assassins make their escape...MR GREEN's decapitated head and body went off a cliff.
SCARLETT put in a stand-in for satanic islamic JAYNE BUTLER the other day...who had on a LIGHT GREEN teeshirt with ORKEY emblazoned across it...she was at her car with the registration plate:
Probably why I am currently wearing a tee-shirt that GILL used to wear, in light green and white - he used to wear it in NY. COLLIE advised me to wear it for the next three days or so...
Probably why I am currently wearing a tee-shirt that GILL used to wear, in light green and white - he used to wear it in NY. COLLIE advised me to wear it for the next three days or so...
FATI - at ESSEX university...gill, that little bastard didn't warn me - he simply said that a very special lady wanted to meet me but was too scared to reveal himself...that was FATI...I was expecting RIMINGTON in her svelte and petite form to emerge from the bedroom...instead FATI emerged with such a large curly wig that she had to bend her entire head down to get through the doorway...I was taken by surprise and exclaimed:
HOLY T....CRAP!...and began to laugh helplessly...I had managed to bite my tongue in front of the three joos and not say 'christ' but that was all...that is probably why TOMLINSON 'fati' threw me around the walls...painted my face like a rag doll...starved me and then battered me in front of them...telling them that i was only a 'ragdoll' to be used, abused and then thrown away...these men have seriously insane FEMALE child alters...
HOLY T....CRAP!...and began to laugh helplessly...I had managed to bite my tongue in front of the three joos and not say 'christ' but that was all...that is probably why TOMLINSON 'fati' threw me around the walls...painted my face like a rag doll...starved me and then battered me in front of them...telling them that i was only a 'ragdoll' to be used, abused and then thrown away...these men have seriously insane FEMALE child alters...
SAM CAM pregnant in CORNWALL...those who saw her are liars...we remote-viewed it all.
What do the photos of her pregnancy BUMP look like?
1. A 'bump'
2. A cushion
3. One testicle hanging down
You see what I was saying about life-drawing students and how they superimpose their own body onto their drawing of the model...MARK R and other gay/closet men in designing a 'pregnancy' got it hopelessly wrong...they made it look like a small testicle sac...and not a rotund, jutting out mass...
What do the photos of her pregnancy BUMP look like?
1. A 'bump'
2. A cushion
3. One testicle hanging down
You see what I was saying about life-drawing students and how they superimpose their own body onto their drawing of the model...MARK R and other gay/closet men in designing a 'pregnancy' got it hopelessly wrong...they made it look like a small testicle sac...and not a rotund, jutting out mass...
Yesterday I got some MASONRY PAINT in MAGNOLIA and painted over the GOLDEN SNAKE and the abstract PINK SQUARE left by the diabolical trio in my CAGE to symbolise their 'capture' of the SEPHARDIC golden snake remote-viewers and the PINK PLANET aliens...both a total lie.
RIMINGTON was hoping to scrape over any 'overcoat' but HELEN RODWAY and her MASONIC father knew that she wouldn't dare to touch MASONRY paint. Good.
COLLIE told me that the brain of an ill cult slave works like this:
They see the OUTLINE and then the was most important to disguise the OUTLINE of the pink abstract square first and then the colour...these are the two main things that would trigger them...into murdering me, at some point...when they saw the 'wallpainting' along with TOMLINSON's black square in biro...scribbled...I got rid of the lot.
RIMINGTON was hoping to scrape over any 'overcoat' but HELEN RODWAY and her MASONIC father knew that she wouldn't dare to touch MASONRY paint. Good.
COLLIE told me that the brain of an ill cult slave works like this:
They see the OUTLINE and then the was most important to disguise the OUTLINE of the pink abstract square first and then the colour...these are the two main things that would trigger them...into murdering me, at some point...when they saw the 'wallpainting' along with TOMLINSON's black square in biro...scribbled...I got rid of the lot.
ROBBERY ASSAULT BATTERY (live together in perfect harmony - sang the TEMPLAR CHOIR with TODDY orchestrating) and the two groups of RAB threes were the THREE MONKEYS and:
TOMLINSON - he told me that he was the first BATTERY in my HEAT ALARM...which I removed a long time ago and put in another one...SCARLETT I suppose...or SAWER...whoever became 'god' next...and yesterday I put another one in the next day because the thing began bleeping in the middle of the night...but it set off the entire alarm system and so PHELAN came back and sorted it out...although they still need to get a '21' electrical company to replace the entire thing because TOMLINSON had wrecked it inside...the same with the CATCH on the FOURTH DOOR - they put the doorhandle on back the wrong way by mistake and told me that when they had found the replacement part...that they would be back to fit it. They used the TASCHMANN 'beehive table' (see previous notes - I have two of these tables) as a 'stepladder' height to repair the HEAT ALARM...
ROBBERY ASSAULT BATTERY (live together in perfect harmony - sang the TEMPLAR CHOIR with TODDY orchestrating) and the two groups of RAB threes were the THREE MONKEYS and:
TOMLINSON - he told me that he was the first BATTERY in my HEAT ALARM...which I removed a long time ago and put in another one...SCARLETT I suppose...or SAWER...whoever became 'god' next...and yesterday I put another one in the next day because the thing began bleeping in the middle of the night...but it set off the entire alarm system and so PHELAN came back and sorted it out...although they still need to get a '21' electrical company to replace the entire thing because TOMLINSON had wrecked it inside...the same with the CATCH on the FOURTH DOOR - they put the doorhandle on back the wrong way by mistake and told me that when they had found the replacement part...that they would be back to fit it. They used the TASCHMANN 'beehive table' (see previous notes - I have two of these tables) as a 'stepladder' height to repair the HEAT ALARM...
I bought a 'superfood grain' which RIMINGTON had told me to buy from MORRISONS and cooked it in my slo-cooker today. It tasted like GRUEL - I only had a couple of spoons of it afterwards - the consistency of WALLPAPER GLUE - completely gelatinous.
I then remembered OLIVER programming at the TEMPLAR well as where this so-called 'food' had originated...not so much AZTEC/MAYAN civilisation superfood but CATTLE FOOD during the winter months - which SWISS PEASANTS ate when desperate...HANNI refused to eat it immediately and told us all what it was, basically...from whatever country it had come glued your insides up and you had difficulty in absorbing vitamins afterwards...some people went 'mad' on these grains are potentially dangerous...that is why the new blog of note is called:
If you would like to avoid this 'superwhole food' - this is it:
However, I asked BI to study it - once water is relation to the LAW OF ACCRETION and SURFACE TENSION...including whirling a metal spoon in it, in circular motions...the substances 'accretes' in various ways according to mass and then falls to the bottom...
There is a large amount of MAGNESIUM in it...
GILL used to channel himself through DAVID ICKE and he used to call himself 'MAGNU'...he talked rubbish most of the time...the 'moon is a spaceship' was a MARK R insanity...nobody really believed it...
MAGNESIUM was the main ingredient that BEN GRAHAM and his mates in H-BOMB class at LANGLEY SENIORS...used to blow a hole in the ceiling of the chemistry lab.
I then remembered OLIVER programming at the TEMPLAR well as where this so-called 'food' had originated...not so much AZTEC/MAYAN civilisation superfood but CATTLE FOOD during the winter months - which SWISS PEASANTS ate when desperate...HANNI refused to eat it immediately and told us all what it was, basically...from whatever country it had come glued your insides up and you had difficulty in absorbing vitamins afterwards...some people went 'mad' on these grains are potentially dangerous...that is why the new blog of note is called:
If you would like to avoid this 'superwhole food' - this is it:
However, I asked BI to study it - once water is relation to the LAW OF ACCRETION and SURFACE TENSION...including whirling a metal spoon in it, in circular motions...the substances 'accretes' in various ways according to mass and then falls to the bottom...
There is a large amount of MAGNESIUM in it...
GILL used to channel himself through DAVID ICKE and he used to call himself 'MAGNU'...he talked rubbish most of the time...the 'moon is a spaceship' was a MARK R insanity...nobody really believed it...
MAGNESIUM was the main ingredient that BEN GRAHAM and his mates in H-BOMB class at LANGLEY SENIORS...used to blow a hole in the ceiling of the chemistry lab.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
I did my 57th swim yesterday - I only have 10 7 minutes left of library time and it is difficult to remember what I have about BURGHER/BURGER KING...the 3 MONKEYS liked the mercantile thing and used to meet up there...
NPOWER's ELIZABETH GIBSON is now going to answer my latest complaint but no word from her yet...
A new reference number: 97621294
976 is a book/library reference
Either sisyphus or sylph...for the 21294
KOALA UP A TREE...that is what TODDY used to call me - having escaped once and hidden in a tree as a toddler...he then showed MARTINE images of KOALAS then programmed us as CO-ALLAHS...'twinning'...he then programmed GILL with KRAY TWIN...MARK R used to refer to this alter as such...MARTI the KRAY...
SABAK silliness in MR ICKE's book but he has the general drift...the ill cult change one letter - say GUTTER to BUTTER and then say 'both words mean SERPENT'...yes, that is the level of SABAK's reasoning power but he has got the general gist of how insane ill cult programmers make up new programming commands and words...
mar apparently means SERPENT according to SABAK...MARK R thought up:
P271 SOD-HYK related to hiccup well as HYK-SOS (drunkeness joke)...
57th SWIM was supposed to be the last as in '57 HEINZ BAKED BEANS' but the MASONS wanted another I went for the 58th swim today...
PHELAN 'mike williams' lookalike (he also looked like a koala) told me several times:
"...and then we will leave you in PEACE"...yes, let us hope so...
NPOWER's ELIZABETH GIBSON is now going to answer my latest complaint but no word from her yet...
A new reference number: 97621294
976 is a book/library reference
Either sisyphus or sylph...for the 21294
KOALA UP A TREE...that is what TODDY used to call me - having escaped once and hidden in a tree as a toddler...he then showed MARTINE images of KOALAS then programmed us as CO-ALLAHS...'twinning'...he then programmed GILL with KRAY TWIN...MARK R used to refer to this alter as such...MARTI the KRAY...
SABAK silliness in MR ICKE's book but he has the general drift...the ill cult change one letter - say GUTTER to BUTTER and then say 'both words mean SERPENT'...yes, that is the level of SABAK's reasoning power but he has got the general gist of how insane ill cult programmers make up new programming commands and words...
mar apparently means SERPENT according to SABAK...MARK R thought up:
P271 SOD-HYK related to hiccup well as HYK-SOS (drunkeness joke)...
57th SWIM was supposed to be the last as in '57 HEINZ BAKED BEANS' but the MASONS wanted another I went for the 58th swim today...
PHELAN 'mike williams' lookalike (he also looked like a koala) told me several times:
"...and then we will leave you in PEACE"...yes, let us hope so...
john meldrum "you must be joking" was forced to play MOTHER MELLDRUM the old witch.
I was put into a toddler alter and made to fight GILL in an early scene from the novel (yes, he got two roles) - p24-5...TOMLINSON made sure GILL was soundly beaten up by myself...he wanted to break any ties of 'affection' between us.
TOMLINSON also told me that I would have to play RUTH and marry MCDONALD in the end...TOMLINSON appeared to believe in his role as RIDD even off the set...he talked in olde Englishe...completely insane and 'black-head' energy...MCDONALD as ROZ had found out - was entirely homosexual...
Anyway, my mother rang this morning and told me that SHERINGHAM was very 'rocky' - ROCKEFELLER infestation. She also talked about ERPING and the SARACEN'S HEAD...another MARK R haunt...she also talked about a massive IN-SECT infestation in her house...apparently because of stuff brought back from the chateau...yes, I can remember RIMINGTON going round planting fleas everywhere...
IN-SECT means really, really ill.
I was put into a toddler alter and made to fight GILL in an early scene from the novel (yes, he got two roles) - p24-5...TOMLINSON made sure GILL was soundly beaten up by myself...he wanted to break any ties of 'affection' between us.
TOMLINSON also told me that I would have to play RUTH and marry MCDONALD in the end...TOMLINSON appeared to believe in his role as RIDD even off the set...he talked in olde Englishe...completely insane and 'black-head' energy...MCDONALD as ROZ had found out - was entirely homosexual...
Anyway, my mother rang this morning and told me that SHERINGHAM was very 'rocky' - ROCKEFELLER infestation. She also talked about ERPING and the SARACEN'S HEAD...another MARK R haunt...she also talked about a massive IN-SECT infestation in her house...apparently because of stuff brought back from the chateau...yes, I can remember RIMINGTON going round planting fleas everywhere...
IN-SECT means really, really ill.
LORNA DOONE programming - this was probably held at the ADMIRAL'S house - either in the MALVERNS which I strongly suspect...or in EXMORE.
Anyway, TOMLINSON had requested it to cement his 'love relationship' with MARTINE. MARTINE loved playing LORNA DOONE.
Somebody had left the Penguin softback on a display in teh library the other day - bottom righthand corner...I flicked through...remembered the BLOOD ON THE ALTER scene (GILL had a sort of sack of blood which MARK R released under his wedding gown during the marriage to TOMLINSON)...i wish I had more time to write about all of this because it was really quite amusing in a very sick sort of way...
Check out the Penguin edition and the cover illustration of a sort of 'VULCAN PRINCESS' in green...with pointy ears...LORNA DOONE:
Anyway, TOMLINSON had requested it to cement his 'love relationship' with MARTINE. MARTINE loved playing LORNA DOONE.
Somebody had left the Penguin softback on a display in teh library the other day - bottom righthand corner...I flicked through...remembered the BLOOD ON THE ALTER scene (GILL had a sort of sack of blood which MARK R released under his wedding gown during the marriage to TOMLINSON)...i wish I had more time to write about all of this because it was really quite amusing in a very sick sort of way...
Check out the Penguin edition and the cover illustration of a sort of 'VULCAN PRINCESS' in green...with pointy ears...LORNA DOONE:
Firstly those PINK HOUSE substitutes for the diabolical trio as well as MARK R and GILL...were to blame for the LENOVO horror...I now have a signed receipt and photocopy from CLACTON COMET - to say that the money will be paid back into my account within the next 3-5 days (delivery charge refunded too).
The next thing to happen was another ill cult stage and it feature the MASONS along with MICHAEL WILLIAMS...and a man that I shall call THE well as PHELAN workers who came round to fix my bathroom and frigged up the HEAT ALARM to go off again, behind my began in the early hours of the morning.
I had warned SCOTTIE and the SAS to tell the MASONS not to join in because I would kill them if they did...I had just shown the SAS my SEPHARDIC powers in relation to killing a whole group of men (courtmartial sentenced to death) in a field...they wanted to know how it was done...I wouldn't tell them but told them about great aunt COLLETTE and her personal crusade against the NAZIS (knowledge passed down in families - she had learnt a lot - I was to learn more - we could now defeat the satanists for good - for eternity)...I also told them how the Israeli military was infested with robotic satanists too but the rebel group to which I belonged, was winning...killing them off, cleaning them out...and they would was up to the SAS to take over the UK and to do the same - take control of the country...the men I was talking to were descendents of the SOE as I trusted them to do what they had to do...they were closest to the CROWN and knew the most (along with the MARINES)...the SAS HQ then went independent after that Iraq 'incident'...
A certain clique of MASONS decided to play silly buggers anyway...and were behind this latest stage of the ill cult game - they all paid for it. Little boys with radio sets are no match for top remote-viewing powers. They are taught to believe that they are wicked witches/wizards - they are not - way out of their depth.
So what was the SMOKE/HEAT ALARM drama all about?
Very briefly: MARTINE's 'smoke monster' as in HENRY.
As far as I can remember - it was the MALVERN HILLS...TODDY and RIMINGTON had taken MARTINE and I there...with a program us with - I think it was LORNA DOONE (that book came up yesterday - we had to re-enact parts of it)...I escaped...after having created a diversion - I had stolen TODDY's stun-gun as he sat in front of me...electrocuted MARTINE so that she would be too stunned to run after me (she was a faster runner - we were both around 9 years old at the time but in toddler alters)...
Anyway, I then made a run for it and ran into a man who was an ADMIRAL of the NAVY...I shouted to him that the 3 running behind me...TODDY and RIMINGTON had kidnapped me...they were PAEDOPHILES (I had just learnt that word) name was EMILY father was called DR OHB mother was DR S N GYDE...we lived at 14 ST BERNARDS ROAD...and then I shouted at the 3 of them 'YOU HAVEN'T GOT ANY ID - HAVE YOU?' They often talked about ID...I then turned to the ADMIRAL and told him 'they are going to run now'....and they fast as they could...all three of them.
The ADMIRAL took me back to his large house in the countryside...he telephoned his friends for help - after I had told them that the pair were working for BRITISH INTELLIGENCE...I also told him my home phone number and my father told him that he would drive out and pick me up...I distrusted father sounded furious upon the I told the ADMIRAL that he worked for BI too...the ADMIRAL made further calls...we then locked ourselves in the house as SCARLETT turned up with TODDY and RIMINGTON and another man...I told the ADMIRAL to give me a gun...he had rifles...I knew how to use one...he didn't...but he took one himself...we heard a window smash...the ADMIRAL protected me behind him with his rifle...his friends then turned up and he shouted for help...they came in through the front door (one had a key)...SCARLETT turned to one of his friends and said 'hello Sergeant Major' and immediately made the sign of the cross...I told the ADMIRAL to shoot...he shot TODDY in the chest but didn't kill him...we were then overpowered...but the ADMIRAL's other two friends escaped to spread the word...they ran for it...they were not mind control slaves.
The aftermath was that the ill cult tortured the ADMIRAL into the ground...and RIMINGTON told them: 'let's make him a top wizard - that'll please him' I would guess that they have persuaded this man to be behind this stage in the ill cult game entitled SMOKE MONSTER (which is how MARTINE saw me - because 'clouds' represent ECT 'white fuzz' in the brain - which is how she was seeing things at the time - chasing the 'monster' up the hill...RIMINGTON had shouted to her to follow)...and also MIKE WILLIAMS - HELEN RODWAY's husband, whom the SAS were to term a 'real bastard' later on...funny how the ill cult really bring out the worst in people isn't it...he wanted his manor house and lordly living...he sold me out...
The next thing to happen was another ill cult stage and it feature the MASONS along with MICHAEL WILLIAMS...and a man that I shall call THE well as PHELAN workers who came round to fix my bathroom and frigged up the HEAT ALARM to go off again, behind my began in the early hours of the morning.
I had warned SCOTTIE and the SAS to tell the MASONS not to join in because I would kill them if they did...I had just shown the SAS my SEPHARDIC powers in relation to killing a whole group of men (courtmartial sentenced to death) in a field...they wanted to know how it was done...I wouldn't tell them but told them about great aunt COLLETTE and her personal crusade against the NAZIS (knowledge passed down in families - she had learnt a lot - I was to learn more - we could now defeat the satanists for good - for eternity)...I also told them how the Israeli military was infested with robotic satanists too but the rebel group to which I belonged, was winning...killing them off, cleaning them out...and they would was up to the SAS to take over the UK and to do the same - take control of the country...the men I was talking to were descendents of the SOE as I trusted them to do what they had to do...they were closest to the CROWN and knew the most (along with the MARINES)...the SAS HQ then went independent after that Iraq 'incident'...
A certain clique of MASONS decided to play silly buggers anyway...and were behind this latest stage of the ill cult game - they all paid for it. Little boys with radio sets are no match for top remote-viewing powers. They are taught to believe that they are wicked witches/wizards - they are not - way out of their depth.
So what was the SMOKE/HEAT ALARM drama all about?
Very briefly: MARTINE's 'smoke monster' as in HENRY.
As far as I can remember - it was the MALVERN HILLS...TODDY and RIMINGTON had taken MARTINE and I there...with a program us with - I think it was LORNA DOONE (that book came up yesterday - we had to re-enact parts of it)...I escaped...after having created a diversion - I had stolen TODDY's stun-gun as he sat in front of me...electrocuted MARTINE so that she would be too stunned to run after me (she was a faster runner - we were both around 9 years old at the time but in toddler alters)...
Anyway, I then made a run for it and ran into a man who was an ADMIRAL of the NAVY...I shouted to him that the 3 running behind me...TODDY and RIMINGTON had kidnapped me...they were PAEDOPHILES (I had just learnt that word) name was EMILY father was called DR OHB mother was DR S N GYDE...we lived at 14 ST BERNARDS ROAD...and then I shouted at the 3 of them 'YOU HAVEN'T GOT ANY ID - HAVE YOU?' They often talked about ID...I then turned to the ADMIRAL and told him 'they are going to run now'....and they fast as they could...all three of them.
The ADMIRAL took me back to his large house in the countryside...he telephoned his friends for help - after I had told them that the pair were working for BRITISH INTELLIGENCE...I also told him my home phone number and my father told him that he would drive out and pick me up...I distrusted father sounded furious upon the I told the ADMIRAL that he worked for BI too...the ADMIRAL made further calls...we then locked ourselves in the house as SCARLETT turned up with TODDY and RIMINGTON and another man...I told the ADMIRAL to give me a gun...he had rifles...I knew how to use one...he didn't...but he took one himself...we heard a window smash...the ADMIRAL protected me behind him with his rifle...his friends then turned up and he shouted for help...they came in through the front door (one had a key)...SCARLETT turned to one of his friends and said 'hello Sergeant Major' and immediately made the sign of the cross...I told the ADMIRAL to shoot...he shot TODDY in the chest but didn't kill him...we were then overpowered...but the ADMIRAL's other two friends escaped to spread the word...they ran for it...they were not mind control slaves.
The aftermath was that the ill cult tortured the ADMIRAL into the ground...and RIMINGTON told them: 'let's make him a top wizard - that'll please him' I would guess that they have persuaded this man to be behind this stage in the ill cult game entitled SMOKE MONSTER (which is how MARTINE saw me - because 'clouds' represent ECT 'white fuzz' in the brain - which is how she was seeing things at the time - chasing the 'monster' up the hill...RIMINGTON had shouted to her to follow)...and also MIKE WILLIAMS - HELEN RODWAY's husband, whom the SAS were to term a 'real bastard' later on...funny how the ill cult really bring out the worst in people isn't it...he wanted his manor house and lordly living...he sold me out...
Look at the amount of ill SPAM this morning - the morning of my 58th swim of the season - PEACE - in the I CHING:
Unread Betty Bebe Hello 11:42 6KB
Unread Three Customer Services – Customer Experience Survey Three Customer Services – Customer Experience Survey 9:46 6KB
Unread mribrahimdewu From The Desk of mr ibrahim dewu 3:00 15KB
Unread Mrs Aku Ewebe UK PAYMENT CENTER Tue, 24/8/10 5KB
Unread Mrs.Elizabeth James "Ticket No: 8603775966738" Tue, 24/8/10 4KB
Unread Mr Ali Azzi From The Desk Of Mr Ali Azzi Tue, 24/8/10 25KB
Unread Mr Ali Azzi From The Desk Of Mr Ali Azzi Tue, 24/8/10 26KB
Unread davi Confidential Respond, Tue, 24/8/10 9KB
Unread Dr Jonas Kafando FROM THE DESK OF JONAS KAFANDO Tue, 24/8/10 6KB
Unread janet mbogo PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP, Tue, 24/8/10 11KB
Unread Mr Sahidi Mahmuod READ AND GET BACK TO ME. Tue, 24/8/10 13KB
Unread Mr Sahidi Mahmuod READ AND GET BACK TO ME. Tue, 24/8/10 13KB
Unread Dr Maajid Ghafur I assumed you are in good health with your family. Tue, 24/8/10 8KB
Unread Oluwa Abea IT IS WELL Mon, 23/8/10 8KB
Unread mr.davi Confidential Respond, Mon, 23/8/10 6KB
Unread Omar Smani URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED. Mon, 23/8/10 8KB
Unread Mr Kute Ben Get back to me Mon, 23/8/10 10KB
Unread mr.davi Confidential Respond, Mon, 23/8/10 6KB
Unread Mr Liu Ling Compliment of the Day, Mon, 23/8/10 4KB
Unread Betty Bebe Hello 11:42 6KB
Unread Three Customer Services – Customer Experience Survey Three Customer Services – Customer Experience Survey 9:46 6KB
Unread mribrahimdewu From The Desk of mr ibrahim dewu 3:00 15KB
Unread Mrs Aku Ewebe UK PAYMENT CENTER Tue, 24/8/10 5KB
Unread Mrs.Elizabeth James "Ticket No: 8603775966738" Tue, 24/8/10 4KB
Unread Mr Ali Azzi From The Desk Of Mr Ali Azzi Tue, 24/8/10 25KB
Unread Mr Ali Azzi From The Desk Of Mr Ali Azzi Tue, 24/8/10 26KB
Unread davi Confidential Respond, Tue, 24/8/10 9KB
Unread Dr Jonas Kafando FROM THE DESK OF JONAS KAFANDO Tue, 24/8/10 6KB
Unread janet mbogo PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP, Tue, 24/8/10 11KB
Unread Mr Sahidi Mahmuod READ AND GET BACK TO ME. Tue, 24/8/10 13KB
Unread Mr Sahidi Mahmuod READ AND GET BACK TO ME. Tue, 24/8/10 13KB
Unread Dr Maajid Ghafur I assumed you are in good health with your family. Tue, 24/8/10 8KB
Unread Oluwa Abea IT IS WELL Mon, 23/8/10 8KB
Unread mr.davi Confidential Respond, Mon, 23/8/10 6KB
Unread Omar Smani URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED. Mon, 23/8/10 8KB
Unread Mr Kute Ben Get back to me Mon, 23/8/10 10KB
Unread mr.davi Confidential Respond, Mon, 23/8/10 6KB
Unread Mr Liu Ling Compliment of the Day, Mon, 23/8/10 4KB
To save time here is both my reply to the latest NPOWER idiotic email and the email which provoked it, below:
RE: URN 97621294-Miss GydeWednesday, 25 August, 2010 12:02
From: "emily gyde"Add sender to ContactsTo:
Yes, I can see that you took my tongue in cheek quip a bit too seriously MR RISEBOROUGH, regarding a £1 p.w. charge.
As you well know - if you can read - my main complaint is this:
Why was I charged the same amount of money for two meter readings - when one was nearly half the usage of the other. Let me remind you that I have signed witnesses for the dates and times of the readings upon the two separate meters.
[You might also like to answer the question (in relation to a personal survey of mine) why some people are charged much less whilst using far more more gas/electricity than myself. Please do not even attempt to try for an argument based upon 'different tariffs' unless you can prove it in court.]
If you really feel that the complaints team cannot answer the above question then they will have to do so in a court of law.
Yours sincerely
Emily Gyde M.A.
--- On Mon, 23/8/10, wrote:
Subject: RE: URN 97621294-Miss Gyde
Date: Monday, 23 August, 2010, 15:28
Good afternoon Miss Gyde,
As agreed, I will request that your enquiry is escalated for a final review by our Head of Customer Relations. However, please can you clarify what you wish for us to do in order to resolve your enquiry as the charges on your account are correct in line with our tariff prices so although you will receive our final response, the outcome will not change. We cannot charge you for electricity equating to £1.00 per week if your usage is greater than this as shown by the units of energy registered by your meter.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards,
David Riseborough
Executive Complaints Team
Residential Operations
Tel :0845 0730861 (ext 1198353)
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm; Friday 9am-4.30pm
From: emily gyde []
Sent: 22 August 2010 14:18
To: Executive Complaints
Subject: Re: URN 97621294-Miss Gyde
Thank you for your kind offer to escalate my inquiry to NPOWER's head of Customer Relations a.s.a.p.
I look forward to hearing from their reply.
Kind regards
Emily Gyde
--- On Wed, 18/8/10, wrote:
Subject: URN 97621294-Miss Gyde
Date: Wednesday, 18 August, 2010, 12:31
Good morning Miss Gyde,
As a senior advisor with 12 years experience in the energy industry, I feel that I have the knowledge and mathematical qualifications needed to answer your concerns.
As the calculations in my previous email response clearly demonstrated how the current balances and charges on your accounts are correct then I would appreciate if you could kindly contact me directly by phone on 0845 0730861 in order to discuss this matter further. We have charged you for energy that you have used as shown as registered by the advance of reading on the meters at your property, calculated on our tariff prices.
However, should you still not agree that the charges are correct then I will escalated your enquiry to our Head of Customer Relations so that a final review can be done and a letter issued outlying our final decision.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
David Riseborough
Executive Complaints Team
Residential Operations
Tel :0845 0730861 (ext 1198353)
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm; Friday 9am-4.30pm
RE: URN 97621294-Miss GydeWednesday, 25 August, 2010 12:02
From: "emily gyde"
Yes, I can see that you took my tongue in cheek quip a bit too seriously MR RISEBOROUGH, regarding a £1 p.w. charge.
As you well know - if you can read - my main complaint is this:
Why was I charged the same amount of money for two meter readings - when one was nearly half the usage of the other. Let me remind you that I have signed witnesses for the dates and times of the readings upon the two separate meters.
[You might also like to answer the question (in relation to a personal survey of mine) why some people are charged much less whilst using far more more gas/electricity than myself. Please do not even attempt to try for an argument based upon 'different tariffs' unless you can prove it in court.]
If you really feel that the complaints team cannot answer the above question then they will have to do so in a court of law.
Yours sincerely
Emily Gyde M.A.
--- On Mon, 23/8/10,
Subject: RE: URN 97621294-Miss Gyde
Date: Monday, 23 August, 2010, 15:28
Good afternoon Miss Gyde,
As agreed, I will request that your enquiry is escalated for a final review by our Head of Customer Relations. However, please can you clarify what you wish for us to do in order to resolve your enquiry as the charges on your account are correct in line with our tariff prices so although you will receive our final response, the outcome will not change. We cannot charge you for electricity equating to £1.00 per week if your usage is greater than this as shown by the units of energy registered by your meter.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards,
David Riseborough
Executive Complaints Team
Residential Operations
Tel :0845 0730861 (ext 1198353)
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm; Friday 9am-4.30pm
From: emily gyde []
Sent: 22 August 2010 14:18
To: Executive Complaints
Subject: Re: URN 97621294-Miss Gyde
Thank you for your kind offer to escalate my inquiry to NPOWER's head of Customer Relations a.s.a.p.
I look forward to hearing from their reply.
Kind regards
Emily Gyde
--- On Wed, 18/8/10,
Subject: URN 97621294-Miss Gyde
Date: Wednesday, 18 August, 2010, 12:31
Good morning Miss Gyde,
As a senior advisor with 12 years experience in the energy industry, I feel that I have the knowledge and mathematical qualifications needed to answer your concerns.
As the calculations in my previous email response clearly demonstrated how the current balances and charges on your accounts are correct then I would appreciate if you could kindly contact me directly by phone on 0845 0730861 in order to discuss this matter further. We have charged you for energy that you have used as shown as registered by the advance of reading on the meters at your property, calculated on our tariff prices.
However, should you still not agree that the charges are correct then I will escalated your enquiry to our Head of Customer Relations so that a final review can be done and a letter issued outlying our final decision.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
David Riseborough
Executive Complaints Team
Residential Operations
Tel :0845 0730861 (ext 1198353)
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm; Friday 9am-4.30pm
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
i only have 10 minutes left and so this has to be really brief:
MISS PONSONBY 'government inspector' of chemical laboratories.
RIMINGTON was programmed as was was REBBEKAH WADE...and quite a few others over the years...I would imagine.
MARK R and GILL did it with myself and WADE in quick succession - the idea was originally (from the 1950s onwards) basically seduction by the white-coated inspector in a grey above the knee business skirt, in suspenders and high heels...but they changed it to us trying to escape over a roof top from a broken lift to jump onto a lower roof...plunge through the false ceiling to be told by GILL in his CHEMIC ALI alter:
"You could have used the door, Miss Ponsonby I presume"
So it was being hijacked and used by the ROCKEFELLERS at this point in time...
MARTINE was also dressed up as MISS PONSONBY whilst TODDY and MARK R sang:
"PONCE ON BY" to her (walk on by)...MARTINE told me that she didn't even know what 'ponce' meant...
Anyway, once ROZ and I had remote-viewed the lot...MCDONALD then sang PONCE ON BY as GILL entered the CIA LAB...this sent him into his CHEMIC ALI alter and he left - to return with his large black SLAVE-DRIVERS whip to terrify us all...this was the soul-trapping whip that TOMLINSON had used in CHARTRES...upon the BI 1980 course...
WADE was used as a relation to
suss-pend - er
a MIND CONTROL command to her minions...the ROCKEFELLERS were intent upon getting rid of ER and so this was basically 'media'/newspapers/journalist programming...
MISS PONSONBY 'government inspector' of chemical laboratories.
RIMINGTON was programmed as was was REBBEKAH WADE...and quite a few others over the years...I would imagine.
MARK R and GILL did it with myself and WADE in quick succession - the idea was originally (from the 1950s onwards) basically seduction by the white-coated inspector in a grey above the knee business skirt, in suspenders and high heels...but they changed it to us trying to escape over a roof top from a broken lift to jump onto a lower roof...plunge through the false ceiling to be told by GILL in his CHEMIC ALI alter:
"You could have used the door, Miss Ponsonby I presume"
So it was being hijacked and used by the ROCKEFELLERS at this point in time...
MARTINE was also dressed up as MISS PONSONBY whilst TODDY and MARK R sang:
"PONCE ON BY" to her (walk on by)...MARTINE told me that she didn't even know what 'ponce' meant...
Anyway, once ROZ and I had remote-viewed the lot...MCDONALD then sang PONCE ON BY as GILL entered the CIA LAB...this sent him into his CHEMIC ALI alter and he left - to return with his large black SLAVE-DRIVERS whip to terrify us all...this was the soul-trapping whip that TOMLINSON had used in CHARTRES...upon the BI 1980 course...
WADE was used as a relation to
suss-pend - er
a MIND CONTROL command to her minions...the ROCKEFELLERS were intent upon getting rid of ER and so this was basically 'media'/newspapers/journalist programming...
Anyway, the MOSSAD were not as well-informed as you might imagine in relation to PRINCE PHILIP's 'city of gold' took a conflict between the Israeli BEIT DIN and the NY one in relation to 'allowing slave wives' to provoke an investigation...the MOSSAD then went to work...
I can now get some sort of an overview of what was then to happen:
THE MOSSAD produced a list of BLACK SHELL joos to die...those who attended the temple rites and who were irretrievable...they then gave the DIA the technology...microchips in food..they looked like small shreds of CARROT...ROZ and I remote-viewed it all...basically joos taking joos joos because they were really Babylonian Satanists...this mainly happened in restaurants and by the target's 'close friend'...the carrot chip was put into the food...the guy swallowed it (most women had enough resilience not to become 'black shells') and then the CIA were given 'remote-devices' which operated best at about 3 meters away to trigger a heart attack in the 'target'...this all happened around 2004, as far as I am aware.
Anyway, I can now see why the MOSSAD staged 9/11 as a cover and a front for taking out the military base below NY...they had calculated that it would melt all evidence of the CITY OF GOLD and it did...they then shot beams at the DARK SHADOWS which emerged from below ground (they are not seen by the naked eye but by remote-viewers trained to pick up such negative energy and MOSSAD instruments, naturally)...and dissolved them...the main idea was a huge cover-up make sure that nobody would ever find evidence that JOOS had been Babylonian Satanists in NY...
I can now get some sort of an overview of what was then to happen:
THE MOSSAD produced a list of BLACK SHELL joos to die...those who attended the temple rites and who were irretrievable...they then gave the DIA the technology...microchips in food..they looked like small shreds of CARROT...ROZ and I remote-viewed it all...basically joos taking joos joos because they were really Babylonian Satanists...this mainly happened in restaurants and by the target's 'close friend'...the carrot chip was put into the food...the guy swallowed it (most women had enough resilience not to become 'black shells') and then the CIA were given 'remote-devices' which operated best at about 3 meters away to trigger a heart attack in the 'target'...this all happened around 2004, as far as I am aware.
Anyway, I can now see why the MOSSAD staged 9/11 as a cover and a front for taking out the military base below NY...they had calculated that it would melt all evidence of the CITY OF GOLD and it did...they then shot beams at the DARK SHADOWS which emerged from below ground (they are not seen by the naked eye but by remote-viewers trained to pick up such negative energy and MOSSAD instruments, naturally)...and dissolved them...the main idea was a huge cover-up make sure that nobody would ever find evidence that JOOS had been Babylonian Satanists in NY...
GILL had gone down there quite a few times...he had introduced me to WADE who didn't like HENRY much - she adored MARTINE "my little girl" - so many people did...she knew the whole system...of child alters...but didn't appear to know that she had been programmed like MCDONALD as an AMY...'THE GIRL WITH THE GOLDEN HAIR'...a first-rate performer of the ill cult...anyway, she took us both through it, telling us that her father was higher than GREENSPAN who was presiding over the insane events which happened down there...GREENSPAN was the warlock at that particular rhyme or reason to it at all, really...just blackmail tapes for the top ill...
WADE told us both to go to the 'cleansing ritual area' which was linked to a 'laundry'...GILL told me glumly that we had to stay in this lukewarm MIKVAH of a light greenish pool for an hour whilst our clothes went through a dry-cleaning get rid of any evidence/blood/DNA...I nearly froze...WADE's husband joined us as we were leaving - joking that he was warm-blooded like myself and this bit was really tedious...that lightened the atmosphere a little...GILL never seemed to feel the cold...anyway, we got our clothes back and OBAMA met us outside...above ground...he told me that the whole thing was 'special' wasn't it with a 'we are all in it and nothing we can do' type of grin on his face..I said that I might have chosen other words but that would do....
WADE told us both to go to the 'cleansing ritual area' which was linked to a 'laundry'...GILL told me glumly that we had to stay in this lukewarm MIKVAH of a light greenish pool for an hour whilst our clothes went through a dry-cleaning get rid of any evidence/blood/DNA...I nearly froze...WADE's husband joined us as we were leaving - joking that he was warm-blooded like myself and this bit was really tedious...that lightened the atmosphere a little...GILL never seemed to feel the cold...anyway, we got our clothes back and OBAMA met us outside...above ground...he told me that the whole thing was 'special' wasn't it with a 'we are all in it and nothing we can do' type of grin on his face..I said that I might have chosen other words but that would do....
BUTLER admitted that she had always hated me and from school - she had been JOOISH ORTHODOX and from a 'radio equipment' family...BUT she had joined with AZIZ and TOMLINSON early on...converted to Satanic Islam...she wanted to get all of us the CIA LAB...I am still amazed that BI hired somebody as thick as BUTLER...she was never the brightest spark on the bonfire...but there again, that never seemed to matter - did it?
This was all about 'SEE ILL':
THE CITY OF GOLD - briefly - beside PRINCE PHILIP's SS BASE UNDERGROUND in NY...was a large temple underground...filled with GOLD BABYLONIAN statues and a GOLD ALTAR which looked rather similar to the HOUSE OF LORDS construction at the front...the owners (jooish by name but simply Babylonian Satanists)owned the FEDERAL RESERVE and the BANKING CARTEL in NY - they used to gather in this temple for what they called their rites but were in fact simply a 'front' to hide what was going on in the military base. They all took a drug akin to PCP...their victims were tied to the statues and they all had to cut let them slowly bleed to the centre of the temple was a rectangular pool of human blood...which these people used to drink from...they were all BLACK SHELLS...and possessed by the DARK SHADOWS under the military base...they all had serious blood disorders...
GILL knew REBBEKAH WADE well...she was one of the few who was a strong enough character to go down to these rites and NOT take the PCP type drug which made them all psychotic enough to do what they see, a lot of them took it because they couldn't bear the horror and the drug made them 'immune' to it...the drug also put them into 'mad children alters'...
WADE was our guide...GILL couldn't stand it...he saw one of his friends tied to a statue being bled to see, GILL was the financial wizard at GREEN TOWER...and these people who were chosen to be sacrificed were generaly under-performing employees of the banking quarter...those who had lost money for the top ill...and one day, GILL feared that he might be one of them...
This was all about 'SEE ILL':
THE CITY OF GOLD - briefly - beside PRINCE PHILIP's SS BASE UNDERGROUND in NY...was a large temple underground...filled with GOLD BABYLONIAN statues and a GOLD ALTAR which looked rather similar to the HOUSE OF LORDS construction at the front...the owners (jooish by name but simply Babylonian Satanists)owned the FEDERAL RESERVE and the BANKING CARTEL in NY - they used to gather in this temple for what they called their rites but were in fact simply a 'front' to hide what was going on in the military base. They all took a drug akin to PCP...their victims were tied to the statues and they all had to cut let them slowly bleed to the centre of the temple was a rectangular pool of human blood...which these people used to drink from...they were all BLACK SHELLS...and possessed by the DARK SHADOWS under the military base...they all had serious blood disorders...
GILL knew REBBEKAH WADE well...she was one of the few who was a strong enough character to go down to these rites and NOT take the PCP type drug which made them all psychotic enough to do what they see, a lot of them took it because they couldn't bear the horror and the drug made them 'immune' to it...the drug also put them into 'mad children alters'...
WADE was our guide...GILL couldn't stand it...he saw one of his friends tied to a statue being bled to see, GILL was the financial wizard at GREEN TOWER...and these people who were chosen to be sacrificed were generaly under-performing employees of the banking quarter...those who had lost money for the top ill...and one day, GILL feared that he might be one of them...
Thank you 'PHELAN' for encoding a letter put through my door yesterday about repairs - it contained two 'mistakes':
One in grammar:
"Adjust the window as is binding"
One in spelling:
"window cill"
Both were clues to myself to wake up to the following:
JAYNE BUTLER had been behind a plot to involve DABYDEEN in a worthless pursuit - finding out what had happened to 'AZIZ' ABBAS.
Quick answer: he was a Satanic Islamic living in India and a member of the MITTAL family. He used to murder so many of his slaves and take a personal delight in transporting them to a MITTAL quarry in order to throw their bodies in. AZIZ also used to delight in murdering his wives - he murdered 7 out of 8 before an ASHKENAZIM mafia got him - and created a snuff tape of his 'death' then sent it to the MITTALS. All part of a CIA plan to rattle the MITTALS before they were taken out.
The 3rd wife had her eyes gouged out by AZIZ - he used to film these murders - he held her up to camera telling her that she wasn't so pretty now...
No wonder DABYDEEN was furious with BUTLER and CHAKRABHATI for involving him in such a worthless cause as demanding what had happened to AZIZ who used to have BRITISH CITIZENSHIP...the CIA sent him the above tapes as proof of what this man had done...and what he was like...
One in grammar:
"Adjust the window as is binding"
One in spelling:
"window cill"
Both were clues to myself to wake up to the following:
JAYNE BUTLER had been behind a plot to involve DABYDEEN in a worthless pursuit - finding out what had happened to 'AZIZ' ABBAS.
Quick answer: he was a Satanic Islamic living in India and a member of the MITTAL family. He used to murder so many of his slaves and take a personal delight in transporting them to a MITTAL quarry in order to throw their bodies in. AZIZ also used to delight in murdering his wives - he murdered 7 out of 8 before an ASHKENAZIM mafia got him - and created a snuff tape of his 'death' then sent it to the MITTALS. All part of a CIA plan to rattle the MITTALS before they were taken out.
The 3rd wife had her eyes gouged out by AZIZ - he used to film these murders - he held her up to camera telling her that she wasn't so pretty now...
No wonder DABYDEEN was furious with BUTLER and CHAKRABHATI for involving him in such a worthless cause as demanding what had happened to AZIZ who used to have BRITISH CITIZENSHIP...the CIA sent him the above tapes as proof of what this man had done...and what he was like...
...and because of MI6 still being run by TOMLINSON's Satanic Islamic program...and DABYDEEN and his associates still in power...I couldn't afford to give MI6 any of the 'dimension' mind control manuals and 'books of knowledge' I encoded it all...but also changed a large amount of characters in leave only say 'one letter/symbol' that was correct in each book...I was playing for time...MI6 set to work to decode them all...with no success.
I also changed the lock to GILL's door.
CAROLINE was eventually told to break it down and found nothing behind it.
You wouldn't have done...the 'mechanism' of the lock worked a bit like an 'aleithometer' of my DARK MATERIALS opening a had to get it right, in order to get what you wanted behind the door...breaking it down was a waste of time...
I also changed the lock to GILL's door.
CAROLINE was eventually told to break it down and found nothing behind it.
You wouldn't have done...the 'mechanism' of the lock worked a bit like an 'aleithometer' of my DARK MATERIALS opening a had to get it right, in order to get what you wanted behind the door...breaking it down was a waste of time...
A brief note to academics - being a MR BIG and getting an overview is what I would call an INFORMATION ANALYST role - sadly ACADEME is too cowardly to do this nowadays and as a result, they are failing the rest of us - in terms of education and real enlightenment. Yes, it is a thankless task, getting an overview because as soon as a bit more information comes to light...the overview has to be modified, changed or ditched entirely....but it is also the most important thing of the lot. DETAIL isn't 'all' - the MR SMALL pursuit. You have to 'do' something with it.
A brief note to academics - being a MR BIG and getting an overview is what I would call an INFORMATION ANALYST role - sadly ACADEME is too cowardly to do this nowadays and as a result, they are failing the rest of us - in terms of education and real enlightenment. Yes, it is a thankless task, getting an overview because as soon as a bit more information comes to light...the overview has to be modified, changed or ditched entirely....but it is also the most important thing of the lot. DETAIL isn't 'all' - the MR SMALL pursuit. You have to 'do' something with it.
A parcel was delivered by PARCELFORCE to flat 1 yesterday...I went to my spyhole, curious and heard the following...'this is for EMILY - will you take it'...'are you from the GPO'...'yes'...'of course I'll sign for it'...
I didn't open my door...wondering who might of sent me a parcel but 'sensing' that is was something harmless and probably from HANNI but it would be symbolic of something....
Anyway, the guy then pushed a 'we called but you were out' card through my letterbox odd. Even odder, there was nothing written upon it at all in terms of my name, address or anything apart from a tick in the box 'it has been left at' and then in biro pen:
I suppose that HASH 1 meant flat 1...
The driver didn't sign his name in the box or give a date or anything at all except for #1
I would guess this is all about PARSELTONGUE (snake language) PARCEL-TONGUE and something to do with RIMINGTON wanting to put a snake through my letterbox but she cannot do so until I buy some apples - I remember 'seeing' her discussing it with RIMINGTON over GILL's kitchen table "she's got apple juice in the fridge - is that good enough?' ROZ didn't think so...
The printed code at the bottom of the PARCELFORCE card was: PN994/08 EL
i got a good look at the guy as he posted the card through my letterbox...he was carrying a walkie talkie.
I didn't open my door...wondering who might of sent me a parcel but 'sensing' that is was something harmless and probably from HANNI but it would be symbolic of something....
Anyway, the guy then pushed a 'we called but you were out' card through my letterbox odd. Even odder, there was nothing written upon it at all in terms of my name, address or anything apart from a tick in the box 'it has been left at' and then in biro pen:
I suppose that HASH 1 meant flat 1...
The driver didn't sign his name in the box or give a date or anything at all except for #1
I would guess this is all about PARSELTONGUE (snake language) PARCEL-TONGUE and something to do with RIMINGTON wanting to put a snake through my letterbox but she cannot do so until I buy some apples - I remember 'seeing' her discussing it with RIMINGTON over GILL's kitchen table "she's got apple juice in the fridge - is that good enough?' ROZ didn't think so...
The printed code at the bottom of the PARCELFORCE card was: PN994/08 EL
i got a good look at the guy as he posted the card through my letterbox...he was carrying a walkie talkie.
Individual quests?
DAVID MILIBAND had been told to find FAITH and then presumably HOPE and CHAR-ITY/CHAS-TITY...
COLLIE sounded like she was looking for HELEN OF TROY...and I can remember father telling me that his friend DR COX was 'AGAMEMNON' who was MENELAUS? TOMLINSON? i didn't think that I was supposed to be PARIS because this was an all-male drama where men played the women's parts...ROZ researched early theatre and found out that the first actors were seen as 'gods' because of their fame...and that women were too 'lowly' to be allowed upon stage because of the 'godly cults' that surrounded early actors on stage...the first 'stars' and 'gods' of early civilisation and beyond...which became the THEATRE/THREAT of the ill cult and HOLLYWOOD BABYLON etc etc...
Individual quests?
DAVID MILIBAND had been told to find FAITH and then presumably HOPE and CHAR-ITY/CHAS-TITY...
COLLIE sounded like she was looking for HELEN OF TROY...and I can remember father telling me that his friend DR COX was 'AGAMEMNON' who was MENELAUS? TOMLINSON? i didn't think that I was supposed to be PARIS because this was an all-male drama where men played the women's parts...ROZ researched early theatre and found out that the first actors were seen as 'gods' because of their fame...and that women were too 'lowly' to be allowed upon stage because of the 'godly cults' that surrounded early actors on stage...the first 'stars' and 'gods' of early civilisation and beyond...which became the THEATRE/THREAT of the ill cult and HOLLYWOOD BABYLON etc etc...
Monday, 23 August 2010
Anyway, the fourth door of that FLAT 3, EAGLE HOUSE ...represented the FOURTH DIMENSION...MARK R and TODDY had blocked it used to open up to a staircase up to the second floor flat...HAZEL's flat 4 - it is now a 'cupboard'...shades of the JANITOR'S CUPBOARD but with no radio equipment.
HAZEL had effigies of DRAGONS in her flat...this represents remote-viewing at the highest levels.
MARK R and CO had tried to debarr that blocking off the staircase - by changing the whole building.
DRAGONS and SNAKES are not a bad thing...MR ICKE's book would lead us to believe that they are...but there are many positive ways of seeing I have already pointed out...MR ICKE was himself a WATCHER at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...even though he rails against them in his books...but I have to add that I know he was coerced by MI6 to write things that he didn't want to write - in order to be allowed to let all of the other stuff out...
Lastly - in order to trigger RIMINGTON's slaves to put a snake through my letterbox...I had to buy APPLES at this point in the ill cult game. Why?
So I will only be buying and eating apples outside of that flat - from this point in time...people let themselves in now and then - as I have previously 'not safe' to have apples lying around.
HAZEL had effigies of DRAGONS in her flat...this represents remote-viewing at the highest levels.
MARK R and CO had tried to debarr that blocking off the staircase - by changing the whole building.
DRAGONS and SNAKES are not a bad thing...MR ICKE's book would lead us to believe that they are...but there are many positive ways of seeing I have already pointed out...MR ICKE was himself a WATCHER at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...even though he rails against them in his books...but I have to add that I know he was coerced by MI6 to write things that he didn't want to write - in order to be allowed to let all of the other stuff out...
Lastly - in order to trigger RIMINGTON's slaves to put a snake through my letterbox...I had to buy APPLES at this point in the ill cult game. Why?
So I will only be buying and eating apples outside of that flat - from this point in time...people let themselves in now and then - as I have previously 'not safe' to have apples lying around.
EAGLE HOUSE and the FOUR DOORS - see previous notes:
The first door was to the living room and the GALLOWS from the beam (and bits of human brain embedded in the wood) - first dimension- synonymous with DEATH.
Second door was to the bedroom and the WHITE BLINDS and BLIND MAN'S STICK...the blindness of the demonic in the 2D secnod dimension.
3D was the bathroom and 'I am a DALEK - do you remember that?' SCARLETT tittered...standing with RIMINGTON and myself...he had taken one of the white poles of the show rail out of the wall and was waving it around...I then took the porcelain top off the WC and showed him the BLUE DUCK and ORANGE BALL...he was amused...he hadn't worked that one out, during his stay in the flat...nor had RIMINGTON...they had presumably both been through the same ill cult game of 'remember and work it out'...
3D appeared to relate to a Satanic hijacking of ISLAM and an NWO put in by ROTHSCHILD/ROCKEFELLER/TADCO ill cult families...
Yes, that GREEN revolution in IRAN is an ill cult one...a CIA 'GREEN TOWER' MARK R invention...despite those lovely pics of worthy women in green, demonstrating for a 'good cause'...they are CIA mind control slaves upon a demonic network.
The SAUDIS have proven themselves to be the best WARLORDS out in ISLAM and the only ones worthy to rule the roost...they own MECCA anyway...and ISLAM is a WARLORD RELIGION/CULTURE...make no mistake about that has to be empirical about it all...RITA CHAKRABATI (see ICKE's notes upon her ill cult relative in the HOUSE OF LORDS)told me that her GREEN women friends in IRAN would never accept SAUDI RULE by what...they are a tiny minority of CIA mind control slaves...and the vast majority of Muslims want religious rule - and a stop to the killing...the murders...the hell on earth...the GREENS in IRAN are all about making more Satanic hell for the country and the Middle-East in general...
Yes, I am talking about a situation that looks rather like the POPE in early times...issuing papal bulls from ROME and ruling CATHOLIC COUNTRIES by proxy...but in the modernday case of the SAUDIS and Islam would actually be beneficial to all Islamic have an 'overlord' stop their internal mediate between disputes...that sort of thing.
I remember talking to MCDONALD about the above in detail...I exclaimed that with ISLAM - it was an odd culture...because for example, the ITALIANS told me that they didn't try to colonise during the COLONIAL PERIOD where the FRENCH/DUTCH/BRITISH/SPANISH etc were going hell for leather...because the ITALIANS had so many civil wars and rebellions to quel...started by warring ARISTOCRATIC 'mafia clans' that their way of doing things was to quel these before attacking other countries...shades of the ROMAN have to present a united STRONG front to the enemy...
I laughed about it all with MCDONALD - remarking that it's like a playground fight...the ITALIANS hive themselves off - put a ring around their two little boys fighting and don't let outsiders in...whereas with ISLAM it is quite the opposite...they have always been a 'welcoming culture' to strangers...and so they invite the rest of the playground to join in the rest of the terms of 'the more the merrier'...if I have enough people upon my side...then I will's an odd world isn't it?
The first door was to the living room and the GALLOWS from the beam (and bits of human brain embedded in the wood) - first dimension- synonymous with DEATH.
Second door was to the bedroom and the WHITE BLINDS and BLIND MAN'S STICK...the blindness of the demonic in the 2D secnod dimension.
3D was the bathroom and 'I am a DALEK - do you remember that?' SCARLETT tittered...standing with RIMINGTON and myself...he had taken one of the white poles of the show rail out of the wall and was waving it around...I then took the porcelain top off the WC and showed him the BLUE DUCK and ORANGE BALL...he was amused...he hadn't worked that one out, during his stay in the flat...nor had RIMINGTON...they had presumably both been through the same ill cult game of 'remember and work it out'...
3D appeared to relate to a Satanic hijacking of ISLAM and an NWO put in by ROTHSCHILD/ROCKEFELLER/TADCO ill cult families...
Yes, that GREEN revolution in IRAN is an ill cult one...a CIA 'GREEN TOWER' MARK R invention...despite those lovely pics of worthy women in green, demonstrating for a 'good cause'...they are CIA mind control slaves upon a demonic network.
The SAUDIS have proven themselves to be the best WARLORDS out in ISLAM and the only ones worthy to rule the roost...they own MECCA anyway...and ISLAM is a WARLORD RELIGION/CULTURE...make no mistake about that has to be empirical about it all...RITA CHAKRABATI (see ICKE's notes upon her ill cult relative in the HOUSE OF LORDS)told me that her GREEN women friends in IRAN would never accept SAUDI RULE by what...they are a tiny minority of CIA mind control slaves...and the vast majority of Muslims want religious rule - and a stop to the killing...the murders...the hell on earth...the GREENS in IRAN are all about making more Satanic hell for the country and the Middle-East in general...
Yes, I am talking about a situation that looks rather like the POPE in early times...issuing papal bulls from ROME and ruling CATHOLIC COUNTRIES by proxy...but in the modernday case of the SAUDIS and Islam would actually be beneficial to all Islamic have an 'overlord' stop their internal mediate between disputes...that sort of thing.
I remember talking to MCDONALD about the above in detail...I exclaimed that with ISLAM - it was an odd culture...because for example, the ITALIANS told me that they didn't try to colonise during the COLONIAL PERIOD where the FRENCH/DUTCH/BRITISH/SPANISH etc were going hell for leather...because the ITALIANS had so many civil wars and rebellions to quel...started by warring ARISTOCRATIC 'mafia clans' that their way of doing things was to quel these before attacking other countries...shades of the ROMAN have to present a united STRONG front to the enemy...
I laughed about it all with MCDONALD - remarking that it's like a playground fight...the ITALIANS hive themselves off - put a ring around their two little boys fighting and don't let outsiders in...whereas with ISLAM it is quite the opposite...they have always been a 'welcoming culture' to strangers...and so they invite the rest of the playground to join in the rest of the terms of 'the more the merrier'...if I have enough people upon my side...then I will's an odd world isn't it?

MARK R used to above comic strip upon GILL and I in the forest around the TEMPLAR CASTLE. I went along with it - because it didn't include torturing or murdering anybody...I had to keep him 'sweet' in this way, most of the time.
GILL was dressed up in a hood - I couldn't see his face - and in a little boy alter. He was told to take his hood off and then I was to go into a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE. So he took his hood off to reveal his normal face...and I keeled over in an NDE...MARK R found that one hilarious.
How pathetic.
Additionally, RIMINGTON wanted to up the ante in relation to me finding GILL in a wheelchair 'let's pretend that you suffered an acid attack' she exclaimed 'then she'll never go near you' in - make up his face to look hideously disfigured.
This morning I went for a cycle ride down COLLEGE ROAD and funnily enough...there appears to be no number 16...but I recognised the general location of the house that MARK R had taken me too and that appeared to be number 15...
Secondly, I just got away in time because as I was cycling away from the road a car that I recognised speeded past...driven by somebody who looked very similar to CHEMIC ALI (same beard etc see previous photos)...was it GILL or not... i have no idea but it was supposed to be, I know that much...perhaps another stand-in...
My mobile phone number backwards and in iql spells out this:
My brother ED told me a few years ago 'you know LEE - well he's bought a haunted house'...and then he telepathically told me 'that is my clue'.
LEE and his father were horribly persecuted by TODDY and RIMINGTON in SOLIHULL...they ran the DOVEHOUSE PARADE video shop...LEE ended up a producer for the original series of BIG BROTHER...LEE and his goth friends (and my brother) once walked around the mere in the dark...and were horribly frightened...all RIMINGTON's doing...
Secondly, I just got away in time because as I was cycling away from the road a car that I recognised speeded past...driven by somebody who looked very similar to CHEMIC ALI (same beard etc see previous photos)...was it GILL or not... i have no idea but it was supposed to be, I know that much...perhaps another stand-in...
My mobile phone number backwards and in iql spells out this:
My brother ED told me a few years ago 'you know LEE - well he's bought a haunted house'...and then he telepathically told me 'that is my clue'.
LEE and his father were horribly persecuted by TODDY and RIMINGTON in SOLIHULL...they ran the DOVEHOUSE PARADE video shop...LEE ended up a producer for the original series of BIG BROTHER...LEE and his goth friends (and my brother) once walked around the mere in the dark...and were horribly frightened...all RIMINGTON's doing...
Addtionally, the networks told me that GILL had got married and had his own children in my 'absence' of 5 years...playing this hellish ill cult game. If that is the case - then I guess it is 'back to the USSR' with MR FISHMAN...
The networks also told me that GILL had opened a children's hospital which was Muslim-friendly...and that the SOCA boss had sent his son there (he had become very friendly with GILL over the years and took a large role in his rehabilitation when GILL was suicidal) he had done something good with the money then...
The networks also told me that GILL had opened a children's hospital which was Muslim-friendly...and that the SOCA boss had sent his son there (he had become very friendly with GILL over the years and took a large role in his rehabilitation when GILL was suicidal) he had done something good with the money then...
...and that wasn't all as TOMLINSON was to inform me.
I would then 'haunt' the lake - OLTON MERE.
I would become 'the lady of the lake'.
TOMLINSON told me that this was all about:
This was to be TOMLINSON's revenge upon myself - because I had stopped him hijacking ISLAM in this country - turning into a demonic religion which worshipped the GOLDEN BULL (himself as 'god')...with his 70 'really stupid' men...and bringing in the Satanic Islamic NWO.
Secondly, this was also going to sound the death knell for 'King Arthur' - as in PRINCE WILLIAM who was supposed to ascend to the British throne as LUCIFER/LUCY IN FURS.
See Arturian legends in relation to the 'lady of the lake' taking back the sword Excaliber as ARTHUR dies upon the banks of the lake.
EXCALIBER was TOMLINSON's way of spelling the name of the additin he pointed out:
REBI - he told me 'I am the REBBE' - he meant RABBI...RABBI LAC...that was what he was calling himself, around that point of time - in his madness.
TOMLINSON's head was 'black' with negative energy...he was furious that I had denied him entry into my mind...TOMLINSON had been so used to pretending that he could see the future and influence events to the police and in particular SCARLETT's police...that they were very surprised to hear that he had been lying all along...and if TOMLINSON couldn't use me anymore...then he would murder me - as SC had pointed out in SWITZERLAND and then saved my life by changing the future - see previous notes in relation to sending in a CIA guy to rescue me, at that point in time - where TOMLINSON would have broken my neck.
I would then 'haunt' the lake - OLTON MERE.
I would become 'the lady of the lake'.
TOMLINSON told me that this was all about:
This was to be TOMLINSON's revenge upon myself - because I had stopped him hijacking ISLAM in this country - turning into a demonic religion which worshipped the GOLDEN BULL (himself as 'god')...with his 70 'really stupid' men...and bringing in the Satanic Islamic NWO.
Secondly, this was also going to sound the death knell for 'King Arthur' - as in PRINCE WILLIAM who was supposed to ascend to the British throne as LUCIFER/LUCY IN FURS.
See Arturian legends in relation to the 'lady of the lake' taking back the sword Excaliber as ARTHUR dies upon the banks of the lake.
EXCALIBER was TOMLINSON's way of spelling the name of the additin he pointed out:
REBI - he told me 'I am the REBBE' - he meant RABBI...RABBI LAC...that was what he was calling himself, around that point of time - in his madness.
TOMLINSON's head was 'black' with negative energy...he was furious that I had denied him entry into my mind...TOMLINSON had been so used to pretending that he could see the future and influence events to the police and in particular SCARLETT's police...that they were very surprised to hear that he had been lying all along...and if TOMLINSON couldn't use me anymore...then he would murder me - as SC had pointed out in SWITZERLAND and then saved my life by changing the future - see previous notes in relation to sending in a CIA guy to rescue me, at that point in time - where TOMLINSON would have broken my neck.
Anyway, yesterday I remembered the following:
MARK R taking me to number 15 COLLEGE ROAD in CLACTON where GILL's father now lived...he told me that if I survived to this late stage of the ill cult game...that his father would talk about where he lived in the library...I would overhear it...and then cycle down that road to find out...
GILL then told me upon the networks that it was number 16 of that road...and that I should cycle down there this WEDNESDAY at 11am...whereupon he would meet me upon the drive...he would be in his wheelchair.
I should also bring a fruit salad of his favourite fruit: peaches, cherries, bananas...
This was another indirect clue: pcb...
MARK R had planned the following:
GILL would invite me in...he could hardly walk...we would go upstairs to talk...then he would tell me to go downstairs and ask his father for two coffees...I wouldn't want one because I don't like coffee and so I would ask his father to make MARTIN one...MARK R had instructed his father to take a small packet of white powder out of the end cupboard - which MARK R had filled with PCP (angel dust)...his father would believe that it was 'sugar'...GILL would then drink the coffee into a demonic alter and murder many of these demonic alters only come out when under these terrible psychotic drugs (see previous notes upon the ill cult using PCP before murdering their slaves in the Exeter tunnels).
I can only hope that I told the SAS all about this and that they cleared it all up beforehand...
Anyway, I also remote-viewed GILL's father finding this small packet beforehand and tasting a bit of it...he was then extremely violent for the entire evening and none of the family knew why...
If GILL didn't manage to murder me in that house on COLLEGE ROAD...then I would be invited to GILL's 'mansion' in which ROZ and RIMINGTON were living...yes, he was a billionaire by this point because I had managed to transfer funds by trancing out in GREEN TOWER and setting up an account for MARTINE as 'MARTI' so either MARTINE or MARTIN could take the money out...GILL had made a comprehensive list of everything that the ill cult owed him with interest...I rounded it up to a billion...but that was just over £100,000 too much...i figured it wouldn't matter GILL figured it would but it was too late by that point...anyway, he hid the money from the ill successfully.
I wonder now that GAS BILL which turned up twice...was that the ill cult stating how much he had to pay back? Something like £131.83...
Anyway, at this large country house...ROZ would try to murder me by giving me a really dangerous horse to ride...which would throw me...break my neck/back etc...
If that didn't work...then RIMINGTON would poison me with FLY ALGARIC in the kitchens...saying as she did so that she was 'killing flies'...
TOMLINSON was the evil mastermind behind it all...he would then put my body into the back of his white transit van and drive all of the way to OLTON MERE...yes, really...where he would weight down my body and chuck it into the mere.
OLTON MERE used to be a Victorian STONE QUARRY according to my mother.
Shades of MARK R and STONE-CUTTING then.
See notes upon GOLGOTHA - the place of the SKULL in JERUSALEM - as having originally been a stone quarry - the cliff above it was used by the Semites for capital punishment...i.e. they pushed the victim off the cliff...if he/she survived...they were then stoned to death.
MARK R taking me to number 15 COLLEGE ROAD in CLACTON where GILL's father now lived...he told me that if I survived to this late stage of the ill cult game...that his father would talk about where he lived in the library...I would overhear it...and then cycle down that road to find out...
GILL then told me upon the networks that it was number 16 of that road...and that I should cycle down there this WEDNESDAY at 11am...whereupon he would meet me upon the drive...he would be in his wheelchair.
I should also bring a fruit salad of his favourite fruit: peaches, cherries, bananas...
This was another indirect clue: pcb...
MARK R had planned the following:
GILL would invite me in...he could hardly walk...we would go upstairs to talk...then he would tell me to go downstairs and ask his father for two coffees...I wouldn't want one because I don't like coffee and so I would ask his father to make MARTIN one...MARK R had instructed his father to take a small packet of white powder out of the end cupboard - which MARK R had filled with PCP (angel dust)...his father would believe that it was 'sugar'...GILL would then drink the coffee into a demonic alter and murder many of these demonic alters only come out when under these terrible psychotic drugs (see previous notes upon the ill cult using PCP before murdering their slaves in the Exeter tunnels).
I can only hope that I told the SAS all about this and that they cleared it all up beforehand...
Anyway, I also remote-viewed GILL's father finding this small packet beforehand and tasting a bit of it...he was then extremely violent for the entire evening and none of the family knew why...
If GILL didn't manage to murder me in that house on COLLEGE ROAD...then I would be invited to GILL's 'mansion' in which ROZ and RIMINGTON were living...yes, he was a billionaire by this point because I had managed to transfer funds by trancing out in GREEN TOWER and setting up an account for MARTINE as 'MARTI' so either MARTINE or MARTIN could take the money out...GILL had made a comprehensive list of everything that the ill cult owed him with interest...I rounded it up to a billion...but that was just over £100,000 too much...i figured it wouldn't matter GILL figured it would but it was too late by that point...anyway, he hid the money from the ill successfully.
I wonder now that GAS BILL which turned up twice...was that the ill cult stating how much he had to pay back? Something like £131.83...
Anyway, at this large country house...ROZ would try to murder me by giving me a really dangerous horse to ride...which would throw me...break my neck/back etc...
If that didn't work...then RIMINGTON would poison me with FLY ALGARIC in the kitchens...saying as she did so that she was 'killing flies'...
TOMLINSON was the evil mastermind behind it all...he would then put my body into the back of his white transit van and drive all of the way to OLTON MERE...yes, really...where he would weight down my body and chuck it into the mere.
OLTON MERE used to be a Victorian STONE QUARRY according to my mother.
Shades of MARK R and STONE-CUTTING then.
See notes upon GOLGOTHA - the place of the SKULL in JERUSALEM - as having originally been a stone quarry - the cliff above it was used by the Semites for capital punishment...i.e. they pushed the victim off the cliff...if he/she survived...they were then stoned to death.
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