Monday 17 June 2024

 .....and what's new upon the BBC site, dazzlenation?....hmmm...i'm thinking buddhism and the benefits of 'non-action', let us say....anyway, what's the bassethound been up to recently etc figure:

and yes, we're back to alma dolls...and something that whalley had reminded me of....regarding another 'christmas from hell' at hill house, combs - no less....and in relation to tardy rodway 'up to no good' at the local P.O. - supposedly working for the kid you not...couldn't get funnier, could it etc etc?....remember whalley's monitoring of the whole area, regarding her research into etc etc....happened during the period that i had been working as an EFL teacher, in it goes, eh? ...oh and from the macro to the micro, whalley...and in a rather alternate sum up, we're looking at no more payments to O2, until they have sorted it out...i.e. a free service with no direct debit installed....until those contracts run out....which will be in another two years....oh and if O2 haven't sorted it out at the end of those 2 years?....'no payments' will hold, until they do....more it goes, eh?...and yes, i know what it had all been linked up to, within an 'uber-sphere', let us say - regarding that filthy worthless 'tard' slavery system etc etc....go figure.

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