Thursday 27 June 2024

....and what's new upon the BBC site, this thursday evening - dazzlenation?...well, that's one candidate that i won't be voting for...and neither will i be voting for any of the rest of them....from the macro to the micro...what a disgusting system etc etc.....given the fact that nobody has addressed etc etc as yet, now - have they and that is my only concern right now - nothing more...once that has been addressed and to my satisfaction, then i will have proof that the entire system is no longer corrupt and unable to function etc etc....and i'm reminded of uncle michael here - upon that sylvia's 'cancelled christmas' number...oh and it was henrietta who had talked about mike weale as having been 'touched by the tar brush', according to wonder edna hit the roof, in her wedding speech etc etc.....see previous posts....go figure:

and what else, dazzlenation? might have been e-coli, mightn't it?...that's the most likely of the lot....anyway, i'm feeling much better, if i were to bang on about politics here.....untreated sewage in the rivers and seas....e-coli in the salads....the only party i'd contemplate supporting right now...would be one that gets us straight back under EU rules 'n' regulations, regarding etc etc....go figure:
oh and one last note....i've just received confirmation that it had been henrietta on a computer (with saved passwords)..."will it work, ed?" etc etc and so i'm assuming that oscar had been on it, beforehand....trying to get me sectioned via social workers/doctors and for what?....a case of e-coli - can you believe it? daughter of a local prossie....pretending to be aristocracy....don't make me laugh...although we all know what it had been really all about..."tards trying to steal again" replies BI online...additionally, she had been using oscar's email address and without his knowledge - to send etc etc...."extradited and sectioned" replies BI online...what, the whole of them? so they're all now under lock and key, are they?...remember henrietta bullard used to be a clinical forensic psychologist working in lock-up hospitals etc etc...and so, to backtrack - MI6 had to jump in and save their 'tardy' machines from etc etc....because there had been 'dark matter' forces at work, let us say...encircling them and closing in - at that point in time....waiting to pounce, i might add..."time was of the essence"...and so at which hospital are they all being detained....oh i see - MI6 isn't being helpful....they're saying the maudsley but my sixth sense is picking up on etc etc...appears to be an oxford lock-up....not where henrietta used to work?....more laughter...she'd made a lot of enemies, there - hadn't she etc etc...oh and her son edward had escaped back to paris, before they could 'get' him, it goes, eh?

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