Saturday 22 June 2024

 ....and what's flashback on then, dazzlenation?...well, i associate 'this one' with guy and jenny, for some reason...let me guess....hmmm...something around their 3 children helping to nail etc previous post...go figure:

with a sidelong glance at what that lodge park biznez centre, might have been all about...regarding one of ingabot's transmissions....anyway, i can remember now....jenny talking about how her daughter had been very ill as a result of etc etc..."but she's better now"...and that was why they were all dead against the trafficking of cocaine...daldry was to sympathise - he had a daughter himself etc etc....go figure:
across the road from ardleigh showground...and yes, that's interesting me now....because bobby's mob had planned to do 'something' there - before moving onto the main event at the 02's have a look...what about ballooning etc etc...hmmm...and yes, i can now see why guy had chosen that pic etc etc....see previous post....go figure:

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