Thursday 27 June 2024

 ....and what's new this thursday evening, dazzlenation?....well, having sent an email to oscar - i was to receive the following reply....and yes, i had given him the correct number for 'complaint serice review' - upon that letter from louise garnett - she was to agree to pay a certain amount back - regarding former complaints - 2021. The number that i had used to then get put through to that US call centre - with somebody sounding rather like 'manneke' upon the other end of the line - i kid you not....anyway, I might be a little short-tempered in this hot weather but suffice to say - I reckon that not only oscar but the whole lot of them - need to read my reply...remember, this looks like a covert threat of 'sectioning' - if i do not 'comply' which obviously i am not going to do etc etc....remember what that diabolical family had planned in 2008...late december just before christmas...and managed to get me sectioned for a month....'for not paying my bills' as the social worker had said at the time - to which i replied 'if everybody who didn't pay their bills got sectioned....' etc etc....anyway, whilst on peter bruff ward - the mental health nurses were appalled by the behaviour of carney, the locum - as well as my family..."you're not mentally ill"..."you're bed-blocking" etc etc...."we all know that..." this is one helluva set-up etc etc...hmmm...although one of them was to add covertly 'you're better off in here - rather than out there' - remember sylvia's christmases? and even carney was to give up in disgust...but not about his own behaviour....about mine..."i hope that i never see you again" after discharging me - as if i were to bame for their own disgusting behaviour...not to mention the exposure of the lot of them, in public for it all etc i sense the hand of the bullard family, as well - behind the following...and not only uncle bobby's mob?...oh and i might add that all of them - particularly ingabot 'n' weale have needed 'social workers' (as well as others to do their so-called 'professional' jobs for them - remember sylvia's admin assistant - writing her annual reports - not to mention alexis chapman's etc etc) and for all of their lives - that is part of the whole problem - as sylvia was to snigger - they would see having a 'social worker' in to help, as being beneath them....and so an army of private support workers was brought in - at great expense (house keepers/nannies), so that they could 'live the dream' as potsy's tards etc etc....and where did all of the money come from?...well, as whalley was to point out on MI5 cctv at no. 8 central maltings....i was the one who was earning it etc etc...remember that 'cancelled christmas' photo - with uncle michael and sylvia?....anyway, i have a little update upon what mr potts had been up to - cctv of MI6 younger interviewing him..."they can't work but they're important machines" etc etc...not so 'important', now - eh?...seeing as the system had run upon my maths and not potsy's...and i've pulled the lot out....resulting  in complete system failure...apart from a skeleton crew, let us protection service, which protects me from 'tardy' attacks etc etc....go figure:

anyway, the funny thing is...that today, i'm feeling a lot better - hence the cycle ride....yesterday, i had a high temperature and ulcers at the front of my mouth...tummy ache, feeling sick, aching....but nothing to do with my throat or breathing....and that coupled with the extreme heat of the day....had probably done me in....hmmm..... and i begin to wonder if that had been something like an 'ulcerative covid' number...a bit like ed gyde had been through...let me see...probably not covid but something nasty, at any rate....oh and the stress that i've been donna was to say....she just faints, now and then etc etc....and yes, seeing as i don't normally faint whilst experiencing those symptoms...stress will have played its part etc etc....go figure.

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