Saturday 22 June 2024

 ....and what's new this sunday morning, dazzlenation?...well, the next bit is as funny as it gets....although it could turn out to be 'deadly serious' etc short, daldry had told me "you will tell me what you see 'through the keyhole', won't you?" after we had finished 'getting' bobby's mob at that colchester lodge park business centre.....well, goes.....first up - i was to view footage of marr deep in conversation with corbyn...and yes, marr has always been a corbynite....."we won't tell icke about it - he'll only cause trouble" corbyn was to tell old icke....remember how he had put 'gulag' lists together upon rimington's computer, in her country cottage etc etc...oh and donna was to remind me of the cro-wire, the other day...."i'm a crow!" etc anglo-norman name:

....anyway, what had marr known about corbyn's following...well, apparently he had cornered the 'youth vote'....hmmm....something that daldry would no doubt, be interested in...remember his time at essex univ. in charge of 'agit-prop' anarchy programming etc etc...i wasn't a programmed anarchist, however - just an all-important so it was an odd sort of friendship to strike up, at the time....based around the 'enforced' heroin addiction going on and kicking the habit....anyway, remember heroin addict ian rickson at essex?...because later on in his 'nursery' career...he had been put in charge of that 'talktalk' number, under the umbrella of 'vodaphone'....and that is what is coming up now and in relation to that number upon the 02 text that i was to receive upon my mobile phone, as well as via email upon my laptop...a talktalk number apparently and so why was O2 using their service instead of their own - in order to run their payment line?

i can tell you 'why' now...even though it sounds like the wildest conspiracy theory, goes....corbyn and his aides, had naturally studied every historical revolution going - in relation to all of that 'socialist workers party' in SWP...obviously you had to takeover telecommunication order to shut down other channels and then project your own - to all viewers across the nation etc etc......and so you tell me why O2 hasn't been functioning as it should and for some time....corbyn was to tell marr..."that's our payment line" in fund their revolution....can you imagine the look upon starmer's face when he finds out....more laughter....corbyn bollocksing up his election campaign with his 'revolution' etc etc...oh and i might add that richard branson had been following the whole thing, with a keen interest, let us say....anyway, i'm now interested in what 'deals' corbyn might have struck up with the scottish national party (SNP) and the welsh assembly...the senedd has apparently been a labour administration and since its inception...surely they would be 'in' on it, i would have thought etc etc....remember SAS captain scottie telling me "we'll be running the tanks over the border" etc etc....and corbyn wouldn't want that, now - would he etc etc...and so you tell me, revolution really in the air or is this all a 'storm in a teacup' etc it goes, eh?

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