Monday 24 June 2024

 .....and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?....well, having looked up 02's payment plan....guess what that turns out to be?...a simple note telling me that they will now be charging £6.66pm for 'arrears' and yes, they're trying to do the same with the £52.27pm alias - now, if this isn't fraud - then what is it?...and so i've sent them back the following....anyway, if they are so keen on payment - i might send them the minimum amount they require - which according to their website is £1.99pm ...and yes, i'll be doing it by postal order - who in their right mind would allow direct debit regarding such fraudulent/criminal behaviour:

Complaint ref: CCT-C854671
To whom it may concern at 02:
I have just learned that you are hoping to charge me £6.66 in arrears, monthly and for what? Your system's mistake which has resulted in me being charged £20pm plus £52.27pm which means that you are now hoping to charge me for £72.27pm plus £6.66, instead of £28pm. This is now either a technical error upon your computer system or it is fraud.

...oh and last month, i might add - they had managed to deduct £72.27 from my account which is why i was then to stop direct debit.
and yes, i keep on attaching the following backlog to anything that i send them now...i mean to say who in their right mind would allow this company 'direct debit'? figure:
How many times do I have to send a written complaint in - what is going on at O2? I have written to 'louise garnett' at the complaint review service and so many times - since last year and not one single reply apart from to tell me that my complaint was being investigated - which it clearly wasn't. Anyway, having rung up her number and then got put through to a US O2 team - they were to give me the folowing complaint ref:
Complaint ref: CCT-C854671
I have just been sent a threatening text upon my mobile phone - telling me that I have to pay up or else the case will be referred to a credit reference agency and O2 will redirect my outgoing calls to a payment line, Now, seeing as I do not have my mobile phone upon the O2 network (and O2 knows my number - it is on their website) - that threat is null and void - along with a threatening email, I might add No attempt has been made by O2, so far to address my complaints - see below:
Complaint ref: CCT-C854671
Regarding payment - O2
Seeing as we have not agreed upon an amount - regarding direct debit - it is  impossible for me to pay any monthly amount at all, until you choose between either £20pm or £28pm upgrade.
The sooner you make that decision - the sooner you will get paid.
Nota bene you are NOT allowed to take both amounts and nor are you allowed to demand £52.27 per month in addition to £20pm - clearly a fraudulent claim.
Now, as you know - from my former emails and subsequent telephone call  (complaint ref: CCT-C854671) - you have a choice between keeping that £20pm contract going (which I had cancelled within the allocated time period) or keeping that £28 contract going (which I have not cancelled) - now, which is it to be?
As I have previously stated - the sooner you decide, the sooner you will get paid.
Also, if you do not comply and continue to ignore my case - then we can play this game for as long as those two contracts stand i.e. until the two years are up.
I will of course, be unable to renew my direct debit until we have agreed upon the amount to be debited and we have not agreed as yet, have we? That means you can hold up payment for up to 2 years, if that is what you really want to do.
No amount of threats will induce me to put that direct debit back on - until you have proven to me that O2 is not acting fraudulently - regarding the above.
Additionally and to make sure that I am able to pay for a 2 year contract, in a lump sum - once that contract has expired - I will ask my bank to set up a separate bank account in my name, into which I can make direct debit payments - set aside for O2 but withheld until O2 makes a decision upon which contract per month, it will be. I'm quite happy to wait up to 2 years, until that decision is made.
Emily Gyde MA
Flat 2, Belle Court, Ellis Road, Clacton on sea, CO151FH
and let me see...i've just had a reply from louise garnett...and surprise, surprise...same old, same old etc etc....more laughter....anyway, i'll now send an offer of repayment....a £1.99pm postal order...well, they've insulted me enough times and so now it's time to insult them....their service is so disgustingly bad - it's only worth £1.99pm...whilst the dispute still rages etc etc....anyway, the tards are after direct debit and so i'm never ever going to allow any of them 'that', again....and so they'll just have to take whatever i choose to send them...and that's going to be via postal order, from now on....go figure:

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