Sunday 30 June 2024

 .....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, in relation to sir ian mills....i was to do a 'lady elizabeth mills' search upon come across a series of photos that were more than a bit 'deja vu'...particularly the last, i have no idea whether or not this 'elizabeth mills' is related etc etc....but what i do know is do i put it....remember grandpa clayton at ingabot's christening...."we're giving you a chance!" to then only take one photograph of the entire assembly, outside of combs church....with hanni gloor, in the centre of the crowd - holding the baby i.e. it's all about hanni etc etc....and now 'this'...and yes, the flag had been arranged 'just so' etc etc...oh i see...the marines had created a rather simplistic version of what they had picked up etc etc and had then wanted to see what i would etc etc....see previous posts....go figure:

and i don't know if the following might help but anyway...okay, so there's a lot of conflation within the design....and it also depends upon which way up you view it etc etc...but in the main...we have ingabot's chipped brain at no.1 conflated with 'mr putin'..."hacked blackberry" replies BI relation to mapping satellite connections...and that is where 'losey' and i had gone to work.....and in relation to miss-matched coordinates, le us say...seeing as potsy's overall idea wasn't just to nick US naval planes but also warships and then use them in his zionist armageddon 'leaves of the trees' program etc etc.....and at no. 2 we have the satellite, that she had been  trying to connect to....looks a bit like a plane with a 'mask' upon it...a bit 'voodoo'?.....and at no. 3....we have israel....more laughter...even though none of this is 'funny' at all, really....and yes, the marines have been in contact....apparently some were taken out of service to find out what was wrong - regarding repetitive nightmares of hindu deities etc etc...and yes, prince andrew had decided to sell off etc etc...and so what can i say about the whole thing, to remedy the if somebody dressed up as a monk-in-orange and presented farage with a gift, in public - that it would be impossible to refuse...without looking 'racist'....e.g. a hindu 'salacia' it goes, eh?  

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