Thursday 20 June 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, whalley had wanted a reminder of the 'saveloy' incident....two in point of fact....remember sev 'n' nigel outside of my bedroom door....having just visited the 'pie shop' as they used to call it....anyway, they hadn't turned on the landing light because they didn't know where it was....and my youngest brother ed, then walked up the stairs....nigel was to remark worriedly "you could get arrested for that!" to sev, who collapsed into giggles...browne, upon the other side of the door - yelled something around what are you two playing at....get in here, now etc etc...and yes, it was the evening that whalley had arranged..."we'll all come round" etc etc.....and in retrospect - i can now see that sue had been hoping to meet ben, for the first time but he didn't turn up etc etc....and yes, sev then entered, with a saveloy dangling from his unzippered ask debbie mcd if she was shocked etc etc...anyway, it appears to have been something that they had been told was masonic programming....hmmm.....anyway, now back to hill house combs and that 'chicken and chips' number with the aged grandparents....whilst taking orders....seeing as ed was behaving as badly as sylvia, at that point....i was to turn to him and ask "saveloy, ed?" which grandpa erupted with laughter..."eeeh, she can't say that, Vi!"...."she just did" grandma, replied - sotto voice, whilst giggling....grandpa then rolled the word around on his if savouring it....and repeated it a few times....hmmm.....cue a certain masonic number on stage, with the men shouting "savile - oy (veh)!" then put their saveloys into what appeared to be shoeboxes...shades of the witches in Malleus Maleficarum?...go figure.

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