Tuesday 25 June 2024

 ...and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, according to donna - rodway's tardy adoptees had owed money, let us say...and that is why they had skipped town - regarding that clacton O2 shop closing down without notice - late 2023 etc etc....although apparently 'francesca' is still around....she's been spotted, here and there....anyway, i've decided to play it by the rule book with O2...regarding payments....one has to be seen to be 'willing', eh - daldry?....and so one wonders if i will get an email back from O2 telling me that they will only accept 'direct debit' and for a clearly fraudulent amount, i might add....instead of doing what any normal company would do...i.e. accept either cash-in-hand or a postal order, for the agreed amount, let us say....and if O2 then reply that they will only accept 'direct debit'?..."clearly fraudulent" replies BI online....oh and rodway's tards had not wanted me to contact O2's parent company 'Telefonica'...i wonder 'why'?....seeing as O2 doesn't have an address upon the web, in the UK..."that's the mob"....Telefonica - is it really?...what a surprise....seeing as franco et al, had had me cut off of the internet, the week beginning with oscar announcing the death of sylvia etc etc and i thank them for that - beginning the whole process, in order to 'out' templar corbyn and all of the rest of it - that was to transpire, as a consequence of etc etc...more laughter...in short, i'm beginning to get the whole picture, now..."the italians are doing it in their own way"...oh and if enough customers decide to stop their direct debit and then pay by postal order?...i know it costs you money, as donna had said but even so...in order to get justice etc etc....anyway, will O2 have to hire teams of staff in order to process all of those postal orders?...lol...what an added expense, when Telefonica are already trying to cut costs, to all intents and purposes....and as far as i can see, by sacking most if not all UK 02 staff teams....i.e. nobody appears to be manning a desk at 'complaints' nowadays within the UK, remember that US call centre who had answered my call to an O2 'complaints' telephone number upon louise garnett's letter to myself, in the UK - who were then to give me a case reference etc etc....and so one can perhaps conclude that in this country.....O2 teams like rodway's tards, are now 'on the run', eh? - core bean queen time etc etc...and therefore telefonica has to rely upon A.I. to do their 'biznez' in this country, until they can recruit 'trustworthy' staff, that is.....more laughter...although it is no laughing matter for me - as it probably is for the very well-off....i am the one being threatened with what i can ill afford etc etc...ending up on £50 pw to live on, or less - if i were to keep that direct debit on....which is probably what the tards are after, isn't it etc etc...remember what bobby's mob had planned 'earning it by being evil' etc etc....see previous notes upon 'all of that'.....go figure:

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