Wednesday 26 June 2024

 ....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation....well, you're on basketball...whereas i'm still on 'baseball', let us say....looking at the mechanism of the OBE'd through the stress of it all...something that donna tells me, she does quite a bit...a sudden faint etc etc....anyway, i was to remember how easy it slip from one world to the dimension to another etc etc...and how i had always foretold that my death would be an easy one, in my sleep....anyway, we're back 'down under'...oh and i might add that it had been rather refreshing to OBE...i'd forgotten that this is where my real power lies....i can get so much more done - regarding tard network attacks etc etc...and so the stress that i've been put under - regarding tards-at-O2, not to mention that whole 'sylvia doll horrorshow' etc etc...has only benefited me, in the end....i'm now in control of etc etc....the power of a previous notes upon dr tony smith etc etc...see previous post....go figure:

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