Monday 24 June 2024

 ....anyway, postal orders appear to be the 'thing', one thing that the 'tards' had forgotten about because....well, they're 'tards' - aren't they?...more laughter....anyway, i'll send one per month, for the princely sum of £1.99 to show willing, let us say - during this battle....and yes, daldry had recommended that one should show a willingness to pay and so that is precisely what i am going to do....and for as long as two years, if necessary....regarding those upgrade contracts etc etc...oh and i shall send that payment via that once 02 has signed for it....then - let me put it this way - if they cannot trust their staff to be 'honest' about postal orders - well, that's not my problem, is it?'ve got the payment and i've got the royal mail receipt to prove it etc etc...and what else?...well, it's back to military fairytales again....and in the micro - i was to view 7 tards in a certain two bedroom blackheath flat...oh and the washing machine then broke down through overuse....more laughter...andrew then came to call...asking if he could borrow a few bob because apparently all of his cards have been stopped....the studio then called and he barked at them to send a car round - they were to question 'why' - to be told that he wouldn't work, otherwise...hmmm...let's hope they sack him....oh and talking of 'bob'....his bank account has been drained...along with 'foreclosure' as the americans call it...just a hint of what will happen to their entire network - in the macro....go figure:

wouldst thou like to live 'en masse'?...more's the crunch and it's a wrap etc etc...tacos....forbidden to singers, if i am not, yes....and US intelligence recently decided to send over etc etc...seeing as...well, see above....homelessness is a real problem, nowadays - isn't it....go figure:

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