....anyway, in keeping with the summer solstice...stonehenge....and arturian myths etc etc...i thought that i'd have a look at the following - dazzlenation...'mossy wonderland', anybody?...in relation to the holliday family and 'gawain the green knight' etc etc....and yes, kate had been behind the cartoons....."we've got to make it easy".....for the children, in attendance - regarding their etc etc...anyway, webb was to refuse the role, before being offered it...however, kate had mathematician 'malcolm' in mind, instead etc etc....go figure:
and what did malcolm have to say to that?...lol..."i can't get through"....a metaphor for so much...regarding telecommuncation systems/customer service etc etc....go figure:
oh and somebody had wanted a reminder of 'fingal's cave' in relation to CF hidden under the 'tomato box'....cryptic, eh?....look at that yawn...lol....anyway, remember marr and "we need to know when he goes under the tomato box" etc etc....go figure:
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