Saturday 22 June 2024

 ...and what else, dazzlenation? where have i seen a similar plant before a in a certain surgery?...anyway, apparently it's been photoshopped...oh and yes, daldry had wanted a reminder etc etc....see previous post....go figure:

although so many years ago now...sylvia had said that they had moved to another premises - appeared to be 'business offices' or something like that, in ardleigh....where she had been seen by a 'healthcare assistant' etc where would that have been etc etc..go figure:

anyway, that's an unusual
and then 'leavenheath' came up, dazzlenation....and for no apparent reason but seeing as this is all rather 'deja vu'...i can remember having a look at it all, with daldry etc etc....go figure:

oh i remember's this one....regarding that old table that used to be in my bedroom - 14 st bernards road etc etc...court street, nayland, suffolk....oh and a joke around that house looking a bit like 'guy houghton' figure:

and yes, i can remember now....the above had simply been a reminder of houghton/ramsay...whereas the following location - was one that uncle bobby et al, had chosen to etc etc....go figure:
along with another joke around the 'dalek' party:
life amongst the tu-lips, eh?..although as far as i can remember bobby's mob and the biznez partner in question, had been danish rather than dutch:
and i'm not sure what that's all about, dazzlenation....but anyway, you're calling it 'chernobog 13'....go figure:

along with something around the O2 arena and them all being 'in training'...oh and ingabot had been horrified - to realise that they'd all been found out etc etc....and yes, dr guy houghton and dr jenny ramsay had been helping to nail them all...whilst daldry and i had a look at the whole thing, so many years ago now etc etc....and yes, guy and jenny had made a specific point about norwegian blocks of wood, being very dangerous indeed....oh and they had also warned about oscar....according to guy - part of his brain was still kid you not...which made him even more dangerous - seeing as he had sided with that bunch of tardy 'braindead' robos and for whatever reason:

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