Monday 17 June 2024

 ....and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, something that i hadn't mentioned before now but 'needs must'....with a little background history....for example, remember uncle bobby telling oscar to attempt to force me to pay for that prague rented flat (which he and the gyde family had stayed in over the christmas period), with my in-country salary etc etc....hmmm....well, it looks like bobby has been at it, again....let me explain....remember last spring - the first time that i was to go back to have a chat with oscar about 'quite a bit'....and well, he was to tell me that his mobile phone company i.e. vodaphone was charging him £52.27 pm....yes, you read that right....he was then to tell me that all companies charged about that, nowadays.....hmmm....remember cameron telling me about energy companies and that the public thinks that it has a choice, whereas in point of fact, the whole thing is a bit like a franchise....just a bunch of 'names' to front a royal company, hidden behind those 'names'....and so let me guess....the tards are hoping that I will now be billed for oscar's account at vodaphone....and they are hoping that they will take the money through 02 via my account....go figure.

....additionally, i'd better send O2 another email...stating clearly etc etc...let me see...something along the lines of the following:

Complaint ref: CCT-C854671

Regarding payment - O2

Seeing as we have not agreed upon an amount - regarding direct debit - it is  impossible for me to pay any monthly amount at all, until you choose between either £20pm or £28pm.

The sooner you make that decision - the sooner you will get paid.

Nota bene you are NOT allowed to take both amounts and nor are you allowed to demand £52.27 per month in addition to £20pm - clearly a fraudulent claim.

Now, as you know - from my former emails and subsequent telephone call  (complaint ref: CCT-C854671) - you have a choice between keeping that £20pm contract going (which I had cancelled within the allocated time period) or keeping that £28 contract going (which I have not cancelled) - now, which is it to be?

As I have previously stated - the sooner you decide, the sooner you will get paid.

Also, if you do not comply and continue to ignore my case - then we can play this game for as long as those two contracts stand i.e. until two years are up.

 I will of course, be unable to renew my direct debit until we have agreed upon the amount to be debited and we have not agreed as yet, have we? That means you can hold up payment for up to 2 years, if that is what you really want to do.

No amount of threats will induce me to put that direct debit back on - until you have proven to me that O2 is not acting fraudulently - regarding the above.

Additionally and to make sure that I am able to pay for a 2 year contract, in a lump sum - once that contract has expired - I will ask my bank to set up a separate bank account in my name, into which I can make direct debit payments - set aside for O2 but withheld until O2 makes a decision upon which contract per month, it will be. I'm quite happy to wait up to 2 years, until that decision is made.

Emily Gyde, MA

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