Sunday 23 June 2024

 .....and to continue our 'military fairtale' from the other evening, dazzlenation...go figure:

....and after the police had watched where the money went....regarding that telephone number...directly into labour HQ.....corbyn was asked to attend an informal interview....he then started to pack a bag....going on holiday?...and if so where...let me wherever templars run to, in order not to be extradited etc etc.....starmer was to say of the matter, that things had been a bit too 'quiet'...."far too quiet for his liking" replies BI online...not much enthusiasm, when he went around giving 'hugs', slapping shoulders/backs to improve morale etc etc and so we can deduce that a considerable number....of the men, already knew?...anyway, the welsh assembly were to immediately etc etc...along the lines of - yes, they had known that something like that, had been going many stories about what corbyn had  been up to etc etc...however, the scottish hadn't been mistake, i would have thought....corbyn had told his aides that he would land it on them and then deal with the repercussions - 'at the time'......"all the men would have known" that how the male grapevine works?....and so one immediately has sympathy with much so, that i might re-consider not voting...he's been set up as a 'fall guy', hasn't he etc etc...they must have chosen him, rather like kinnock had been chosen etc etc..."no chance of getting in"....go figure.

and what else, has come up today - dazzlenation?...well, on BBC radio 3, this morning....we had an longish item about somebody's recollection of 'nightjars'....odd, that - you might perhaps, have thought i.e. that such a long 'recollection' surely belonged to a BBC radio 4 item.....oh and coincidentally, both BBC radio 3 and 4 - were talking about 'birds', at the same i twiddled the dial etc listen to a lot of 'bird song', let us say....anyway, i was interested in the 'nightjar' element....having remembered 'something' about corbyn's templar short, they had all been programmed as 'nightjars'....apparently a lot of mythology attached to that bird....hmmm....the presenter was to say that the sound that the bird makes sounds like 'churling'....that is the way that he had pronounced the word...'churling'....i then remembered the following....corbyn - not only programmed as a 'crow' but as a 'nightjar'....within that templar assembly, which had included boris johnson...."cameron had been on the desk"....the churling and the churlish....and so yes, all initiates had to learn how to curl their then entered 'football' programming in relation to 'curling' the ball...along with table-tennis, tennis etc etc...and yes, david beckham has been a longterm member of the templars etc etc.....go figure.

oh and last but not least....a woman that BI online are calling "the pink bombshell"....was to stand outside of mcdonald's, this morning - waiting for it to, normally i meet 'donna', there...desperate for her first decent large cup of coffee, of the morning - along with a 'chat' with everybody else, gathered....and yes, there's normally a small crowd - waiting for the shop to open etc etc.....anyway - yes, you've guessed it - dazzlenation...she was to all intents and purposes 'a millie tant'...."programmed to attack you"...upon what grounds? any rate, she didn't....although after she had walked off quickly - having seen me, she was then to turn right down marine parade...and of course, i had hoped that 'that' would be the end of 'that' etc etc...although, it was not to be....more laughter....after crossing marine parade to get onto the prom...i then turned to walk over the bridge....and guess who met me...coming up over the other side?....she didn't appear to be 'bothered' and neither was i.....and so whilst i smiled at her....she concentrated upon her 'walk' and 'that was that'...and yes, the way that she had been walking, had reminded me of a whole bundle of 'tards' who have plagued me....and for all of my life...rodway/sylvia/rachel davies (macklin's wife) etc etc...rather bullying individuals with man-sized barrel-shaped chests and largish shoulders..."the apple-shaped" as rodway was to call it - although i was to differ..."a pear the wrong way up" chest measurement (excluding breasts) than hips....but that is not to say that every woman of that build etc is it?...obviously not the case...just in my life, come to think of it....some 'women' of that build, are immensely kind...and first up - i'm thinking of 'sue-the-care-manager' at acorn villages ltd...supporting women's rights in the best way, possible...and not just the 'learning disability women' under her care, at that point in time but also all other female employees, within the organisation....she was 'fair' according to most staff....or as much as she could be, given tony green's direction, let us not actually a 'woman' because she still had a penis, as the support workers were then to find out...sue had hidden the fact that etc etc....see previous notes upon all of it goes, eh?

only 3 years younger than daldry...makes you wonder if etc it goes, eh?...anyway, the son of a mathematics teacher....hmmm....and in relation to 'the maths', let us say....footage from that labour HQ...corbyn had laughed about my pentagon expertise at maths...."our boys - just look at them....more than any woman could do...they're super-computers!" etc foolish, eh?....'super-computers'....that is the very compound wording that he had used...remember the taschmanns, with a significant amount of brain, surgically removed and chips put in...describing themselves as 'super-computers', let us say etc etc....go figure.

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