Thursday 27 June 2024

...."sound and vision" replies BI online...yes, i know who is currently supplying the cctv - as in the footage and additionally, who is supplying the audio....oh and the golby mob are helping those who only have the footage.....regarding lip-reading....remember 'vanessa golby' - who had married somebody with peripheral vision, at the local council? go on to campaign for those who were differently-abled, let us say...well, brian losey had wanted a reminder of her and in relation to 'butterfly' programming, all of those years ago admiral, anybody?....anyway, the golby mob had found out, early on...that rodway was telling porkies...."up to no good" and so had decided to work covertly against her....that alma doll mossad 'tard' etc etc...."your father's quite grateful to be in hospital" replies sonia fisher....well, sometimes it's the only safe place to be...on a lock-up ward, regarding sylvia's cancelled christmases or henrietta's etc're safer in than out, at any rate...hmmm....grisolle ventre....the grissolle and the grisons - a romansch speaking etc etc...go figure:

it was grizzling, that day, was it?...the grissolling and the grisons connection..."henrietta"...oh, i see - not that much fun to be around, then? bad as sylvia's etc etc or not, eh?...oh and then there's 'grissolle belly' - on google translate and well, i certainly had a 'grizzling belly' the other day - cramps and nausea - in point of fact..."he'd set her up"...well done, oscar...that's all i can say.

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