Sunday 30 June 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, weale had told ingabot to see the following as 'garlic' in her yes, mcgowan had stated that they didn't want any of that....a reminder of petrol nell and her 'gare-lick', perhaps?....oh and they'd all been in a certain upstairs room - top floor, of that clacton hospital building, at the time...oscar had been in 'dog' alter...horrified that he was now 'part-of-the-machine' and unable to speak...however, he was able to make 'dog' order to try and warn/protect the rest of them from etc etc and to no avail, i might add..."they went ahead" replies BI online...anyway, i was to do an 'in triangles' see that ingabot had been trying to connect to a satellite...with a connection to israel....oh and 'hacked' blackberry phones were in-the-mix, let us say...along with potsy.....who appeared to be in 'crow' alter with his virtual reality 'mask' on...whilst telling the head of the british army that he now had all of the battleships ready....a complete yes, this appears to be rather like pippa morton's MI6 desk....regarding what had happened in the jungle, indonesia circa short, potsy had been trying to takeover other pieces upon the order to use them as his own, in a zionist armageddon number...oh and the main signalling point - regarding ingabot's attempt to contact satellite...had been above that white house, on the corner of rosemary road west and ellis road....remember ling's mob up there - tuning their slaves in etc etc on top of the roof, regarding the equipment left there so many years ago now etc etc....go figure:

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