Sunday 30 June 2024

 ....and what's new this sunday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i am assuming that bobby's mob are now 'in the lab' and under investigation - regarding that alma doll's hair, let us say....anyway, I've just received yet another email from 02 - asking for my mobile many times?....go figure:

....oh dear - i appear to have typed that reply too doubt, a bit 'annoyed', to put it mildly....anyway, naturally i am not going to let the whole world know those numbers....something that 'rimington' alma doll had wanted to get her hands on etc etc...and yes, i had typed them up correctly....and yes, 'brian' - there is a bit of an 'indian' influence, upon the whole thing - this evening, let us've just been listening to a BBC radio 4 number (well, might have been radio 3) - regarding calcutta and the 'untouchables' class etc etc...and yes, i can see how that satanic cult worldwide - has interpreted my status upon the british royal system:

and yes, it had been BBC radio 3, oddly enough:

and no, i'm not about to etc etc....dazzlenation....i'm just wondering what my sixth sense is picking up on, here....not a slip that i would normally make....more laughter:
oh i 'get' it's a 'rimington' alma doll job....all about 'may-conquer-(a-half)-moon' to the audio on google translate....remember her alias around harwich as 'mrs may' etc etc:
and yes, i can remember now....MI5 malcolm had told me that i should remind myself by using the present continuous etc etc...remember that trip to frinton, in order to meet up with etc etc....and yes, he'd also needed a few more radio files....the first is 'central india'...the second a short distance to the right (and slightly above) and the third is an even shorter distance from the middle point, to the left....go figure:
...and yes, that was a flock of starlings upon clacton's big wheel, this sunday evening:

you want a location?...well, here we are...near to Guwadi, down the road etc etc..brian losey had wanted a reminder of that place name, for some reason...go figure:
er-secret helper, anybody?...and yes, it's the man dressed up as a monk in orange, that's bothering me - malcolm..."the royal marines" replies BI online....go figure:
oh and what have they done, here? "Barrage, farage" replies BI online...oh i 'get' it now....farage and his attempt at programming in himself as bobby's mob's new head...anagrams of 'frigate', anybody?...and yes, the prague rothschild team had really gone to town on it...however, none of them had managed to spot the word 'tiger' within it - strange, eh?...the americans were to laugh about it, later....and yes, that was the time that they had all tried to jump ship to US intelligence - prague 1994-6...and yes, sarah ferguson had orginally put herself in as 'ferg' etc about 'fart balloon?....go figure:  

anyway, is that supposed to be their neptune/poseidon reference upon this nautical system - dazzlenation?...go figure:
"that's the MI6 reference" it really?...oh and you'd found 'all of that' on weale's chip, 'in the lab' a mess....anyway, google maps has stopped working and so i'm unable to locate the other two etc etc:
as weale had once said to ingabot....he would send the 'armada' in..."it's not what you think" bakery rather than a hotel, upon google maps:
anyway, that's roughly the diference in distance - regarding the point to the right...and the point to the left, less so........go figure:
oh and weale had also quipped "back to RA" in baktara...."they'd put him in charge of the royal marines"....farage had, you mean..."we'll make you nominally..." etc, brian had muttered something around the marines having 'gone to ground' regarding the other something around guwadi, then?....go figure:
additionally, weale had told ingabot..."you're my queen" wife of neptune?...this is pretty dire, isn't it?....and farage had told ingabot..."you're in charge of the CIA"...the 'salacious' eh?...oh and it reminds me of that public health director's speech at the memorial....a pisstake of alan bennett's accent....and in relation to sylvia and 'tunes'...."toons"....nep-tunes, anybody?...apparently she had figured that 'toons' were 'everything'...and he hadn't been happy about it...oh and back to guwadi, again because brian losey of the US navy....hmmm...what is his current title nowadays?....had received a distress call from the royal marines....along the lines of 'what the **** are we doing here?" etc etc...good question:

less of a 'fri-gate' and more of a mossad 'orange' gate, i would have thought...and yes, a scan had tracked and traced them as also being 'operational' in the area....about to reprogram the royal marines as ashkenazim/sephardic 'men of zion' holding that handmade bomb/grenade....inside of an orange peel.....see previous notes regarding that gallows and exhibit in a glass case etc the jerusalem prison museum etc etc:
and yes, they had planned on using the following etc make it all a bit too 'flowery' to gate conflated with zion gate, jerusalem..."supposed to fight to the death, in jerusalem":
and then we're onto 'silver teapots'....grandma clayton had did sylvia - she then gave it to me - i was a teenager, at the indian number?....anyway, the following was chosen to cover it all.....oh and whilst walking to the 'big wheel', this evening...a couple of policemen on duty...were to follow me, chatting to themselves....whilst they policed the 'youth' coming in and out of the clubs/bars and walking around the prom gardens....hmmm....old fashioned police hats....."PID numbers"...reprogrammed as....."protectors of the cult"...same as daldry, mcgowan had been around too, then...i had thought he must have been...."the one who had really been put in charge of the marines - i'm a little teapot, pour me out".....go figure:
and let me guess...the royal marines worshipping the 'alma dolls'?..."you've got it - mcgowan's job to tune them in":
"and when your time comes" weale had told that's the norwegian intelligence 'alma doll' is it?
and uncle bobby was to say "i used to look a bit like that - when i was young", did i ever tell you that farage's visage - somewhat reminds me of peter smith, of the erstwhile BC DTO centre, prague...along with mr d'ajani of the MI imperial hotel, jerusalem...and so anyway, i think that we've covered as much as i need to, this evening...regarding so-called 'spiritiual wisdom' from mossad alma dolls....with an 'indian' flavour, let us say...and so if some 'heavenly entity' appears in your dreams, looking like 'that' - know what to do..."act with caution":

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