Saturday 29 June 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...ah, a reminder of that disgusting 'blond(e)' cult of inga's - late 60s, blackheath.....remember when kate block of wood helped me to dye lisa's hair blonde?....she then raced around the prague rothschild's residence in a child alter, until he was to bellow - that we had to dye it back, immediately or he would get no rest etc etc...peering into every mirror and then shrieking at her reflection....'ecstatic'....and 'why', you might ask....well, this is what had children, we had all been taken to a pond on the view our reflections in the water....the blond(e) children were then told to stand together...whilst those with brown hair, were told to stay away....and those with the darkest hair i.e. lisa 'n' gill....were told the following..."you are terrible"...whilst the blond(e) children were the elite, they were perfect....beautiful..."the world is your oyster", in relation to my group being told that we were "nothing" with a dismissive and scornful theatrical sweep of the hand....hmmm...well, sylvia had also always treated me like changes there...and so as a consequence, i was simply cynical and angry about all of it....whereas lisa gazed into the water, in horror and it was if she had become submerged in it....beside gill....who, had an expression upon his face, that looked 'murderous', let us so roll on the years...i was to explain to lisa why i had begun to dye my hair blonde....with the backing of matt smith, who was to agree that men tended to see 'dyed blonde' as easy lays...dumb....frivolous...that type of thing...whereas i was to tell lisa that the pay-off was...."the world is my oyster" replied BI online....and that is why i had then encouraged her to try then remember what had happened to us, as short, if i had had enough time - with block of wood - to help...we might have been able to save lisa from that terrible getting her to hold onto the feeling of  'the world is my oyster'....whilst cutting away the connection to whatever your hair/skin colour might be....because that is what she had been denied...and was continuing to deny herself, at that point in her life...being able to 'feel' that way...upon account of her 'dark' hair....all deeply rooted in childhood trauma.....go figure:

and there's more, dazzlenation, as there usually i will cite it, as yet another example of inga's madness....because she had put 'cathy bush' into the blond(e) group....with those like marr (richardson), webb, ingabot - naturally etc etc...remember sylvia and her baby-like simpering..."i used to  be a honey blonde" as a young student....what a old photos show that her hair was dark...but anyway, let's get back to 'cathy bush' who was a rather spiteful child - as far as i can remember and for whatever reason....standing with the blond(e) children....remember she had been adopted by the bush family, who lived in talbot, cathy's step-parents were to say that cathy was chinese....hmmm....a bit like 'emily fishwick', i any rate, she had darker hair and eyes than lisa....but inga was to waive 'that one'...."in china - it's the same thing as being blonde" and some of the brown-haired group...such as hytner, were to then be shouted down by cathy bush..."get stuffed!" etc etc....more you see what i mean? it goes, eh?

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