Thursday 27 June 2024

 ....and so what are you on, this evening - dazzlenation?...hmmm...perhaps we're looking at that old 'bullard' alias number, here....remember henrietta had taken that surname, in order to associate herself with the aristocracy....she had then let it be known that her mother was a 'lady' living in norfolk, when in point of fact - she had been the local prostitute, in a village etc BI were to find out...they were then to interview the real bullard family, who had never heard of son 'edward' was then to confront her with it..."i'm not surprised!" etc history, eh?...what can you do with it?..."jenny houghton" replies BI online....oh so i'm barking up the wrong tree with the bullards, am i?...and where has oscar disappeared off to, then?...anyway, this 02 shitshow is something that the whole lot of them will pay for - not me...that, i can tell gets a penny and from now on - those thieving, bullying tards will pay for the lot....MI5 knows the score and so do the doctors, i might add - remember stenson's alliance with whalley etc etc...and so one wonders what 'providence' has up its sleeve, for the whole lot of them - nowadays....seeing as the programs that run the future scripts protect me and not them i.e. as soon the tards attack - they get taken out...and in the most appalling ways....more laughter...go figure:

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