Friday 28 June 2024

 ....and what's new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?....well, something 'not good' about the ramsay/houghton crew....very bad indeed, according to BI online...something around trying to find a doctor, to section me again....and in relation to something that i had once said to that fake doctor at st james surgery, wash lane....remember how tomlinson 'n' his tards had wanted to pass her off as sicilian - to whit, they had piled up pizza boxes upon a shelf behind her undeniable 'proof', let us say - that she had to be italian etc was to ask her about them...she turned, looked at them and then ignored my question...heavily under mind control, at the time....anyway, the ramsay/houghton crew have apparently been looking through this rather long list of morrisons' product recall then code themselves in as the 'white rabbit' number...and yes, they appear to have colonised that former peter bruff ward, nowadays....more laughter....but you can only get in via 'special invitation', let us say....anyway, as far as i can see - this is all about winnie's mob-at-work....remember how they had wanted to take over the whole area....and so the R/H crew are an added attachment....regarding ed 'n' oscar etc etc...and why are they all still 'at it' - you might wonder?...well, potsy's idiotic attempt at being a 'genius' at maths - rather like tomlinson's (all doomed to failure - goes without saying) - is what their lives' work had been based upon and so they're all still going full-pelt etc etc...disgusting, isn't it....go figure:

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