Thursday 20 June 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...a movie that the holliday sisters had been hoping to program with - given their time in africa etc etc....anyway, what can i say about this film - except that 'magical realism' isn't the only genre etc etc...and at the risk of sounding first thoughts were....the best coming of age road movie, that i have ever seen...all others pale into insignificance etc etc...additionally, i would guess that sonia fisher et al....i.e. those who had been through something similar, let us say...would most probably share my view that in a parallel universe etc etc....regarding death lurking around every corner....e.g. that 1980 MI5 russian course...torture/trauma programming....remoteviewing/OBEs/ the back of a windowless unmarked van - driven by the SAS in drag, across the desert...and i had been only 16 years old, at the time - i might the next templar horrorshow and so yes, lots to identify with there....but it's no laughing matter, is it...although it did make me feel 'young' again....enough to think...if i were in that situation...i wouldn't waste my money on etc etc...i'd go in a large group, that had spent their money on then go on and shoot the local mafia, posing as police...make off with their cars...stopping now and take money from people on the way, eh - mcgowan?....and i think that is the point, here..about this film - you put yourself in the shoes of etc etc and you want them to succeed....go figure:

and yes, daldry had queried etc etc..."she must be making that up" but i hadn't been, had i? short, the SAS did use to dress up as 'islamic women', whilst driving across the desert....along the lines of....that they had initially thought that it wouldn't work but it had done, regarding checkpoints and so they were to continue etc etc....1980 MI5 russian course...prince phillip's approved 'around the world in 80 days' number and in relation to buller ("i am dr dolittle" etc etc)....i remember it well....and you wonder where obama and the CIA lab had got the idea from....regarding that 'saudi arabia' number....because it had got to be a 'british' idea - given the culture, hadn't it? american would have thought of"meet the boys, 'cos the boys are here, the boyz to entertain you"...some like it hot etc it goes, eh?....oh and in relation to hospitals....we were all taken there, for various injuries  - during that MI5 russian course....unless we were dead and 'stayed dead', let us say....a 'white' prerogative, eh? relation to the slave-driving classes and our slavery....although sometimes too late...remember clement power, along with one of gill' mates from school - and that fall from a negev desert cliff into the desert below?....and in relation to what they put clement through afterwards - a mangled leg etc etc...oh and gill's mate, having survived the fall etc etc....anyway, they got clement to hospital, too late.....he was left with a significant 'limp' for the rest of his life....and in terms of 'leg' injuries....i was to wake up in a swedish hospital to see the huge welts upon my legs and the stitching etc etc.....for the surgeon to then tell me that i was 'lucky' - they had nearly had to take off one leg....go figure.

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