Saturday 29 June 2024

 .....and what's flashbak on then, dazzlenation?...ah, i remember now...a friend of mine, was to tell me that i should give 'them' a clue, as to what i had seen....regarding ed bullard's moronic attempt to etc etc...."dancing on a pin", i was to yes, having given him a tiny bit of the briefest of overviews, i then walked away - leaving him to it etc etc...well, he'd asked for my help, hadn't he? was i to know that the tard would then go on to etc the hope of ''earning it by being evil' point of fact, ingabot was the one who had asked me, for him - to then relay it on to bullard, at his desk....whilst i watched from afar....and yes, i can see the burgeoning problem that the tards have created for themselves...not least - regarding the attempt to steal my knowledge and my skills....and yes, the results of their idiocy, are far-reaching....switzerland, israel etc etc.......see previous post....go figure:

oh and in relation to icecream colours/rainbow hut, dazzlenation....i was to cycle past a beach hut on the seafront...whilst heading up towards holland on sea from 24a....see previous notes regarding 'alma elliot doll' etc it goes, eh?

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