Thursday 20 June 2024

 ....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...well, we're back to richard branson, again....and yes, i can remember now...dr guy houghton had taken us to meet him - we were all very young  teenagers, at the time and so probably mid-70s...gill, myself, RH, simon lyons etc etc....branson was to talk about a certain computer hack that had enabled him to understand the whole system....he was also to tell us that starting up your own business, was really the only way to success in life....he then sympathised with gill...regarding his connection to me....i was that low upon the system...a the bottom, in point of fact...that despite being a mathematician, which might save me etc it goes, eh?...oh and who had  given him the start-up money....hmmm...£ you see what i mean about houghton?....anyway, roll on the decades....and rather like they had done with archer...bobby's mob were to attempt to recruit branson - upon the advice of the holliday that point in time - they were of the opinion that they were up against the CIA....sylvia and ed didn't mind a bit...the holliday family had it all worked out etc etc...they were all for going ahead....oscar was to point out that i would never guess because his 'pleiades' number would hide what they were up to etc etc....cielo and RH were of the opinion that their NSA connection would save the day i.e. all they had to do was to get the NSA to lie about me, to the CIA...and they had it in the bag etc etc...hmmm....and i begin to wonder why mcdonald had accepted buller's report upon myself at face value, in shanghai 2003....before learning that i was above him upon the FBI system - regarding security clearance etc etc...and what of branson?...well, he was to tell bobby's mob "i don't like it but i'll do it"...he then walked off and promptly spilt the beans upon the lot of them....and as it turns had been MI6 younger, who then told branson that they could still 'win', if they set me another 'future' test upon the timer system.....and guess what that might be?....remember the advice that i had given others, upon my network about '' email, in order to make it work properly?...advice that i had given, via my computer.....just before 9/11 hit, let us say....anyway, gill had been hitting me with every satanic mind control programming image that the sephardim had in their image banks, by that point in time - in that damp, ipswich bedsit....and so i then cut off every connection, to all that was 'satanic', let us say and reverted to using microsoft mail.......the CID were could i have deleted all of gill's emails without reading them....simple...they were just horrible images and texts...a 'chucky doll' number, if you like.....mcgowan then came round and he was 'the same way' but managed to accept it..."you didn't know what you were doing" etc etc...but i had didn't need that, in my life anymore...and yes, i'm talking about that NY beit din 'satanic marriage for one year' number, that i had previously had to go through....which is why i had escaped from NY in the first place - via that british F.O. link i.e. a certain house above ipswich park, that used to specialise in that sort of mind control slavery for this masonic cult...and so to cut a long story short, i now have to go through branson's tardy 'get-onto-virgin-net' or the like, again - to prove that i am 'clever' which would apparently prove that whatever they are running tardy 'DOS' machines are not...because that appears to be the game, at really think that i'm stupid, eh? desperate to prove that they are 'clever' if not 'geniuses' etc etc...all twirling round in circles, like sylvia and her brothers used to do...holding their fingers up and chanting, whilst jumping up and down....rather like downloading those sephardic rabbinical scum - from satellite, via rodway's connection....pogoing up and down, in a 'revery'...shnorrers etc etc....not that i want to sound anti-semitic, far from know how it is...and that is because one just has to tell it 'like it is', at the end of the day...rather than to invent it to suit one's purpose etc etc  - go figure.

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