Sunday 23 June 2024

 ....and what's new this monday morning, dazzlenation?...well, firstly i had a look at the overview, last night...of how my maths programs had unravelled the whole 'shitshow' that lisa had put together...a bit like a large ball of wool....with interconnecting 'bits' then saw every file and 'dropbox' emptied....nothing left....i.e. the satanic computer system upon which the cult runs...and so i'm happy....good job done....and what are you on, dazzlenation?...ah, one of emet's...and yes, he had also been behind the 'ants' number....having watched MI6 'tards' at work...those like lisa 'n' moore.....and yes, they used to ask their victims to research and then strongly imagine being a 'nightjar' or an 'ant' etc identify with whatever-it-was.....apparently it worked 'better' that way....and so what has emet got to say about MI6, this morning - regarding the engrossing 'novel'...and yes, he had once described MI6 as 'novel', with a grin.....hmmm....well, let me explain....sonia fisher was to tell me that she and younger would help out, after all of the help that i had given them....having formerly told them, all of those years ago now..."and then there'll be two big things - i can't do both...." sonia could see what the PO scandal would amount to but she had no idea about what i was to call a "mobile payment line - it's even bigger than" etc etc...which i would handle, myself - as a mathematician........and so yes, that's what we're onto now....anyway, fisher 'n' younger were to tell me that they would help by putting together a company called 'resolver'...a reference to that beatles' album 'revolver' and all of that 'hair' i.e. a networks reference.....and so what does resolver do?...well, having just tried it simply puts the body of your complaint into a formal letter format....a bit like what sonia and i, amongst others....used to teach our EFL to write a formal letter in english etc etc....and so i'm not 'happy' about their so-called 'help' so far, let us say....oh and having seen moore - still trying to screw with me, upon the networks...."perhaps this will work" he had told, it won' much more do you all want to lose etc etc....anyway, here's what i've been up to, this morning....go figure:

correspondence that i've kept over the past week...i keep all 02 correspondence:
...a new reply from O2:
...why about two months (in relation to a longstanding complaint) - regarding the following....seeing as the date of my complaint - which i had entered upon that site....was 06/06/2023 (remember those £30.13 overpayments?)....obviously the website isn't geared up to dealing with longstanding complaints that need further investigation...i.e. that 'resolver' agency, is simply an MI6 'sop' or 'front' - added as a link - upon the O2 website, in order to play for time...and might i add that having tried their 'ombudsman' link - that doesn't work either:

and now for the worst of it, 'sue' the care-manager at acorn villages ltd, was to broadcast the message upon all of her short, the templars are that bad....regarding what had happened to etc etc...after picking up her award - a certain woman, who had been so traumatised -after having been given the award and 'behind scenes', later on.... and by those who had given her the award, i might add etc etc...anyway, the footage had been horrendous....and that was 'why' - to cut a long story short - those like 'sue' began to believe, what they had formerly believed could not be possible....and yes, 'pink bombshell' had had an earpiece, in her ear, the other day...i.e. i had been 'heard' but was i believed?, i am believed - that is further information available, to protect those involved within this exposure...apart, from sonia fisher trying to explain..."that's what they're like - that's their culture" etc etc....go figure:

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