Wednesday 19 June 2024

 ....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?...more 'tard' stuff...and yes - apparently my interest in taking a break from blogging, might upset a few tards - and so tards had better sort O2 out, then - eh? 'humans' available - only an AI machine that 'grabs', available - at O2, nowadays, in terms of customer service......hmmm.....remember rodway and her 'grab both', number - whilst raiding combs PO office, in the mid-90s?...because the machine is still trying to 'grab' both ete etc....along with those further up the system, now using the old aliases of tards like rodway and the like, that have now gone onto a 'missing persons' list, or been 'trashed' - for, the following film is on the timer system....a film that i had seen a very long time ago, now but only recently released....2019?...more laughter....nota bene the 'peachy' colour, within a very russian film...go figure:

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