Friday 21 June 2024

 ....and what's new this friday evening, dazzlenation?...let me see...and so you want to know where the 'minute men' might be based? were to send me an email - enclosing an optional survey of their biznez.....from IFF....oh and i can remember fisher laughing "the 'iffy' company"....hmmmm....and according to sonia, it was apparently daldry's idea....but was it?...looks more like younger's to me etc etc....anyway, i can understand why sonia might have termed such a company 'iffy'....for example, look at 'auditing' in the NHS...where their real task appears to be how to make cuts (a bit like HR nowadays) rather than to improve the service etc etc...and another thing, so many global companies that specialise in 'consulting' - that type of thing - around nowadays....all could be used as 'fronts' etc etc.....go figure:,ik:CAoSLEFGMVFpcFBnYTFGcmFZMVRWU29iMDRHdllxSzV2M1NtMDZyM3FpV2RwT3h5

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