Sunday 30 June 2024

 .....and what's new this monday morning, dazzlenation?...well, i hadn't mentioned that potsy's program had been called 'leaves of the trees' - see previous post....go figure.

Additionally, we are now looking at the bush family - who used to live in talbot place....because i can remember the step-parents of that family telling sylvia that she was a fool to think that she could have her own children....they used to have quite a few...sometimes 6 or 8 etc etc....fostered or semi-adopted....despending upon the age and other factors, i any rate, at some point - cathy bush changed from 'chinese' to 'indian' at school, let us might ask marr et al, about it...seeing as he had made up a rhyme..."chinese, japanese, look at these" in two big 'tits' or melons (remember marr - setting a memory aid in the offices of the scotsman, london - decades later?)...let me try to remember - the surname of that couple had been something like mellor?....marr had seen a name like 'mell' around the place and so we were to make up names but he couldn't remember any rate, apart from 'cathy'....."i don't care how you spell it" she had once said, as if her name didn't matter....hmmm...not her real one....appears to have been the only one of the bunch who looked as if she had come from the east/far east...the rest were all northern european looking and of senior school age....oh and there's more....because rodway appeared to think that she had also been fostered by that couple....a zionist jooish number....petrol nell, too.....and that is when 'sir ian mills' had come up....looking at bit like dr guy houghton, in a way....same sort of grin etc etc...oh and remember 'andy' from rodway's gay prostitution gang and his 'youth protection' pantene haircare number?....and yes, i can remember now - whilst rodway had been staying there and for however brief or long a 'spell' - "we never have nice things"...and they didn't in the main i.e. she only had one doll (passed down by older children) - despite living in one of the best houses etc etc and going to very good schools - privately paid for....the step-parents didn't agree with all saints -it wasn't a good enough school but it would do until etc etc....anyway, the step-father had told his wife not to spoil them...they had to be brought up knowing etc etc....oh and toddy was to say that he thought some of the children were polish, at that point in time....anyway, marr's gang had gone round and i had gone with them....the only time that i can remember visiting...and i had sat on the sofa, beside rodway...trying to comfort her....hmmm...ended up doing that for most of my adult life...that sponging psychopath etc etc....i mean to say - she had gone on to run a gay prostitution gang, as a teenager - making money out of those in the same boat etc etc.....what a 'bad apple', eh?....anyway, i can see why her eldest adoptee had been so eager to be adopted by her...for example - he had wanted a family, to go out with  - and celebrate, after getting his degree...rodway was 'good' at that type of thing..."i'm so proud of them all" to anybody who would listen etc etc....oh and when i finally got my MA....not a word of praise from my own family...ingabot was even to sneer, why had i bothered etc it goes, eh?


and a bit of history, to add to the clump....remember toddy's house used to back onto a bombsite....additionally toddy had once laughed at the homemade plimsoll bags, for then do some anagrams of the a reminder....not the 'bush' family but the 'mills' family....MILL'S PLO...that had made him laugh....with a sidelong glance at PL for poland etc etc....go figure:
oh and if we're onto anagrams.....brenda 'n' emet had decided to use a truman capote story - jug of then create quite a few anagrams of JUGOFWATER and CAPOTE....and 'peter filgur' appears to be the man that emet had wanted to interview...a bit of a 'gru' number etc it goes, eh?

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