Friday 28 June 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, MI5 malcolm had feared the worst, let us say...regarding carney-lookalike-on-mobility-scooter's story about waking up in a beach-hut, to open the door and watch the waves....for the record - rimington et al, had dumped him in one, all of those years ago, now...after they had finished reprogramming him on peter bruff ward - to then thoroughly memory-dump him....and so he had needed a wake-up number, let us say - the other order to remember what had happened, to then etc etc.....anyway, back to malcolm...he had feared the worst, for elliot...presumably 'gone missing' and for some time, now....along the lines of 'alma-doll-in-beach-hut' or something like that....anyway the R/H crew had apparently known which 'rainbow' hut, it had been....well, they had figured that they 'knew'....whilst choosing the following, as a memory short, do you remember a sort of icecream colours/rainbow hut upon harwich front?....i used to cycle past it, en route from harwich to dovercourt, upon the seafront....go figure:,1.1122682,12z/data=!4m10!1m2!2m1!1sharwich+beach+huts!3m6!1s0x47d9714ddbc81495:0xcb5db816353d92de!8m2!3d51.9237426!4d1.269323!15sChJoYXJ3aWNoIGJlYWNoIGh1dHOSAQ9iZWFjaF9wYXZpbGxpb27gAQA!16s%2Fg%2F11fm4lk54h?entry=ttu


anyway, that 'rainbow hut' has long since disappeared i.e. been painted was quite a large of the first, to the right of the line etc etc...."the masons had said that it would be important" replies BI online...they had done, hadn't they?....anyway, take your pick:

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