Monday 17 June 2024

 ....hmmm....looks like they're all in trouble and for so many things, dazzlenation?....what if i were to take donna's advice and just walk away, eh?...what about going offline - regarding my dongle/internet access and not bothering to post anymore...remember - what i'm talking about is important not only to BI online but also the 'tards' before swine, regarding the, for my general might just be a good idea - to go 'offline' and take more walks by the more books etc etc...hmmm...i'm's under consideration.....just go 'offgrid' and enjoy the summer etc etc...i'll keep my talktalk telephone contract....less than a tenner, a month....that's all i need......hmmm...but that's not the way that i'm going to go, with this.....because i can see it all in a nutshell - in short, O2 are trying to do something extremely illegal and via contract law i.e. they think that they've got you over a barrel, as a customer....but they haven't...the basic outcome is this...if i don't contact them to cancel either of those those two mobile dongle aliases, again and i can see that they've kept them both going upon their site - in order to extort as much as they can etc contracts broken - therefore they will have to provide me with their service and for they sort it out, as far as i am concerned...and so they can send all sorts of bullshit threats but that is what it amounts to...i don't break a contract - they have to supply the service and i don't make another payment until they've sorted it out....more laughter...and yes, using the internet for other things, for my own enjoyment rather than posting upon my blog - during the summer, might be a really good idea etc etc....and i won't have to pay a penny....oh and if O2 cuts me off...then it is they who are breaking the so i envisage 'no payment' until whenever...probably for another 2 years...i mean to say - will they ever get round to dealing with my complaints?'s been nearly a year, now...go figure:

and yes, i can see from the following case - you don't want to keep your direct debit facility going when O2 are going to do the following i.e. only pay back half of £3000 after going through a small claims to nip it in the bud and refuse to pay until they sort it out....oh and they can take me to court if they like, for all i care and at their expense, i might add - not as they know...i will it goes, eh?

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