Wednesday 19 June 2024

 ....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, we're off back to combs order to have a look at a couple of of which appears to have been owned by jeremy clayton....'little corner' in relation to the 'beehive inn'....hmmm....something around uncle bobby 'n' michael realising that the resident 'witch' of the local village...apparently called 'ninian' according to grandma clayton..."it's a boy's name" etc etc...."BBC equipment" replies BI online...well, they obviously broke in, at some point in 'ninian' had once done at hill house combs, accompanied by 'stan', in relation to 'vugri' and its inhabitants...i am somewhat reminded of rodway and her 'borrowers' tale..."we're only borrowing - we'll pay it all back"...what a lie, eh?...additionally and in relation to mark r and mcdonald....and this is where it gets really silly....they had programmed in grandma's stuff in the bathroom....including the 'pu-mice'/'pum-i-cite'....the loofah (a pun around 'lucifer') etc relation to their 'starlight express'...a bit of a cosmic number?...not to mention david miliband programming his cat alter in as a 'puma' etc etc...oh and chinese intelligence had made themselves known - via jeremy clayton....who had given grandma a chinese 'sleep' mask....she had also been given advice about chinese medicine....regarding pumice treatments  for gall bladder cancer etc etc....anyway, 'ninian' appears to have cut a sort of 'baba yaga' figure, in the village....reminding me of an elderly morrison's assistant, let us say.....a bit like rimington crossed with libby golby...more laughter...oh and yes, all of this country folk/fairytale biznez had been right up hughes' street, too..remember her love of etc etc....hmmm...let me guess....mark r as 'gonff' the mouse thief with what looks rather like a large 'egg' on his back etc etc?....anyway, who had been behind the following 'vugri' story?...i sense the hand of the marines, let us say....remember the squirrels and the nuts etc etc......go figure:'s_Cave,_Glasserton,_Wigtownshire.jpg


mark r had programmed his alien alter in as 'zeep':
and there's another address that you might like to check out, too...presumably where ninian's cottage used to be or something like that:
....and yes, hughes hadn't been able to get at the colour scheme that bobby's mob had been using...coded in by jeremy....go figure:

along with shades of 'black star' satanic oil cult coupled with ramsay's 'blind' programming...oh and what about the spare bed and bedcover in grandma's bathroom....not to mention rimington as 'lily the pink' etc etc...lots of possible references, here....and all so subtle etc etc....go figure:

along with a workdesk/table that looks like it's had a chunk taken out of it....nota bene the maths tables....because bobby's mob had figured that something would go wrong, later

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