Tuesday, 11 June 2024

 ....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, we're still on rodway in that brooklyn house 'carehome'....and that is because i can remember now....french intelligence had known that she was lying and still 'on the make' despite being rather incapacitated etc etc...."so did everybody else" replies BI online....hmmm....which is why ingabot then donned the white 'columbo' mack....a white applemac - satanic sisterhood reference?....combined with a detective reference....along with what appears to be the same colour of phone, that rodway 'alma doll' had used, whilst at that carehome....hmmm....reminds me of that tampered-with-laptop, that i had bought so many years ago now - at argos...to swiftly return it  because it had somebody else's phone number recorded upon it....rodway then turned up - aghast to find out that i no longer had it in my possession and so 'quick march' to argos in order to retrieve it etc etc....anyway, in relation to MI5 evans at that carehome and the aftermath....he was to say of nigella lawson..."she'll do it - if she wants to see her again"....as in her real daughter, apparently...the plot thickens, eh?....in short, nigella and pat andrew had helped out, before the event....telling the family that they would be behind the scenes - watching whoever turned up to etc etc....at the memorial....and yes, it was a replay of the one that potsy had put them through, as a rehearsal - so many years ago now.....anyway, i think that it is terribly brave of them all - to manage to get through such an ordeal....and so if one may....repeat what i had said earlier about sylvia, in a previous post....it is all about tenacity....tenir....holding on....because that is sometimes, the only thing that you can do, to stay afloat....to have the strength of mind to just keep on going etc etc....although, having seen the latest comments left and sonia fisher was to admit that she had written some of them....to then tell me "they're monsters but you love them"....hmmm...no doubt, she was referring in the main, to her relationship with mark vizard..."twisted up by the cult"....anyway, i 'get' her point.....hmmmm...it 's so easy to love somebody like grandma clayton - who had tried to do the right thing, all of her life...even if she took the wrong way about it....such as doing sylvia's 11 plus maths paper for her and etc etc....whereas, it is a terrible shock, when somebody who has often behaved 'monstrously' is taken from you....love is a funny thing, isn't it....it sets up all sorts of conflicts in your mind....unresolved etc etc....upon a lighter vein....it is rather like how people love to watch 'villains'...such as those in the comedy series 'absolutely fabulous'....but as joanna lumley had said...nobody should emulate them - they are bad people doing wicked things etc etc....it is a credit to sylvia, that she was much loved...whereas rodway had not been....a pale imitation, let us say....anyway, upon the note of 'stop the clocks' etc etc....oscar had told me that it had been mentioned at around 55 minutes through the video but i didn't catch 'that one'....hmmm....anyway, as far as that scene in 'four weddings and a funeral' goes...the simple beauty and grace of both sophie and beatrice - in relation to their musical talents....struck me as being far more poignant and profound....no private CCTV opera, let us say...and if the music biznez was watching....i'd say with a bit of coaching, those two could quite easily go on to be....off the top of my head - the next simon and garfunkel etc etc?....anyway, back to rodway at brooklyn house - she had admitted to going in to see dr jenny ramsay, now and then..."but she wasn't much help" rodway had tittered....'wicked witch' alter, time etc etc....really?....wasn't it sophie who had 'read' the situation for pat 'n' nigella....regarding what rodway had programmed ramsay with - evans?..."netanyahu's doll"...as in rodway...and that is what this has all been about, at bottom level - hasn't it?....go figure:

ah, that was it....what french intelligence had wanted me to remember....tenir la dragée haute: to confront resolutely (a stronger party).....i can remember simon lyons telling RH "stop it, hump!" etc etc....after he had told me the following.....the irresistible force meets the immovable object...and yes, we're back to maths 'n' physics again.....oh and ramsay had told me that sylvia was like a 'sponge' that 'grabs' - regarding anything i could teach her and in relation to....hmmm...firstly 'negative space'...once i had condensed it into easily understandable 'chunks', let us say-  to later on etc etc:
hmmm...oscar might need to remember something around the following - regarding his numb feet....not necessarily just 'cold feet' programming...because rodway had something else, up her sleeve:
and in relation to sylvia....rodway had given her the following...'hang tough'...'withstand the weather' etc etc:
hmmm....isn't that what human nature, is all about - dazzlenation?...a mass of contradictions...i used to say that to CF, who was quite an extreme example of etc etc and for whatever reasons..."you're a mass of contradictions"....and he would immediately agree:

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