....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?....not that i want to make too much of this but anyway....why did 'uncle bobby' think it important to include the following, to camera - after a quick confab with 'uncle michael' whilst wearing 'lennon' shades, let us say...."driving glasses" replies BI online....oh and i can remember the conversation at a programming event - with pat et al....where 'uncle michael' had told them all that he would mention the 'seven bells'...when asked if it were a masonic reference and what it meant...he simply replied that it would do the trick....hmmm...he actually remarks upon 'seven brothers' along with 'pull the other one, it's got bells on'....lol....anyway, the following reminds me of those reports....a locked drawer in which admin's typed copy was kept which was then carefully and painstakingly handwritten - you've got to laugh, haven't you?...anyway - perhaps 'uncle bobby' figures that it is time to come clean about 'all of that' etc etc?....go figure:
oh and what's this 'live stream', all about?
...anyway, the 'tards' have got going again and like nothing else - disgusting, eh?
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