Tuesday, 11 June 2024

 ...and what else, dazzlenation?....oh dear - the 'tards' have sprung into action again...how disgusting, eh.....regarding the latest abuse 'in comments' - sent to my blog....anyway, what else can i say about it all - except that i can now remember what had happened at brooklyn house.....rodway had indeed been 'gaga' whilst resident there....her adoptees were to turn up....oh and french intelligence also paid a call...to find out what the mossad had been up to...too late to stop what they were doing through O2, at the time and in the UK but it would all work out, in the end etc etc..."michael moseley had been involved" replies BI online....you don't say..."a french joke on the system"...oh you mean that unexpected encounter upon the beach?...lol....see previous post regarding that MUBI movie 'stranger by the lake' etc etc....anyway, french intelligence were to 'tilt' the norwegian christmas tree, let us say...to then box it, along with jenny ramsay's 'black cat' figurine...."black swan"...and a black umbrella...and yes, they had asked me if i knew what ramsay's 'slip stream' was all about...and yes, i had known what to do about that....MI5 evans then laughed that he now knew what it was all about and that at his end - the HSBC and other interested parties, let us say - would sort it out etc etc....go figure:

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