Monday 17 June 2024

 ....and the 'tard' response to 'all of that', dazlenation?...see previous post...hmmm...let me see....barely coherent and quite obviously 'raving' figure:

anyway, i've had footage back of ingabot - run by the holliday family...firstly telling nigella that "possession is nine tenths of the law"....something that uncle bobby was fond of quoting...and yes, we're talking 'slavery' here etc etc........oh and ingabot subsequently demanded payment....see previous notes upon MI5 evans and nigella lawson...."she will, if she wants to see her daughter again" etc etc.....anyway, nigella has now spilled the beans upon the lot of them...."including the whole corrupt system" replies BI online....see previous posts...possession is 9/10's of the law, eh?...what a laugh...guess what had inspired my latest email to it goes, eh?

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