Tuesday, 11 June 2024

 ....and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, the 'signatures' involved in the following comments left upon my blog - orginated from the 'Met' i.e. CID mcgowan et al...disgusting 'tardy' trash, as usual, eh?....go figure:

...oh, and the following movie, was upon the timer system - courtesy of french intelligence....and yes, i can remember judith elliot, within a private viewing etc etc...laughing her way through etc etc...."is that supposed to mean....?" ....a reference to campestre et al, whom french intelligence had not trusted etc etc to the answer 'no', campestre and his friends might have, well, actually had done but anyway etc etc but that was not the point....the point had been the vulnerability of those men 'cruising' etc etc....er...and so what can anybody make of the latest clump to come up?...additionally, a photobooth in morrison's was to feature a kate middleton-lookalike with shorter hair....bobbed below her chin.....hmmm....remember what MI5 used to do with photo-booths, like that and from their earliest inception into public life...."photos of the dead" replies BI online...more than that...those that they had 'taken care of', let us say....put up, as a warning to others..the middleton sisters, had been 'trump' slaves...programmed as 'hor-sis' etc etc....hmmm...and if that is the case, what about 'pippa' - protected by peter mandelson, no less - as one of his favourite 'hor-sis'....go figure:


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