Tuesday, 11 June 2024

 ....and what's new this tuesday evening, dazzlenation? Well, having finally got in touch with an O2 US team, on my phone - this morning etc etc....they have told me that they'll sort it all out - probably
in 48 hours....shocked to learn upon the system that nobody had answered any of my complaints and for so long...anyway, they then gave me a reference number and so that's all going through now....thank God....oh and might I add that the last team, i had been in contact with - regarding backing from the HSBC bank, in relation to 'fraud'....had been in india....all very helpful and concerned - regarding what O2 in this country, has been up to....and what else?...well, oscar told me - the other evening, that somebody had filmed the memorial and that he would send me the link....sad to see so much 'strain' upon RH's face...but then it must have been excessively stressful...i'm looking a bit like that too, nowadays....lol...additionally, his face is reminding me of the only surviving photograph of captain gyde (SOE affiliate) aka 'scott mackay' according to MI5 - who had been one of their's, during WWII - undercover at heinemann's etc etc...but then hanni had once said that RH looked so much like him...MI5 evans was to laugh that captain gyde's photo reminded him of hitler.....and well, he had been known as a 'practical joker' and so it was highly likely that he had dressed up for the part etc etc.......back to the memorial...oh and after hearing that Ed was unable to attend because he had contracted ulcerative COVID....i was to wonder how oscar had survived, within such a maelstrom....he replied that "you just get through it - somehow"....and what else?...well, remember MI5 whalley's research into that whole 11 plus number?....lol...a very funny story that was presumably a bit too risque - for a memorial....in short, I had once asked sylvia about a very simple quadratic equation - having started that O' level course at langley seniors...she had no idea, at all and freely admitted that physics at school, had gone over her head - too...however, chemistry had been her 'thing' etc etc...ingabot had the same problem with maths....and despite having tried to tutor her through it....once i had shown her that the answers were in the back of her coursebook and so she could check back, every time she had finished a question...she then simply copied them out - regarding her homework....and refused to attempt to understand what i had been trying to teach etc etc...and what else?...well, is that 'guy houghton's voice in the background?...talking about where the toilets are etc etc....because oscar was apparently unable to find either him, his wife 'jenny ramsay' or children - upon a recent search etc etc...and what else?...."nigella" replies BI online....yes, a bit of a lookalike number but let's not get into that, at present..."on the tannoy"...so the daughter is one of her sprogs?..and ingabot is acting as if she were 'nigella' - how very odd....anyway - sylvia playing the organ at midnight?...lol....that's a funny story that i'd never heard about her time at st felix etc etc....oh and the 'circus' is then mentioned - regarding a date?...lol....and what else?...the story of the white audi...how true...all the men used to laugh at sylvia because it was seen as a 'male privilege', in those days etc etc.....and now let's get onto uncle bobby lookalike....songs in german?.....hmmm....more than a hint, eh....etc etc...oh and then we're onto daleks and 'exterminate'?....lol...what was that, all about etc etc...anyway, the thing that strikes me most about the memorial is that as RH says...."indomitable will"....well, i don't know if he phrased it precisely like that but anyway....'stubborn streak'?....lol....she had the tenacity to bulldoze through etc etc...where few women had gone before....and was indeed, a great collector...her collection of edwin app's paintings was a thing of wonder, let us say....marvellously funny....and what else?...well, uncle michael appears to have shrunk somewhat...lol...anyway, he also exhibits a certain 'anxiety' let us say...around that 11 plus exam....given so much 'import', let us say...and so it's a pity that whalley's research wasn't allowed to enter the picture etc etc...oh and what was that about 'seven brothers'....remember that film used in split-brain programming....seven brides for seven brothers...not to mention a sidelong glance at snow white etc etc....and then we're onto middleton and what had happened to caroline lucas, upon that public health course - regarding a date with uncle michael etc etc.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'...and to cut to the end....as oscar had said...a wonderful performance by the grandchildren - regarding taylor swift's song 'marjorie' etc etc...a fitting tribute to female tenacity?.....go figure:


what a maelstrom, eh?...hmmm....remember the colour of the frontdoors of brooklyn house etc etc....go figure:

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