Monday, 10 June 2024

 .....and what's new upon my reddit homepage, dazzlenation?...a photo (or something very like it) that SC had once sent very odd - to come across it, again....after so long....anyway, remember how he had once claimed to have seen the whole of time....including the dinosaur period etc and there are those, who are still waiting for an explanation....more laughter....see comments etc etc....go figure:

anyway, so whatever it fell off the display case and er....SC then tried to put it back together?...along with a sidelong glance at japanese macaques and cats on their er....trilobite bed, let us say?....hmmm....something around lisa and her love of all things a bit 'trilobite' e.g. woodlice, armadillos etc etc...go figure:

hmmm....reminding me very slightly of a dalek, in a very alternate etc


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