Thursday, 6 June 2024

 .....and what's new this thursday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i have been advised to cancel that 02 direct debit until they agree to come to the table....since they are quite obviously acting illegally....add to that - they were even to send me an email regarding that £30.13 direct debit monthly - telling me that somebody had accessed my direct debit illegally and then refused to investigate it, bizarrely enough - despite repeated requests to do so and from late 2023....and so let me see...i could simply cancel the direct debit but if there is a contract, then I might need to do something else, instead...such as ask the bank to refuse payments until O2 has come to the table....which O2 are not doing, at present....ignoring every email and since late 2023...okay, so firstly i need to ask the bank to do a refund upon all of those £30.13 payments which were about £10 over the amount agreed by contract....and then i need to ask them to refuse payment of that £52.27 for this month until O2 have come to the table about 'all of the rest of it'....and if O2 are not compliant by that stage....i will simply close down my account and go elsewhere - obviously i will ignore all bullshit about having to close down two accounts and contracts - i will simply not pay and if they want to take me to court....they will lose....go figure:

...and so let me see...i shall word it along the following lines:

Upon the 7th of June 2024 - I am going to ask for a refund for every single fraudulent direct debit of £30.13 and since late 2023.

I am also going to ask my bank to refuse payment of £52.27 pm until O2 comes to the table.

This means that I have not broken any contract and if O2 wants to take me to court, it can do so but it will lose - seeing as i am in receipt of an email from O2 telling me that somebody had accessed my direct debit and illegally - from their side but refused to follow up with an investigation.

I will not pay another penny until all of my questions have been answered satisfactorily.

If they are not answered and to my satisfaction - then O2 will have lost yet another customer.

This is your final warning.
....and to recap upon what's been going on...go figure:

6th of june - 2023
£21.67 june bill - after i had asked for the expiry date of my mobile phone contract and then told O2 that i didn't want to renew it, before it had expired - far too expensive to keep up both my mobile and dongle etc bill then went down to £21.67...i had been corresponding with 'louise garnett' from complaints, at the time.

28th of july - 2023
£30.13 july bill then jumped to the above, and for no apparent reason, garnett repeatedly ignored my questioning of it.

30th of march - 2024
O2 then debited the above and until march of the following year.

28th of april - 2024
....after requesting an upgrade to a £20 package - my bill looked 'right' for april 2024

28th of may - 2024
and then look at what happened, last month!....anyway, tomorrow - i should have about £70 back in my account and for all of those £30.13 direct debits...given the difference between that june and july bill 2023....unless of course, the bank takes back the whole lot until O2 should frighten payment stopped until 02 decides to correct its 'internal system error' let us say - regarding my latest bill etc it goes ,eh?

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