Thursday, 6 June 2024

 ...and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?....well, firstly we begin with the D-day landings because it is quite important as a context for something that MI6 younger et al, had figured would 'do' in order to reframe his satanic 'tard-force' as latterday heroes and heroines of an WWIII number that he had been trying to 'manage' etc etc...."unsuccessfully" replies BI with me, upon 'this one':

next up - remember what had happened at that vieilley chateau when mike sutton and wife-to-be came to call, for the day....more laughter....and yes, in retrospect - i 'get' what had happened there, short, that drainage team and french police forensics team....had decided to let oscar 'n' sylvia off of the hook....because the body that sutton had put down the septic tank....nota bene - sutton had been a 'top gun' at IBM, with a flat in paris - at that point in time....and the body had belonged to his rival, who had been competing for the same top job.....and well, oscar 'n' sylvia were let off the hook because the body had been so decomposed that the murder must have happened before they had moved into that chateau....hmmm....the police team hadn't known who had dumped it there, at the time....and so i put it to you - dazzlenation....what if where sutton had formerly hidden the body - had become a liability....a risk...and so he'd had to move it....a few years down the line?...because then the time frame would fit.

and what else?....well, i was recently sent footage of what the bullard family et al....had got up to at a certain chateau in france....and yes, it's septic tank time, again....oh and a little bird tells me that it was potsy and his 'tards' i.e. ingabot 'n' ed who went down into it....i have as yet to gain verification of precisely 'who' because the footage was at night and therefore it was too difficult to see etc etc...go figure.

and what else?....well, this is all about rodway 'n' her tardy adoptees...first up - the blond one who was to become her 'eldest son'....i.e. the one who had sold me the first contract that i was to have, with O2 and for a dongle - 28/02/2019. Having checked the contract....this is what had been typed:

Dealer ID: frgp06 (hmmm...looks like a zero but could have been a capital 'O')
Dealer Code: FR04007
Sales Person: JoeyNaylor@frgp06 (again - looks like a zero but could have been a capital 'O' - anyway, i was to search for that email 'company' find nothing on google....with a zero or with a capital 'O' for that matter.)

...i then remembered one of the police - on the case, at the time - laughing 'frog gestapo' - regarding the above and then saying that he had been misleading....because it wasn't exactly about that, now - was it etc etc?....and yes, he had been referencing 'george millar' - SOE veteran, who had talked about leaving nazi bodies in that septic tank (vieilly chateau)- telling oscar that he hoped that it had been cleaned out by now....go figure:
 This journey was recorded in Isabel and the Sea (1948). In Road to Resistance (1979) he records that while their boat was in Paris he received a summons from General Charles de Gaulle who had read Maquis and had taken the trouble on a trip in the area to detour to the village of Vieilley where Millar had been based.

....and there's more, as there usually is....i was then to remember footage of younger telling rodway's eldest step-son...that he would code it all in - regarding younger's first surname - whilst at all saints' primary school....which had been 'taylor', rodway had told her eldest step-son to "nail her" as in myself - walking into O2 pier avenue shop etc etc....whereas younger was to tell him that when i contacted him via email....really?...what email address would i have done that with etc etc.....see above....that he would have to get in touch with younger that younger could stop etc etc....and yes, younger had known that a 'septic tank' number had been in the offing, let us say. up, i then had a look for 'joey naylor' to find the following....go figure:

joseph naylor and john gutteridge?....hmmm...wasn't what i was after - exactly...until the following came up upon a google search....a pic that younger had chosen to etc etc...regarding 'john gutteridge sykes'...and then we're back to war memorials etc et...full circle:
oh and the following had been used as a reference've guessed it...septic tanks:

and then there's more - as there invariably is....i.e. more 'tardy' filth - thrown at me, as a result...disgusting, aren't they?....go figure:

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