Thursday, 6 June 2024

.....and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?...well, a little bird tells me that lots of 'hilarious' things went on at a certain location in france but more on that later....and yes, the footage had been really ne sais quoi etc etc....anyway, what has come up 'in triangles/diagrams', recently?....well, in short - i was to remember why i had immediately recognised 'something-was-up' and told emet, immedately...."there's something there" - upon his 'grey' what could it have been?....first up - lisa's mob and their cut 'n' paste jobs, of my work....or perhaps what i had left out for the 'visser' mob, at dartington etc any rate - i 'knew' what it relation to my area of research etc etc - but couldn't immediately identify etc, emet couldn't see it...all he could see was a 'clear' screen and so ignored my warning/advice and then went ahead....having figured that whatever-it-was...whatever-he-had, regarding US military resources etc etc - would do the biznez....."obviously it didn't" replies BI, it didn't....and i can now remember 'why'.....stenson's program - had been set by a team at solihull 6th form college....a team that had included myself, as the mathematician - along with ben stenson, sara(h) crow(e), and michael short, those who appeared to be 'like me', according to them and sympathetic to those like myself, who unlike them - had not been relegated to that abject 'slave' system of prince phillip's satanic cult....and yes, they had laughed about...."wicked stepmother" as in 'mossad sylvia doll' upon the system - how could anybody put up with that etc etc...anyway, they were all 'under wraps' etc brief, just like the CIA/mob at green tower....they hadn't agreed with a paedo-cannibal cult of class A drug addicts worshipping 'satan' etc etc....although upfront, of course - they had and therefore had to 'act' the part....whereas, i had not etc etc....and to cut a long story short - the maths, that i had put in, to uphold their program put in - early 80s....was something that i had devised to stop toddy and caroline hughes....the glorification of toddy's 'doll' i.e. hughes...upgraded from 'inputter-of-the-maths' to 'mathematician' status.....and yes, i had known from the late 60s onwards - what toddy's plans for caroline had been....a 'cabal' of children...helping caroline to be her 'best' etc etc....michael richardson's gang....all being groomed by todd, to constellate around me - force me to do the 'maths' - so that they could live 'the dream' - whilst i was left's mob sneering "you're the little match girl" etc etc....all climbing upon my back....something that i had known would happen and since 8 years old....whilst on a computer online...doing what i could and in relation to what i knew about order to fight it goes, eh?

....anyway, the above might be a reminder of what the 'party room' down the science corridor of solihull 6th form might have looked sarah crow had said "leave it all as, as it is"...the 'tards' then came in and took photos...including the 'in triangles' diagram...."woolly bully" was the next thing, that i was to hear about 'that one'....more laughter...alison stoner, at essex....and the overall view?...well, working on the assumption that you leave so many clues - including 'newspaper hats' to the 'tards' to decipher - least of which had been an 'in triangles' diagram...i.e. had started the whole thing off, in the hands of 'tards' who really didn't understand a thing.....not one figure.

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